[RP-H] Home

((It's about time I got back to some RP writing. And come up with an excuse to level in Outland. This is a continuation of stuff I started a while back.))
Part 1: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2353106180
Part 2: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2353266674
Part 3: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2353107477
Part 4: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2369876973
Part 5: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2369920152
Part 6: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2369922867

The burning timbers were crackling softly. The flames were casting a warm, comforting glow on the face of the troll shaman who was stoking the fire, slowly humming to herself.

Rongar was looking at her intently. He had made the trek to one of the more remote spots of Echo Isles, hoping that the troll could provide him with answers that had so far eluded him. While the Elements in Kalimdor had become skittish and silent to his calls, the troll shamans seemed to feel a stronger connection to their Loa. The troll had offered a communion with the spirits on Rongar’s behalf. Anything that could potentially provide him with guidance was worth a try.

As the sun was setting, the flames grew in intensity. The troll looked at Rongar from across the fire.

“Broddar Rongar, tell Mai’ryx what ya been wantin’ to know.”

Rongar slowly let out a deep breath. “I have been meditating for the past week near Spirit Rock. The Elements who used to be kindred spirits no longer heed my call. During the fires of Orgrimmar, I felt their anger. Now… I feel nothing.”

Mai’ryx nodded. “T’is been a time uffa great unrest. Da Elements know dis. Ya been comin’ ta seek guidance uffa da Loa?”

Rongar hesitated before responding. “If the spirits are willing.”

The troll shaman smiled and continued humming softly over the crackling fire. After a few moments, she pulled a few plants from her pocket and tossed them into the flames.

As the minutes passed, a thick smoke grew from the fire and enveloped the two shamans. Soon, Rongar vision beyond the edges of the fire site became completely obscured.

Rongar squinted. As the smoke wafted and took shape before his eyes, he began to see the form of his departed mate. Orda, who had perished in the fires, appeared before him, smiling gently. Rongar knew that sometimes the spirits chose to manifest themselves in the form of someone familiar. Still, he was struck by how much he still missed his mate at that moment.

“Orda. I am sorry. I let you down,” Rongar struggled to get out.

You do not need to be. It was not your fault.

“As your mate, I should have protected you. As a warrior, I should have protected our home, our city. I did neither. When it mattered, I failed you.”

You know this is not the truth. You do not control what controls the Elements. You are still worthy of their aid. But you must find a way to reconnect with them.

“I have tried. I have meditated. I have researched. I have sought the guidance from other healers. I have done all I could.”

The mate I knew and loved would not have given up so easily. You need to return to where you first experienced the Elemental bond. Go home.

Before the old shaman could say anything, the smoke dissipated and the shape of his mate disappeared into the night sky. Opposite of him, he saw the troll shaman sitting and smiling, eyes closed.

Rongar knew. He had to return to the place he once called home and hadn’t seen in over thirty years.
He had been a warrior, a prisoner, freed, and finally found a new home in Durotar – only to see the city and his wife taken from him when the world tore open and the fires consumed Orgrimmar. A deathly presence had fallen over Azeroth, and the old shaman no longer felt the familiar guidance and protection the Elements had offered him nearly all his life.

His home world had become corrupted as well, but the sins of his kind were now in the past. The Orcs had redeemed themselves. If not here, perhaps back home the Elements would heed his call again.

Rongar needed to find out. It was time to say farewell to friends, old and new, and return to another shattered world.

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((<3 reading these Rongar.. and psst Flin's the Shaman hehe *Huggles* Though mai does act that way too^.^))
Edited by Mairyx on 5/31/2011 1:45 AM PDT
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((Ah heck... time to rewrite history. Again. On the upside, thanks for inspiring the original post.))
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
((Yay for another Rongar story. I missed these. :) ))
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