I'm trying to write something, promise. These past couple of weeks have really been @.@
Random Encounters.
04/22/2011 05:09 AMPosted by NozzThese past couple of weeks have really been @.@
I feel you, girl! Removing real life stuff from the equation, between all the RP, the oBoards posts, the WP stuff, and getting going in raid again... it's been wild, chica! x3
And just today? Two pieces to tie together something in-game, and I still have one for Genna to shift her into place. AND I still owe Rathic RP and I owe Byrond a reply here on the boards. >.<
*grumbles something about needing to stretch time*
We need coffee, Nozz. And doughnuts! And cookies!
Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/22/2011 6:38 AM PDT
04/22/2011 08:24 AMPosted by SarielynBless the gnome's heart, she obliged. But, I got to the cookies already, Bells. I think I left a few crumbs, though...
I am disappoint. >:O
*trudges off for more coffee*
C'mon, folks! Stories! I wanna read these! :D
Still waiting to get the encounter for the number I chose. I haven't seen Anainn online in a couple days. I miss that little bundle of giggles.
And just today? Two pieces to tie together something in-game, and I still have one for Genna to shift her into place. AND I still owe Rathic RP and I owe Byrond a reply here on the boards. >.<
*grumbles something about needing to stretch time*
We need coffee, Nozz. And doughnuts! And cookies!
Take your time, I've been super bonkers busy here and my head is on the prone of exploding due to a RL friend who can't learn the difference between Srs Bsns and Jokes. I swear if I see him in college again, I'll strap a C4 in his bag. <_<
Also, Anainn's told us she's been held back in RL and will be back A.S.A.P.
Edited by Byrond on 4/23/2011 3:32 AM PDT
[[#37 You have been charged with the task of delivering a very important message.]]
"I don't think you understand. I'm not an ambassador anymore."
"No, Ms. Tappet. You do not understand."
The slow smirk stopped curling. Nozz straightened to her full three feet and two inches, one hand smoothing down the front of her black robes while the other tugged on the brim of her witch's hat. The clockwork eye's sapphire aura burned.
"Do. Enlighten. Me." Each word was punctuated by a small puff of white.
"This is very urgent ..." Annoyance crept into the man's voice. "I cannot deliver this message as quickly as someone of your ... talent could. Please." The last word was barely audible, yet louder than the rest.
They were standing along the side of the major road that led through the Western Plaguelands. What was once blighted earth now bloomed with life, and the sight of Andorhal's reconstruction was a stone's throw away. Nozz made a point of looking back and forth along the road before turning her attention on the human.
"Don't you think this is just a little odd?"
Exasperation. The man stepped forward and shoved the scroll case at her. "The Slaughtered Lamb. Hastin. He will be waiting."
The man spun around and ran. Hard. And then he stopped. It looked almost comical to Nozz's eyes, as if someone somewhere had pressed a cosmic "stop" button. The mist of red that suddenly haloed the human wasn't as shocking as it should have been, and when he slumped dead to the ground, Nozz wasn't entirely surprised.
She opened the scroll case and studied the message because, well ... some things you can never forget how to read no matter how hard you try.
Nozz stepped through the portal to Stormwind and into the Wizard's Sanctum. She remembered the ring she'd given to Malfos, mostly because the thin scar along her left forearm burned. The ring had been more than just a morbid expression of sentimentality. In moments like these, it served as a reminder that she could no longer do things the old way ...
She approached Maginor Dumas, who was busy talking to a student, and inserted herself between the two.
"There's something incredibly urgent I need your help with. Whether or not you care to get the Stormwind guard involved is something I leave to your discretion."
A hush fell over the room as all eyes turned on the gnome. Nozz heard her name, "elves," and "mailbox" whispered. She pushed up the hat, both natural and clockwork eyes twinkling, and offered up the scroll case.
"Some poor fool made a mistake in his choice of messenger service."
Dumas read over the message, in between frequently glancing at the gnome.
"If it's all the same," Nozz began, "I'll stay here. You can put me under watch if you'd like." A dangerous smile began to form. "It's for the best I not accompany you. I don't suffer cultists."
