Also, Icejob, still doesn't count xD
Level it to 85 then it counts >.>
Level it to 85 then it counts >.>
Zomg, I love to read, but not that much xD
Trim it down Pene hehe.
I know horde is not dominating the realm with PvP anymore, but they do have some of the better PvP'ers..sure, I have my priest, but I don't enjoy my priest xD
But meh, I came to this realm because my boyfriends friend and brother was here, but then they quit and I'm stuck here because I'm not wating money on another realm change, I already moved my paladin off this server lawl
06/10/2011 08:41 PMPosted by ArchileuisThat is true, horde still have the numbers, but the true PvPers that are regonized are about even? Atleast in my mind it is.
06/23/2011 12:21 PMPosted by Eradicatìon2200 exp Shadow/Disc Priest LF 3v3/5v5
2200 exp Shadow/Disc Priest LF 3v3/5v5
+06/23/2011 01:31 PMPosted by ArchileuisWould you like to join a 3s team with me and a mage (RMP)? We are 2k (dont have achive but go look at our higest 2s team ratting 1994 im counting that, and we are on a lot. just whisper if you wanna. BTW we use skype if you have it
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