Looking for a few good (sha)men

Alright, alright - it's supposed to be "shamans", but I couldn't pass up the puntastic header.


I am hoping to pull together a shaman jury for a one-time role-playing event in May. If you have a shaman, are high-level enough to get to Outland, and would like to participate, let me know.

Think Jedi Council - so I am hoping to have a nice mix of races, and in a perfect world both Alliance and Horde representation.

We'll work out that pesky faction language barrier somehow.
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90 Night Elf Warrior
Thats a cool idea. Like a playable version of the Earthen Ring. Neat. I'll ask around.
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Thanks Viloche!

A friend suggested the Throne of Elements in Nagrand as the location (http://www.flickr.com/photos/batgrl/2589738072/sizes/z/in/photostream/), an idea I really love.

If we can make this happen, that's where it would be.
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85 Orc Shaman
Sounds pretty cool. Count me in!
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85 Draenei Shaman
Shotuul of the Earthen Ring is definitely in.

We'll of course work out the language Barrier....
Edited by Shotuul on 4/26/2011 8:42 AM PDT
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85 Draenei Shaman
Count me in. Just don't mind Anay if she feels a little awkward around orcs. It's nothing personal, she's just a bit afraid of them.
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85 Draenei Paladin
I wish I had the energy to level Diedra. :| This sounds like a lot of fun! Best of luck!

EDIT: [Ack, silly double post!]
Edited by Aaelia on 4/26/2011 11:59 AM PDT
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04/26/2011 11:51 AMPosted by Aaelia
I wish I had the energy to level Diedra. :|

Want to come as a "translator" for the other Draenei in attendance?
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85 Draenei Paladin
ICly, having Lia translate anything would be chaos. Ask anyone who has met her. >.>

It could be highly amusing however. At the very least I'd be happy to help with cross-faction communications in some way, whether I do it OOCly and Lia acts as a sort of guard - or I bring my mage who is a linguist and ambassador.

...or I pull a crazy and get Diedra 10-60 by the end of the week. I've been known to do it.
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...or I pull a crazy and get Diedra 10-60 by the end of the week. I've been known to do it.

You do have a little bit of time. I don't think I can pull this together any earlier than mid-May...

But any other ideas like honor guards, etc. are welcome!
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81 Draenei Shaman
I'd love to bring Laarya. If you're looking at weekends, May 14th and before, I'm crazy-busy; 15th or later looks good.

I'd be up for whatever role you need filled. Laarya has done some RP-PvP (with Robs' group back in the day, for those who remember it) but she would certainly be able to put a lid on it for a shaman gathering.

I can certainly get in Vent if that would help with the language barrier. I'm thinking that given Laarya's occasional activities against the Horde, she might not be trusted ICly as a translator, though. ;-)

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68 Dwarf Shaman
If this is still on, Diedra should be 60 by tomorrow. Probably 70 by the time this comes together. I have serious issues when it comes to leveling. I'm a bit obsessive and don't stop once I start. >_>

If you need any help with organization/ideas, let me know. I think it's a neat idea!
Edited by Diedra on 5/8/2011 2:02 AM PDT
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85 Gnome Mage
05/08/2011 02:01 AMPosted by Diedra
I have serious issues when it comes to leveling. I'm a bit obsessive and don't stop once I start. >_>

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68 Dwarf Shaman

Edited by Diedra on 5/8/2011 2:03 AM PDT
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85 Night Elf Mage
I have serious issues when it comes to leveling. I'm a bit obsessive and don't stop once I start. >_>

*looks around curiously and smirks*
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Tentatively looking at two weekends from now - keeping this right between the Horde and Alliance street fair.

Thanks for all the positive responses!
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68 Dwarf Shaman
Well I'm not 85 yet. >_> So HAH to all my guildies who thought I couldn't control my leveling!!


Life is gonna get busy for me starting in a couple weeks though - hopefully not so much that I miss this! Still think it would be crazy fun!

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Now that the thread has been bumped, an update seems overdue.

For some background, this is how it all started:

Here is, brilliantly told, the fallout from the encounter and the revelation of the attacker's identity:

And the aftermath of the confrontation (with the bad guy barely getting away):

The initial discussion was to let his fate be decided by a panel of shaman, but pulling something like this together can be a bit challenging.

At this point, I am leaning towards a swifter ending for the bad guy.

Given the upcoming events in patch 4.2, a cross-faction council might be great fun to do for a whole different set of reasons (other than playing judge and jury for one wayward shaman). Since the Cenarion Circle becomes heavily involved as well, adding druids to the mix would be very much an option.

I haven't given up on the idea, but for practical reasons the original concept of a trial might need to be revisited.

Thoughts? Ideas?
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