Dear Sisters of Elune ...

Sucks I never even got to meet/kill you. *cries*
Edited by Jînîn on 7/30/2011 12:23 AM PDT
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68 Troll Druid

It's weird how things happen like this. I have not checked the forums since I left many years ago. But today, I sat down to check my (305 spam) e-mails, and decided I'd give SoE's forums a little peek.

I saw this, opened it up expecting to read another "Happy Friday", but I was sorely disappointed. Nozz, let me be another to say, that you have played a very big part in many people's game-time, and even in real life.

Four years ago, or more, I was facing some serious drama in-game & on the forums. Looking back, it was effing hilarious, but at the time it was really wearing me down. When people started to gang up on me and accused me of things I would never have dreamed of doing, there were only three people who stood up for me, even when the GM's wouldn't.

You were one of those people. You didn't necessarily like me, but you were unbiased and willing to stand up for a fellow SoE member who was being harassed. That, right there, is not only courageous but just.. right. To this day, four years plus later, I have forgotten many of the things said & done to me on this game. I have forgotten the names of those who treated me like I was nothing.

But I haven't forgotten your kindness, and I never will, even as many more years fly by. I wish more people were like you.

You were SoE's Gnome in Shining Armor.

So, with my little story (which is humiliating to retell, but nostalgic) I wish you the best.

You are a great person.

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