Maginor Dumas nodded once. Nozz was escorted to a small desk where she was allowed to sit and wait. She passed the time by smoking on her pipe, practicing on various smoke shapes.
By Nozz's judgment, one hour, twenty three minutes, and two seconds passed before Dumas and his entourage returned. He knelt before the gnome and extended his hand. "I owe you an apology, Ms. Tappet. And a thank you."
She eyed him up and down and snorted. "Am I free to go?"
Dumas looked taken aback. "Yes."
"Good, because I've forgotten how much I detest rats." Nozz shoved her way past those gathered and left the tower, anxious to get back home ...
"I don't think you understand. I'm not an ambassador anymore."
"No, Ms. Tappet. You do not understand."
The slow smirk stopped curling. Nozz straightened to her full three feet and two inches, one hand smoothing down the front of her black robes while the other tugged on the brim of her witch's hat. The clockwork eye's sapphire aura burned.
"Do. Enlighten. Me." Each word was punctuated by a small puff of white.
"This is very urgent ..." Annoyance crept into the man's voice. "I cannot deliver this message as quickly as someone of your ... talent could. Please." The last word was barely audible, yet louder than the rest.
They were standing along the side of the major road that led through the Western Plaguelands. What was once blighted earth now bloomed with life, and the sight of Andorhal's reconstruction was a stone's throw away. Nozz made a point of looking back and forth along the road before turning her attention on the human.
"Don't you think this is just a little odd?"
Exasperation. The man stepped forward and shoved the scroll case at her. "The Slaughtered Lamb. Hastin. He will be waiting."
The man spun around and ran. Hard. And then he stopped. It looked almost comical to Nozz's eyes, as if someone somewhere had pressed a cosmic "stop" button. The mist of red that suddenly haloed the human wasn't as shocking as it should have been, and when he slumped dead to the ground, Nozz wasn't entirely surprised.
She opened the scroll case and studied the message because, well ... some things you can never forget how to read no matter how hard you try.
Nozz stepped through the portal to Stormwind and into the Wizard's Sanctum. She remembered the ring she'd given to Malfos, mostly because the thin scar along her left forearm burned. The ring had been more than just a morbid expression of sentimentality. In moments like these, it served as a reminder that she could no longer do things the old way ...
She approached Maginor Dumas, who was busy talking to a student, and inserted herself between the two.
"There's something incredibly urgent I need your help with. Whether or not you care to get the Stormwind guard involved is something I leave to your discretion."
A hush fell over the room as all eyes turned on the gnome. Nozz heard her name, "elves," and "mailbox" whispered. She pushed up the hat, both natural and clockwork eyes twinkling, and offered up the scroll case.
"Some poor fool made a mistake in his choice of messenger service."
Dumas read over the message, in between frequently glancing at the gnome.
"If it's all the same," Nozz began, "I'll stay here. You can put me under watch if you'd like." A dangerous smile began to form. "It's for the best I not accompany you. I don't suffer cultists."
Maginor Dumas nodded once. Nozz was escorted to a small desk where she was allowed to sit and wait. She passed the time by smoking on her pipe, practicing on various smoke shapes.
By Nozz's judgment, one hour, twenty three minutes, and two seconds passed before Dumas and his entourage returned. He knelt before the gnome and extended his hand. "I owe you an apology, Ms. Tappet. And a thank you."
She eyed him up and down and snorted. "Am I free to go?"
Dumas looked taken aback. "Yes."
"Good, because I've forgotten how much I detest rats." Nozz shoved her way past those gathered and left the tower, anxious to get back home ...
Alright! I'm going to play catch up now! Sorry for being late with responses. My laptop kept giving me this nasty script error that froze up my computer in the worst way!
Forward Ho!
Tripsy: #9 You have been gnome-napped!
Aeralynn: #11 Someone has stolen your most prized possession.
Norzikk: #32 You are being watched carefully by someone.
Bowe: (How do you pronounce that? Because I went to Bow-e, as in David Bowie) #47 You have someone you've never met before claiming to be a relative.
