Dear Sisters of Elune ...

85 Gnome Mage
I don't think there are many people left so that this matters much, but my time in WoW has reached its end.

To the handful of old timers left: Thank you for the fun and heartache. Thank you for supporting the public events I held for this server. Thank you for letting me experiment on the community to try out ideas that didn't always work. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your roleplay, whether you knew it was me or not. Thank you for letting me share my stories here - I especially want to thank those who were bright enough to distinguish the author's words from the actual player. You gave me my Fifteen Minutes, and it was mostly worth it.

I am human, I make mistakes, and I can be as stupid and immature just like anyone else. But to those who thought of me as the "Ambassador" and "Mascot" of Sisters of Elune, I hope I did a passing job. I had fun, even if at its peak it meant that much of my play time was devoted to answering questions and even doing research for potential transferees and people interested in roleplay.

I don't think there is much left for me to say and still remain gracious on these forums. I've met some of the best and worst people playing this game. As long as it remains a game, I hope that you continue to have fun with it. Whether you are a roleplayer, a raider, a PvPer, a transferee escaping problems on your old server, or someone who followed friends over ... whatever the case may be, remember, you share this server with each other. Please be considerate of your fellow SOE players, because like it or not, they're part of the family, too.


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90 Human Rogue
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85 Blood Elf Rogue
Saddened to see you leaving, Ambassador Tappet, for so long as you were here the server remained an RP realm at heart. You will be greatly missed by many players, role players and otherwise, from both factions.

Wishing you Godspeed on your journey though life,
Trahaearn (formerly Belarius of Bullets & Bubblegum)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
/tar nozz




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100 Human Warlock
You will be missed Nozz , Good Luck & take care.
Ciao Nozz

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90 Blood Elf Rogue
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85 Human Paladin

Thanks for everything you've done, Nozz. You're the best.
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100 Draenei Paladin

Words cannot begin to describe the debt that the RP community on SoE owes you, Ambassador. Godspeed, and namaste!

/cast Blessing of Kings
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85 Blood Elf Rogue

Good luck, lady. <3
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80 Night Elf Druid
To the character and the player, you will be missed. Thank you for the work you put into this community. I will forever miss Nozz stories.

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90 Blood Elf Priest
I've never actually met you, Nozz, but I have always enjoyed your posts here on the SoE forums.

So long, enjoy real life. :)
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10 Orc Mage

It's with regret I admit we crossed paths only briefly during only a handful of fishing excursions, when I played as a fellow gnome tugging upon the robes of the larger people around us (yet with more evil, warlock-like tendencies—the kinds you'd appreciate, I think).

It was the concurrent decrying cry of "LOL RP" (on Sisters of Elune) and the abundant RP on Wyrmrest Accord that I blame—along with my own impatience—for my flight from this realm.

That, sadly, was also the fault for our failing to make any meaningful RP connection.

Despite that, I frequently checked up on Sisters of Elune, as it was my original and dear-to-me home, and every time—every time—I saw that the state of role play on the realm was under your close, attentive, meticulous, and compassionate care. You might attempt to slough off such a mantle, but your actions spoke otherwise. You were a beacon to the players. An inspiration. You encouraged the toe-dippers to dive in while convincing the swimmers to stay and get even more water-wrinkled.

There's no question that the game can grow overly long in the tooth and sometimes a respite or even a complete abandonment is in order. You, if anyone, deserves a rest.

However, the Alliance—and the realm at large—will feel a void where there once was not. We can hope someone or a number of folk will show the initiative to do the things you did, to be the catalyst you were, to step into the enormous shoes you left behind.

Ironic, really, that those shoes belonged to a gnome.

Happy trails, Nozz.

EDIT: I am anal retentive about grammar.
Edited by Garh on 6/27/2011 3:45 PM PDT
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First Al, and now you...

The server is a poorer place without you. One thing I hate about Cata was no shared havens for Horde and Alliance. I lost track of folks I really enjoyed seeing Alliance side.

Safe travels and fair winds, Lady. You will be missed
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85 Human Warrior

Boss, I may have dissapointed you on many many occasions but let it be known my respect for you goes 'till the land down under.

Honestly, I have no idea what we'll do without you. You're pretty much the RP driving force that's been more than welcoming for everyone. There's a reason why everyone calls you the RP ambassador.

Then again, all good things comes to an end.

I'll pass you this old Chinese saying:

"May you live until a hundred years with happiness and prosperity".


-raises beer mug-
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
The more I wander around my server, the more often I run into folks from this server from back in the day. You're just late to jump on the Wyrmrest wagon!
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85 Tauren Hunter
The world of warcraft has lost a brave soul this day.
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