
90 Blood Elf Paladin
I have a simple question for the role-playing community on the server:

How do you deal with trolls?

For this flailpally's suggestions, head over to

Hope to hear from everyone! :]
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Personally, trolls are gonna troll because they feel that it’s funny. It makes them feel better than anyone else that they can get a rise out of people. For them to feel that their subscription fee gives them the liberation to be nasty frankly sucks.

How I try to handle it: I try to RP back with them. That sometimes works. Ignoring them for awhile can also sometimes work.

If it gets to the point of being disruptive or harassing, I put in a ticket.

They want a rise out of you. I find asking them to stop (especially if it’s a repeat offender) makes things worse. Maybe that’s just my experience.
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85 Night Elf Druid
My favorite way to deal is the last mentioned in your article - making it into something humorous and turning it right back on the troll. I know a lot of people who like to mess with rp trolls especially. Someone spots us roleplaying and does the whole 'lol', 'noobs' and 'wot r u doing?' thing, and the immediate reaction of a good number of my characters would be to ask what language it was they were speaking. Basically make it clear I'm not going to break character no matter what they're doing:

[Troll]: lol u guys are lame
[Yvaen] turns to [Troll] and regards him/her curiously. "What a fascinating way of speaking! Are you foreign?"
[Troll]: noob
[Yvaen] shakes her head. "I'm sorry sir/ma'am, but I just can't seem to understand your common. Can anyone here maybe translate?"

It's always a bonus if people catch on and play along with it as well. I've seen a few unintentional trolls who just didn't know what RP was jump on the bandwagon from such interactions. And after a few minutes of that with actual trolls, people seem to move on.

Trolling is the art of getting a rise out of people, and when they don't get it - they either move on, or move to tactics that you can report them for, including harassment - in which case, the best course of action imo is always ignore and report. Anything you say or do can and will be held against you and all that jazz. Don't give them anything to get YOU in trouble.

A lot of people feel like trolls are a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. If you get angry, you're feeding them, and if you do nothing - that just seems to make them add coward onto the insults. The thing I end up reminding myself of whenever I feel the need to 'correct' a troll, is that people who are worth my time aren't going to be the type to form an opinion of me based on what they heard in trade.

Laugh about it. Recognize that by not getting angry, you're winning [Charlie Sheen jokes gtfo nao >_>], and most of all - enjoy the game.

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85 Human Rogue
Trolls will always be trolls, I have many ,but many that are friends just look at the bright side. Never troll them back or you will be just as bad, say stuff like good luck bro and have a great day, talk to you later! Be nice to them. Fill hate with love. Good day all!
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85 Gnome Mage
I did say on the WordPress community site that "Personally, I like to willfully ignore them. Nothing like giving them the false sense that I’m paying attention since I’m not emoting how I’m reporting them (one of the worst things you can do, IMO) or otherwise freaking out, when in reality I’m either focused on the people I’m roleplaying with or alt-tabbed watching Peter Murphy."

... but a lot of it depends on my mood. I've roleplayed with trolls, which often confuses some of the ones attempting to be mean. Psst. Attempting to pick on someone who very well could be the same age as your mother usually doesn't get the high school reaction that trolls looks for >_>
Edited by Nozz on 4/22/2011 5:05 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
04/22/2011 03:55 PMPosted by Kalico
How do you deal with trolls?

Pretty well. I'm exalted with them after all.

Plus they have the cutest toesies.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
04/22/2011 07:10 PMPosted by Kalico

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90 Blood Elf Paladin
As I replied in comments on the WP site, "The key is, be yourself and offer them a chance. Sometimes awesome things can happen!"

As well, "When all else fails, proper channels are the way to go into reporting and such. And folks want to think that the behavior never gets notice from Blizzard, but it definitely does.

Never let them derail you, though. Just do your thing. :3"

I've had some amazing role-play from folks who would otherwise be pinned as trolls and tossed aside. Also, as Nozz said, trying to troll someone who is probably older than you won't always get you what you want.