Genny: #3 You meet someone who looks eerily like someone from your past.
Skandradon: #50 You come a cross an injured solider of the alliance!
Celinthia: #18 While you're reading, something begins talking to you. Lo! and behold, it's whatever you're reading!
Meteorus: #17 You have a reoccurring dream about your past.
Aeviercy: #2 You've turned a civilian into a sheep, causing a bit of a riot.
Conterra: #29 You have come across an unmarked burial site,
Byrond: #28 You may have come across a new species on your ventures! Kill it or bring it back alive?
Kiuas: #32 You are being accused of a war crime!
And yes Kali, you can pick another one!
Holy hannah, these are getting harder to come up with. O'well.
Forward Ho!
Tripsy: #9 You have been gnome-napped!
Aeralynn: #11 Someone has stolen your most prized possession.
Norzikk: #32 You are being watched carefully by someone.
Bowe: (How do you pronounce that? Because I went to Bow-e, as in David Bowie) #47 You have someone you've never met before claiming to be a relative.
Genny: #3 You meet someone who looks eerily like someone from your past.
Skandradon: #50 You come a cross an injured solider of the alliance!
Celinthia: #18 While you're reading, something begins talking to you. Lo! and behold, it's whatever you're reading!
Meteorus: #17 You have a reoccurring dream about your past.
Aeviercy: #2 You've turned a civilian into a sheep, causing a bit of a riot.
Conterra: #29 You have come across an unmarked burial site,
Byrond: #28 You may have come across a new species on your ventures! Kill it or bring it back alive?
Kiuas: #32 You are being accused of a war crime!
And yes Kali, you can pick another one!
Holy hannah, these are getting harder to come up with. O'well.
Tip o' the hat to Anainn for starting one of the funnest threads on this forum.
85 Blood Elf Priest
I've had a dream about this but it was the other way around! Anywhoo, Story time.04/23/2011 07:22 AMPosted by AnainnSkandradon: #50 You come a cross an injured solider of the alliance!
Diary Entry : November 2nd
Our kodo drums could not be unheard in Tol Barad. This land of blood, mud, and sweat. It was not my first time in combat, but I wish it was the last. I pledged to save as many lives as I could, but not like this. Battle after battle we marched under the command of that fool Garrosh Hellscream. I am unaware why we want this rock for the Horde, but its not like its for us to know. I wouldn't doubt if it was just the fact that the Alliance would not own it. We've made successful pushes in all three smaller local forts surrounding Baradin Hold. Ironclad Garrison, Slagworks and, Warden's Vigil. Their supplies will be needed for our final push into Baradin Hold. The Alliance has re-enforced the gates however, we've been assaulting for hours. Their gates will fall soon.
The southern gate broke in. The sound of cheers, drums, horns and, cries are heard originating from only a few meters ahead of me. It just had to by the gate I was at that gained first attacking honor. As much as I apposed this war, I would do my duty to heal those soldiers in need. I had to. For myself, the Horde, and my late wife. I felt sick. I clutched my wedding ring another time before giving my own battle cry and moving forward.
So much chaos and bloodshed. No place was left clean, no crate left in-tact, no stone unturned. I was hardly hurt physically but I grew so tired. Our squad leader had given the order to search all the bodies for survivors. I was not required to take part in this activity and I accepted the greatly needed rest. I sat down to clear my mind when an orc near me had gained my attention. He was greatly clad in ebon plate and wielding an axe as large as myself. His eyes glowing blue. I've seen this soldier before and assumed he wanted more treatment. In his hands he held a wallet that he explained he had taken from that human only a few feet away from us. He was showing me because of the gold he acquired from that wallet. He laughed and dropped the wallet back down on the chest of said human. I thought that was wrong. I thought alot of things were wrong but I had no say in it.
