To the people with their PVP flags...

100 Orc Warrior
08/09/2011 01:50 PMPosted by Biggestbear
so i dunno where you get off saying we don't know how to police our faction members. I'm not here to babysit other people and tell them how to play the game.

You misunderstood the context. I meant being able to kill a member of one's own faction for publicly asking people to turn traitor and join with the other. As I said, it is an RP server after all, and such swift justice of action only makes sense.
Kinda like the original idea that if you killed too many low characters, you got tracked for dishonor kills and even your own guards would attack you.
Alas, that would make world PvP so much better.

As far as this thread goes, the dead horse has been beaten so much it's ready to be served in public school cafeterias. Lacking of being able to tell jocular tones from ZOMG SOMEONE'S WRONG ON THE INTERNET RAGE! just disorients things too much. Being more of a public speaker, where you can see audience faces and general atmosphere, and tone etc of voice means as much, if not more, than the actual words spoken, really garbles up a lot when transcribed to just word form and left to the readers' own imagination of the tones it's meant to be conveyed in.
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52 Orc Shaman
Has anyone noticed the members of guilds who ask people "not to blame or judge an entire guild for the actions of a few" tend to have poor reputations?

Also, I will continue to judge your guild based on the actions of your faction-blind (p.s. Most people on this server don't give a crap who's Horde and who's Alliance), short-tempered, boastful, prideful (with so little to be proud of), hypocritical, obnoxious GM.

Incoming six page post from Pene that doesn't address anything in my two sentences.

Guild lvls have changed the playingfield in this game. Those claiming they just have a few bad apples are to be pitied. They don't want to lose their reputation, nor the perks if they go to a lower level guild, or even dare to start their own. Before perks, a guild leader only had as much weight as their members tolerated. Now, it's the other way around, people pressured to toe the guild line so they don't get kicked from their precious perks.
On the plus side, once you buy all the heirloom gear and pets and mounts, leaving one max level guild for another max level guild isn't really a loss at all.

Trollers gonna troll. Members are to be given more room to dissent and do their thang. Someone might be a really good raider, in whatever role they're in, so the line drawn is much further when it comes to their individual public behavior; raidbots gotta raid.

Guild leaders are held to a higher standard, and depending on the guild's structure, so are officers. Look at it in a business sense. You go into a restaurant, the chef might make Gordon Ramsey look like a teddy bear, but the food he makes is absolutely delicious. You don't begrudge the entire establishment based off their public demeanor. Now, if the owner/manager is a complete knob and constantly berates employees and imposes on customers like they should be honored to have said owner/manager bother them during their meal, you're going to lose employees and customers.
Diners don't care so much that they can hear the cook yelling back in the kitchen, that usually a good sign that someone's strict about how the food they're going to eat is handled/prepared.

Biggestbear reads like a fair minded person, but one good member doesn't save a guild's reputation. Arch does what rogues do, pop out of stealth, kill what they can, vanish and wait for an opportune moment to do it again. Khan's lost his public temperament now that he's not leading a 25 man raiding guild, I say public because I've never seen anyone else flat out /gkick a homophobe after they lost a loot roll and called the winner a "lucky [rhymes with maggot]".
Zen as a whole isn't judged a level headed guild based on one person with some sense. Nor are they judged to be full of gankers because rogues gonna gank. Riddle of Steel isn't suddenly a bunch of trolls because they have the one warrior in all game that starts with a rage bar over 9000. (Though there's speculation their leader's rage bar goes higher, but he still has to build his rage up).

Rijda's pointed out how and why Zen is judged the way it is well enough, I don't need to repeat it. (Though, as a semi-pro troller of political forums, someone's earlier comparison to Rep. Bachmann has been one of the few times I've literally LoL'd while reading wow forums... however I can paint it better: It'd be more like if Glenn Beck knocked up Former Gov. Palin and Rep. Bachmann, and then those two kids, being half-siblings, mated and their offspring was Pene.)
My suggestion is for Pene to just silently read forums, share views in /g or /o chat, and perhaps promote Biggestbear to "V.P. in charge of public relations". Put aside the shovel you keep digging yourself deeper with. Maybe, in time, people will form opinions of Zen based on in game behavior and accomplishments that can speak for themselves, and stop associating the guild as a whole with the antics that have led to all of Rijda's aforementioned adjectives.
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90 Human Priest
Sorry, but you are just dead wrong.

