Character Quiz: An Awkward Moment

5 Human Priest
Athanas' carts (both of them) are overflowing with every imaginable kind of provender that might be on the Orphanage's shopping list. For himself, a small ham, a bag of flour, salt, a bar of shaving soap, and a large stack of newspapers and gazettes, stuff resembling the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today. Insomnia-cure material.

After waiting forever behind him at the checkout, I'd somehow still be moved to offer him a hand with all that stuff. The checker volunteers too. On the way to his vehicle, I find myself in an interesting conversation which conveniently disposes of the rest of my afternoon. I'm not sure what I was shopping for in the first place but this fellow sure bakes some mighty fine pretzels. I may or may not ever see him again.
Edited by Atanas on 6/16/2011 7:44 PM PDT
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13 Troll Hunter
A handful of exotic fruit; a handful of sharp looking little knives; various packets of spices, most of which I've never heard of; A few spices I'm fairly certain are not edible; a packet of that really nasty laundry powder for those really tough stains; a small chopping board; a few little squares of wire mesh; a copper scrubber; a huge roll of twine.

I'm too busy checking out her skin, which appears to be covered in soft green fur, to really notice her groceries. I'm trying hard to be discreet about my response of fascination. She avoids eye contact, avoids speaking to the checker, pops the whole jumbled mess into a leather bag produced from nowhere, and scuttles out the door.
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90 Human Rogue
Cayo would have a keg of Thunderbrew lager, at least one case of Nethergarde bitter, a few bottles of Clamato, Goblin crafted hot sauce, coarse salt, some limes and several packets of pipe tobacco. No food. Ever. Because that would be just wrong.

Gaheris, on the other hand, would be pushing a trolley filled to overflowing with every type of frozen food available. Beneath the trolley, he'd have several bags of ice which would assuredly be melting and leaving a stream of water in his wake. He'd also have a bottle of Worgen approved flea dip discreetly tucked away.
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85 Draenei Mage
some mother f****** skittles
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2 Gnome Mage
Lolipops, cat food, a screwdriver, duct tape, glitter, a notebook and dynomite

/politely tells her gnome self it was nice to see her and walks away shaking her head thinking, "...okaaaaaaaaaaaaay, I don't think I even want to know"
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Dormus: A child taken from another shopper's cart...partially eaten.
Lots of beef to mail to tauren.
Pet foods.
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37 Tauren Warrior
Oak Birdeater peers at the shopping cart oddly and then begins to pour anything on the shelves into the cart with a grin, upon arriving to the checkout he smiles at the cashier and happily bellows, " You lost food, I give back! " He then gives his formal introduction, " My name Oak Birdeater, I named Oak because I strong like Oak. I named Birdeater because.. I eat bird."
Oak proceeds to look for the bird section, tapping an employee. " Where birds? "
Edited by Iok on 7/12/2011 5:45 PM PDT
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