As the orc moved on I looked at that human again. The wallet had fallen open to a picture. It was what I assumed his wife. As I reached for the picture for a better looked a hand grabbed my arm. I was thrown into sudden panic, and I tried to pull away. This human was still alive! He held on to me with an iron grip and was trying to say things I didn't understand. I could not grab my dagger from where I had put it down but after realizing that this human could not hurt me, I stopped trying to pull away. I looked all around me to see if anyone had noticed what had happened but I was alone. He continued to cry, speak, and try to pull me towards him. I felt grief and responsibility. I wanted to turn away but it kept eating me away inside. I needed to help this man but it was against the law. I would be found a traitor to the Horde and killed however my pledge was to save everyone I could. I knew this human would not go willingly with me because of fear. Him and I did not hate each other personally but we were told to kill each other and he was still trying to very poorly.
I took one last look around me for witnesses before doing the unspeakable. I was going to abandon the army and face the problem later. I could not think straight but I knew that I had to silence this man or I would get caught. With the knowledge that I could heal his wounds I picked up a rock beside me and struck him on the side of his helmet lightly, but with enough force to do harm. Amazingly it worked first try and I summoned my trusty skeletal horse mount. I struggled to pick him up and place him on the horse but I got the job done. I had to ride with Godspeed to somewhere I wouldn't be seen. I decided on the Northern Stranglethorn. An abandoned cave would work nicely and he would be close enough to Stormwind for when he would get better.
To be continued in next post!
Edited by Skandradron on 4/24/2011 11:34 PM PDT
85 Blood Elf Priest
Continued from last post!
Diary entry : November 5th
I've traveled for 3 days with this human bound to my horse. Through struggle and discipline I've had to feed, and unfortunately help him go to the washroom. I believe he still means me harm so I intend to have him held as a prisoner for a while longer. It is not his fault for hating me. He was taught no better. I have found that abandoned cave I had been searching for and made it as hospital as I could with the materials in hand. I changed his restraints to be more free but tried to a convenient rock. I just hope my rope work is good enough that he cannot escape.
Diary entry : November 7th
This human has made great strides in trust with me, or so he leads me to believe. He now willingly lets me change his bandages and treat his wounds with magic. It became apparent to me during the travel here that he was poisoned by a weapon of war. I'm glad to see that the poison has gone away. Without magic he may not have survived and if he did, it would be taken months to recover. I expect him to be better by a few more days. It has only dawned on me now of my betrayal of the Horde, and the troop I was with. I've contemplated the theory that they would of thought I died however, my body would not be found. Perhaps I was taken prisoner? No, that orc saw me fine and there were no Alliance able to retreat. I was surely doomed for this act. I can not think of a way to get back to normal.
Diary entry : November 8th
Today before heading out for food I had untied the human. I wouldn't be gone long, but I had a feeling we've gotten pretty far in the relationship. I rethought this however only 5 minutes later and I rushed back to the cave with some apples in a bag I took. I looked inside the cave and it was empty! The human had left and it was my fault. I flew into a mind of fear and rage. Dropping the apple bag I walked into the cave more. Maybe he was a little hidden by the curve. I heard a noise behind me and first instinct was to raise a protective shield around me while I spun around. Dagger at the ready I looked towards the noise and it was the human. He was holding an apple and holding it out to me. "Egol" he said multiple times. I had no idea what he was saying, but it was clearly not a threat. My nerves where shot and my hands where shaking however I regained my cool with some time. With body language I believe he was telling me he was ready to leave. While he still showed signs of limping, his stead would take him where he needed to go. I was glad for that.
Diary entry : November 9th
I took the time to place the humans armor back on him. It was all cleaned up and fixed to the best of our ability which was little to none. He had no weapon on him however I somehow knew he'd be fine. When he mounted his horse, he had what I believe was thanked me and waved goodbye. He would have to travel about a days worth to Stormwind. I reached into my pocket and pulled out his wallet, turned to the picture and I handed it to him. With joy he took it and placed the wallet inside his pocket however holding the picture to his chest. It looked as if he was holding back a tear. With a final wave goodbye he was gone and I was alone again. In this cave with no word to my name. After he had left I rethought the ideas of joining back to my duty. The only idea that seamed slightly plausible would of been to lie through my teeth. I would tell them I was taken prisoner by a wizard that was hiding invisible and used their power of teleportation to bring me to hold me captive in a cave in Northern Stranglethorn where I eventually broke out. The idea was just crazy enough that it might work, and I had the cave to prove it...