There is nothing unethical or bad about the way I manage and operate this guild.

Just because a handful of adolescent juveniles are poor sports and sore losers does not constitute any wrong doing on our part.

You’ll notice that in all of this thread, and in anything that I have ever posted, there is not one instance of me calling a guild bad, or saying that a guild sucks, or that the guild leader is bad. Not on the forums, not in Tarde Channel, or in any public forum of any kind, ever, anywhere.

But… no matter what I post, or say, or type into the forums or public in-game channels… some little butthurt Hordie or kid that has no idea of how we run our guild always has some negative thing to say in an attempt to be hurtful.

That is not my bad, or my creation, or responsibility. That is entirely on them. There is no actual causality for such reaction or behavior.

If there is so, please be very specific and point it out to me.

Exactly and precisely why does some kid that I have never played with, never had in the guild, and that has absolutely no cause… feel the need to bash or trash talk me or the guild?

What possibly justification do they really have?

None. None whatsoever. Any effort to do so is indeed some self-centric need to make their selves feel better about themselves by hurting others. Is this a healthy attitude in any way? No, it is not.

Do I find humor in their woeful little cries of pity? Perhaps I do.

Perhaps the irony that I see in these types of players is amusing to me.

Here is an example of an irony that amuses me:
(This is paraphrased, but sums up a common complaint that I hear against our guild)

“Zen is the most prominent and obvious PvP guild on Alliance side.”
“My guild does not PvP, and I myself abhor PvP, it is simply wrong and I refuse to participate.”
“I want to run Baradin Hold each and every week.”
“Zen should take Tol Barad, so that Alliance can run Baradin Hold.”
“Pen, you are an !@# if you do not do this.”

So… we have a selfish player that refuses to earn their way into Baradin Hold, yet expects a guild that they “hate” to earn it for them…. This is ironic, is it not?

This is very selfish, and then attempting to be hurtful or to goad someone into carrying them. Pretty silly situation, wouldn’t you agree?

But.. ZOMG.. if Pen says anything contrary to their little whim and “entitlement” at getting to do Baradin Hold with no investment of their own time or effort.. then Pen is obviously a bad person, right?

Pen *should* absolutely be expected to carry any little twerp that demands it, right? And heaven forbid some little butthurt Horide get killed in the process, then Pen is a bad person for that too, right?

Yeah… Right…

And beyond that… if someone says bad stuff about Pen, or the Guild, and Pen has an opinion contrary to that, then of course Pen is trolling, and Pen is the bad person.

And… if some little twerp gets his proverbial $%^- handed to him in PvP by any member of Zen, then of course Pen is at fault for that too, right?

Yeah well… you’ll have that. Oh well. Get over it.

The problem that a selfish and juvenile player has with Pen, is that Pen won’t take their crap. And it just eats them up man. It eats at them and they just can’t stand it.

And really… does “hate” have any place in a game that is designed for entertainment?

I say not. But hey, it’s your $15 a month... spend it hating and being carried all you want. Not my worry man. But don’t expect me to take your crap. I’ll only shove it back in your face.

And after all, isn’t *that* what your real problem with me is anyway?

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85 Night Elf Druid

They see my pvp flag on'
My pvp flag
I know they're all thinking
I'm so ALLIANCE N' nerdy
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1 Troll Hunter
06/28/2011 02:29 PMPosted by Caladgo
...While doing the firelands quests. Turn them off, you're just being annoying when we accidentally hit you and you retaliate....the kill us AGAIN after we res!

Maybe you should be more careful?
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52 Orc Shaman
Sorry, but you are just dead wrong.
There is nothing unethical or bad about the way I manage and operate this guild.

Just because a handful of adolescent juveniles are poor sports and sore losers does not constitute any wrong doing on our part.

I stopped reading here. Just because people disagree with you, or respond to your diatribes in kind, does not make them adolescent juveniles, poor sports, nor sore losers. How can someone be a sore loser when they have not lost anything? How dare you claim to be better than any of them when ever other sentence is punctuated with demeaning insults?

