Character Quiz: An Awkward Moment

85 Gnome Mage
I read this poll question elsewhere and decided to modify it for WoW and put it to the guildies. Yes, I know grocery stores don't exist in Azeroth, so just roll with it - and if you're unable to, hit your back button.

How would you respond?

You bump into your character at the grocery store. You take an awkward moment to peer in their shopping cart/basket, and see ...
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86 Blood Elf Paladin
Loads of junk food, chocolate candies, cake, cookies and all sorts of sweets. There might be some fruit and cheese in there too. Then I look at her and wonder why she isn't getting fat. Then I realize she runs around in plate armor all day and that is probably why.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Designer shoes because Kali would find a way of getting her Gnomeboutin fix in a grocery shop.
Her shield, she's not going to be carrying it around while she shops.
Toys, she loves spoiling her babies.
Azeroth Weekly, a girl's gotta keep track of the latest happenings.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Bells? Shopping? Oh, maaaaan. Let's see...

Coffee, tobacco, three different types of juice, treats and toys for the babies, some kind of small special item for her wife, several cuts of meat, veggies, spices, chocolate, a new empty journal she would pick up "just in case" she needed it, leather cleaning/softening balm, a sharpening stone, a new quill, and fresh flowers.

Of course, if this were prior to her marrying, it would be a Jug of Bourbon, several pouches of Siabi's Premium Tobacco, and a Goblin Gentleman's Magazine or two. >_>


Genna? Books, pre-made dinners, and cosmetics.

Charrie wouldn't be caught dead doing her own shopping. Puh-leeze.

Edited by Bellamuerte on 4/22/2011 1:59 PM PDT
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85 Undead Mage
I would probably see laundry soap, saddle soap, live crickets, sea monkies and kittens. Terrified kittens in a cardboard box with the words "Free to a good home" hand printed on it.

"The cart came with them."

After an awkward moment of deciding if I was going to run, or not, Met would try to talk me into taking the kittens. (And despite having seven cats all ready I probably would because I'd be afraid he would eat them if I didn't.)

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90 Gnome Mage
Plastic bags with at least one of each type of loose fruit or vegetable available. Fresh baked bread and a plump, blue-eyed, white-haired, smile-lined chatty old Gnome.

After a fascinating but barely understandable conversation culminating in the Gnome adopting the kittens; "Meteorus is going to be so surprised!" the Gnome's cart would roll off towards the checkout counter, apparently under it's own power.

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85 Human Warlock
Lots and Lots of medication to combat against her Multiple Personality disorder
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
04/22/2011 10:39 AMPosted by Nozz
You bump into your character at the grocery store. You take an awkward moment to peer in their shopping cart/basket, and see ...

- Tea.
- Wine. Not the boxed stuff.
- A novel or two. The Danielle Steel-kind.
- Jars.
- The components for chocolate cake.
- Anything else she may need for supper-fixings that night.

- Diapers and all that entails. (Rash cream, wipes, etc.)
- Candy.
- A copy of "Azeroth Woman" (Something near Cosmopolitan.)
- Red lipstick in a slightly varying shade.
- Any food products that would be "easy" to fix up for meal.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Well... Aera is supposed to be a vegetarian, but since [Sensible Salad] isn't on the cooking recipe vendor in Stormwind, you'd probably find a cart over-flowing with 16oz dragon steak sirloins, a few packages of fresh mushrooms, and a bottle of sparkling apple-cider. Those are the actual in-game foods I keep in my bags.

Extras in Aera's cart would include more cherry flavored lip-gloss, and the magazine [Tank] with cover highlights of "Tank & Spank" and "Balls & Beauty: giving it your all without losing your all" and "My boyfriend is jealous of my Gearscore" and "Paladins are OP".

Aera would also probably have cornered Kalico and Bella in the candy aisle. "How's dinner sound on Monday? We can catch the latest episode of Azeroth's next top raider."
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85 Gnome Mage
For my priest, Roldan:

Roldan would have a case of Budweiser, Beer Nuts, “movie butter” popcorn, steaks, a couple of the largest baking potatoes he could find, a bag of prepackaged salad with a bottle of blue cheese dressing, and some random paperback inspirational book.

Secret: By the time he makes it to the check out, only the Budweiser, Beer Nuts, and book make it. He’s hidden the rest of the food behind a shelf somewhere so he can’t hear it.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Lia, would have cookies and marshmallows. I don't know why. And hot cocoa. And probably the fruit roll-ups with treasure maps if they still make those. Maps are always good. They don't actually lead anywhere you say? Well then why is it a map?

I don't think you'd find Hiccup in a grocery store. If you did she would have lettuce and berries and be yelling at people in the meat freezer because she would think it was totally disrespectful to mass murder things you weren't going to eat yourself.

Sol would probably have an identical cart to me. Whatever the hell looks good at the moment. Probably soda and beef jerky...and mac and cheese. You know, the staples. Yvaen more of the crackers and cheese with a box of wine.

Nowaki would have the college kid diet - ramen and anything else you can cook in 2 minutes or less. You can't get her nose out of her books any longer than that.

Toph...she'd have steak and eggs - and some sort of beer. It wouldn't be good stuff, she just thinks drinking it makes her look older. >_> And some sort of big weapons weekly magazine. And probably Axe body spray.
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82 Human Rogue
Cathall would have a few cases of beer, a copy of "Babes Monthly", and a few pairs of Hanes tighty-whities.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/22/2011 04:57 PMPosted by Cathall
Cathall would have a few cases of beer, a copy of "Babes Monthly", and a few pairs of Hanes tighty-whities.


What about Rathic? xD
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82 Human Rogue
Rathic would have: a box of cake mix (the colorful confetti kind), a stack of tabloids, Natural Instincts Men's Hair coloring, and "How to Achieve Your Ideal Career: 101 Tips for Selling Out Your Boss, Achieving Your Dreams, and Letting Go of Your Irate Secretary."
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90 Human Hunter
As for my three major RP toons:

Gottfried: A case of Heineken, Bourbon, Hummus, Beef Jerky, Sauerkraut, Chilled Pork Knuckles, and Cooking Oil.

Byrond: (Noblemen's don't go into groceries. >_>)

Tualatin: Sword Polish, Caesar Salad, Cheese Bites, Croutons, and a copy of Hair Monthly.
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85 Draenei Shaman
Anainn would have all the sort of weird, eastern european goodies. The "holy crap I didn't think you could even pickle that" kind of stuff. Along with some stupidly good vodka/whiskey/grain alcohol. And Jelly rings. Lots and lots of them.

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84 Blood Elf Priest
Avi (Since she's the only one who goes shopping, really. The other 4 people in her house are too young...):

- Lots and lots of healthy food
- A good amount of not so healthy food
- Makeup, nailpolish (In every color IMAGINABLE... Including the crazy neon colors she never wears), etc..
- Toys for her four children
- Books, books, and more books
- Cat food
- Lots of meat for a very hungry lioness

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22 Dwarf Rogue

Heh, the cart would be full to overflowing with beer and ale - 6 packs, 12 packs, bottles, cans. The extra space beneath the basket will also be filled with bottles. And perched on the very top.... a box of Ding Dongs....

Hey, girl has to eat, after all.
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20 Human Rogue
My wallet!
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