All in all, it's a game. We're fanfic writing for fun. If someone wants to be a prop, I say let 'em. Welcome to joining in on role-playing! :D
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
To answer the real question without the cheeky reply: How do I deal with trolls? I...don't. I just ignore them. The only thing they want, really, is a reaction of some sort, and I don't really feel it's worth my time to give them one. Refusing to acknowledge their existence whilst quietly reporting them seems to work best.
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85 Night Elf Mage
Troll]: lol u guys are lame
[Yvaen] turns to [Troll] and regards him/her curiously. "What a fascinating way of speaking! Are you foreign?"
[Troll]: noob
[Yvaen] shakes her head. "I'm sorry sir/ma'am, but I just can't seem to understand your common. Can anyone here maybe translate?"

This is priceless. I'll have to give it a try next time.

Normally, though. I do just ignore them and go about my business. If they become too distracting and I start getting a bit too upset, I'll leave before I say something not so nice. Wouldn't want to get myself reported or anything, right?

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04/23/2011 06:36 AMPosted by Aeviercy
Who in their right mind would yell "Pancakes!" when asked what are they doing?

That actually sounds like something my 6 year-old would be yelling back at me.
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82 Human Rogue
A little girl with a ragged mop of blonde hair was playing in the sandbox, nestled in a corner of the Stormwind orphanage. Her name was Jenny.

She was playing her favorite game, Crabs and Castles. The crabs would scuttle up to the top of the castle, where they would scheme, plot, and sometimes fall dramatically to their deaths in the sea of sand.

Peter, who was gnawing at a half-eaten, drool-stained cookie, ambled over to her. "What are you doing?" he asked between bites.

"Playing," Jenny answered. She offered him a crab.

Peter stared at the crab for a minute, then took it, peering through his cracked Gnomish spectacles. They made his eyes look four times too big.

"What is it?"

"A crab," she answered. "He fell out of my castle."

Peter looked at the crab, then at Jenny, and then at the castle. Finally, he plopped down with her.

Now Edward, who hadn't smashed anything all day, was feeling really antsy. He spotted Jenny and Peter, and the giant heap of sand between them, full of inanimate crabs.

Edward stormed up to them. "Whattya doin'?" he demanded.

"Playing," they responded together.

Edward looked at the castle, then down at the dweebs with their goofy little pink, sand-caked fingers. He saw the bits of cookie all over Peter's face.

"Tha's stoopid," Edward declared loudly.

Jenny picked up a crab and offered it to Edward. "Want to play?"

Edward's whole face scrunched together like a sat-upon cushion. "Tha's stoopid!" he yelled again.

Jenny looked at the crab, and then the castle. She shrugged and went back to playing.

Edward lobbed a kick at the castle. Sand went spraying everywhere.

Jenny patiently began to pick up the desecrated sand piles, carefully shaping them again.

Edward kicked the castle again. This time, sand went in Peter's nose. He sneezed, spraying bits of cookie everywhere.

Jenny wiped sand out of her eyes, then went back to picking up the castle.

Intensely frustrated, Edward finally lost interest and stormed off. He decided it would be more fun to pick on Amber, since she had funny cheeks and made spit bubbles.

Now Jake, who usually played with Edward, had been watching all this. He was a little worried Edward wouldn't play with him anymore if he played with Jenny and Peter, but Crabs and Castles just looked like too much fun.

He waddled over to them, one hand in his mouth.

Jenny offered him a crab. "Want to play?"

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85 Blood Elf Warlock
This, IMO:

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87 Troll Hunter
Man you Elves always hating on us Trolls.
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85 Undead Mage
I have never had to report on this server. I have no names on my ignore list. (Which is why I play here.) I did come close once.

We were once inflicted with a 'noob'sayer so I whispered "Is it your intent to harass us for role-playing?"

Oddly enough, they said "yes" although not in such a short, polite way.

"Thank you for putting that in writing. Please stop." I then quit responding to them. They gave up and moved on so quickly there was no need for a report.

We have some of the nicest trolls I have ever met in an online game.
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87 Troll Hunter
04/25/2011 11:39 AMPosted by Meteorus
We have some of the nicest trolls I have ever met in an online game

Why thank you. I'm glad to see you think well of us. :D
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