Please tell me what you thought. This was pretty much my first RP or writing experience ever.
Diary entry : November 5th
I've traveled for 3 days with this human bound to my horse. Through struggle and discipline I've had to feed, and unfortunately help him go to the washroom. I believe he still means me harm so I intend to have him held as a prisoner for a while longer. It is not his fault for hating me. He was taught no better. I have found that abandoned cave I had been searching for and made it as hospital as I could with the materials in hand. I changed his restraints to be more free but tried to a convenient rock. I just hope my rope work is good enough that he cannot escape.
Diary entry : November 7th
This human has made great strides in trust with me, or so he leads me to believe. He now willingly lets me change his bandages and treat his wounds with magic. It became apparent to me during the travel here that he was poisoned by a weapon of war. I'm glad to see that the poison has gone away. Without magic he may not have survived and if he did, it would be taken months to recover. I expect him to be better by a few more days. It has only dawned on me now of my betrayal of the Horde, and the troop I was with. I've contemplated the theory that they would of thought I died however, my body would not be found. Perhaps I was taken prisoner? No, that orc saw me fine and there were no Alliance able to retreat. I was surely doomed for this act. I can not think of a way to get back to normal.
Diary entry : November 8th
Today before heading out for food I had untied the human. I wouldn't be gone long, but I had a feeling we've gotten pretty far in the relationship. I rethought this however only 5 minutes later and I rushed back to the cave with some apples in a bag I took. I looked inside the cave and it was empty! The human had left and it was my fault. I flew into a mind of fear and rage. Dropping the apple bag I walked into the cave more. Maybe he was a little hidden by the curve. I heard a noise behind me and first instinct was to raise a protective shield around me while I spun around. Dagger at the ready I looked towards the noise and it was the human. He was holding an apple and holding it out to me. "Egol" he said multiple times. I had no idea what he was saying, but it was clearly not a threat. My nerves where shot and my hands where shaking however I regained my cool with some time. With body language I believe he was telling me he was ready to leave. While he still showed signs of limping, his stead would take him where he needed to go. I was glad for that.
Diary entry : November 9th
I took the time to place the humans armor back on him. It was all cleaned up and fixed to the best of our ability which was little to none. He had no weapon on him however I somehow knew he'd be fine. When he mounted his horse, he had what I believe was thanked me and waved goodbye. He would have to travel about a days worth to Stormwind. I reached into my pocket and pulled out his wallet, turned to the picture and I handed it to him. With joy he took it and placed the wallet inside his pocket however holding the picture to his chest. It looked as if he was holding back a tear. With a final wave goodbye he was gone and I was alone again. In this cave with no word to my name. After he had left I rethought the ideas of joining back to my duty. The only idea that seamed slightly plausible would of been to lie through my teeth. I would tell them I was taken prisoner by a wizard that was hiding invisible and used their power of teleportation to bring me to hold me captive in a cave in Northern Stranglethorn where I eventually broke out. The idea was just crazy enough that it might work, and I had the cave to prove it...
Please tell me what you thought. This was pretty much my first RP or writing experience ever.
Edited by Skandradron on 4/24/2011 11:41 PM PDT
Welcome to the RP bandwagon Skan :)
And yes I agree with Rongar, this thread is full of win. Thankies very much Anainn!
Also I'm taking 55.
And yes I agree with Rongar, this thread is full of win. Thankies very much Anainn!
Also I'm taking 55.
I would like #42.
I'll take one for Genna, since Bells had her turn. ;)
#12, please?
#12, please?
I'll give it a try - 3 please!
I'm sure I'll have a character I can adapt (hopefully) no matter what it turns out to be!
Jaena, number three is taken, what other number would you like?
Edited by Majidah on 4/24/2011 8:04 PM PDT
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