3k+ resil boomkin LF serious 5v5 and 3v3

100 Night Elf Druid
Also, Icejob, still doesn't count xD
Level it to 85 then it counts >.>
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Why priests are fun >.<
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100 Night Elf Druid
Yea, but not as fun as my druid hehe
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85 Human Rogue

Zomg, I love to read, but not that much xD
Trim it down Pene hehe.

I know horde is not dominating the realm with PvP anymore, but they do have some of the better PvP'ers..sure, I have my priest, but I don't enjoy my priest xD
But meh, I came to this realm because my boyfriends friend and brother was here, but then they quit and I'm stuck here because I'm not wating money on another realm change, I already moved my paladin off this server lawl

That is true, horde still have the numbers, but the true PvPers that are regonized are about even? Atleast in my mind it is.
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85 Tauren Druid
mmm most of the upper level alliance players only went alliance for queue times. Trust me I was on a 5s with 4 of them. They have no real loyalty there except for not wanting to spend the money to come back. Though I am sure i could convince a couple if I really wanted. At least for next season.
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85 Tauren Druid
P.S. good luck in your search Aqua. Always been my favorite alliance boomkin <3. Well alliance in general.
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90 Human Priest
Aye Rophy. And queue time is good enough reason. Over a week, or month, less wasted time in queue is a good thing.

It's just a game ya know? Play Horde, play Alliance, it's all the same game. Being a good sport and enjoying game play without resorting to poor sportsmanship is important. In-game, and in life.

Best wishes to you Rophy.
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100 Night Elf Druid
Daw, Rophy, you're my favorite horde druid period <3
In wrath when I saw you play boomy and kick ass as one, that made me go boomy hehe

Though I can't deny in wrath I was a better feral, as Hotsauce as my witness, I solo'd a frost mage and a hunter as feral in swamp of sorrows a kitty, was fun stuff <3
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100 Night Elf Druid
06/10/2011 08:41 PMPosted by Archileuis
That is true, horde still have the numbers, but the true PvPers that are regonized are about even? Atleast in my mind it is.

In a way I agree, because alliance is slowly becoming more into PvP.
But still, horde still has the majority of the better PvP'ers..only thing wrong with horde is that alot of them are jerks, which makes horde side not as much fun to play on..at least from what I can tell..from seeing on my 85 horde priest.
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100 Night Elf Druid
I'd still switch my druid though, if I could switch my priest back to alliance, trade places with them
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90 Night Elf Priest
2200 exp Shadow/Disc Priest LF 3v3/5v5
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85 Human Rogue
06/23/2011 12:21 PMPosted by Eradicatìon
2200 exp Shadow/Disc Priest LF 3v3/5v5

Would you like to join a 3s team with me and a mage (RMP)? We are 2k (dont have achive but go look at our higest 2s team ratting 1994 im counting that, and we are on a lot. just whisper if you wanna. BTW we use skype if you have it.
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85 Night Elf Druid
sup, i wanna pvp. send me mail, i'll try to send some to you.
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100 Night Elf Druid

2200 exp Shadow/Disc Priest LF 3v3/5v5

Go away, you don't even like me so why bother posting in my forum?
Also, gtfo SoE forums and stick to Emerald Dream kthx
lololol ^.^
Edited by Aquä on 6/29/2011 4:19 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Druid
06/23/2011 01:31 PMPosted by Archileuis
Would you like to join a 3s team with me and a mage (RMP)? We are 2k (dont have achive but go look at our higest 2s team ratting 1994 im counting that, and we are on a lot. just whisper if you wanna. BTW we use skype if you have it
Fely, that priest isnt from our realm lul he's from Emerald dream
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