I don't see you called unethical anywhere. Those that have posted retorts to your posts never once stated you mismanage guild. In fact, the issue people state they have with you and, because you lead it, your guild, are that your unfounded public tirades are ridiculous.
Maybe if you didn't talk down to everyone that speaks against you or your with a vocabulary as though it's intended for toddlers, you wouldn't be met with such contempt. Maybe.
Try some actual articulate responses to your adversaries. It won't end the discourse completely, but might allow it to proceed with more respect between parties.
As it is, you come off as someone sticking their fingers in their ears going "La la la, I can't hear you, poopyhead"
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90 Blood Elf Warrior

Here is an example of an irony that amuses me:
(This is paraphrased, but sums up a common complaint that I hear against our guild)

“Zen is the most prominent and obvious PvP guild on Alliance side.”
“My guild does not PvP, and I myself abhor PvP, it is simply wrong and I refuse to participate.”
“I want to run Baradin Hold each and every week.”
“Zen should take Tol Barad, so that Alliance can run Baradin Hold.”
“Pen, you are an !@# if you do not do this.”

So… we have a selfish player that refuses to earn their way into Baradin Hold, yet expects a guild that they “hate” to earn it for them…. This is ironic, is it not?

This is very selfish, and then attempting to be hurtful or to goad someone into carrying them. Pretty silly situation, wouldn’t you agree?

To be fair, you once said in Horde trade chat (and this may be a little paraphrased due to time lapse) "The only reason you (Horde) have Tol Barad is because I let you." With a statement like that, people are bound to come out of the woodwork for you to take Tol Barad back. It's more or less karmic justice, really.

Should they be calling you names and junk? Probably not. The basis of it though doesn't surprise me in the least.
Edited by Skies on 8/10/2011 9:35 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
The problem there is that those players want carried, and expect it, They are "entitled" to being carried.

And here is the funny part, and I'm sure you've seen this as well... those are the same players that will brag about their accomplishments.

"I am so leet, I have XYZ!"

The whole time, we know that they did not earn XYZ of their own ambition or investment, but were merely riding on the coattails of others.

And then when denied that special entitlement that is uniquely their right, they get all beligerant about it.

Sorry, I am not carrying that sort of player. They can either earn it themselves or rely on their own guild to do it for them, this is not in any way my responsibility or obligation.

I think there is far too much of that in this game. Players that want it all, but are unwilling to earn it. Those are the same players that show up for raid 6 times in a month and expect a raid slot.

This is what they are saying, "I don't know the fight, I won't bother to research or study the fight or my spec, and I do not bring food or flasks to raid, but I am entitled to a raid slot on the random times that I bother to show up. I am entitled to being carried because the boss drops some gear that I 'need'... or else you're a jackwagon yo."

^ that is what I hear coming from their faces.

Owait... now I don't hear them anymore... owait, now I hear them again, trolling me in Tarde Channel from some other guild.

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90 Human Priest
I stopped reading here. Just because people disagree with you, or respond to your diatribes in kind, does not make them adolescent juveniles, poor sports, nor sore losers.

You are absolutely correct. Disagreeing or responding does not make them adolescent juvenile poor sports and sore losers... on the contrary... being adolescent juvenile poor sports and sore losers makes them disagree and respond.

...and... How else better to reach limited mentallity than with toddler-speak?

When conveying a message to persons that use "LOL" as punctuation, what exactly do you expect?

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28 Troll Priest
You are absolutely correct. Disagreeing or responding does not make them adolescent juvenile poor sports and sore losers... on the contrary... being adolescent juvenile poor sports and sore losers makes them disagree and respond.

Pot, meet kettle.

I lol'd.
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90 Human Priest
^ Disagreed and responded.

I lol'd more.

You don't hear me crying about not having Tol Barad.
You don't hear me crying about not being carried.
You don't hear me crying about some other guild.
You don't hear me crying about getting ganked.

Blow the QQ Kazoo and all I hear is, "Please coddle me, WoW is too hard".

Is that the name of YOUR tune?

I certainly hope not. This is a great, fun game.
Just play it man. It's for fun and entertainment value.
Get out there and enjoy the content, play with your friends and have a good time.
If you can't handle that and get along with other folks... well... Bad on You.

Me? Ima have me some good times and do some fun stuff with me mates yo.
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90 Human Paladin
::pokes thread with a stick::

"He's dead, Jim"
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90 Human Priest
R. I. P.
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24 Dwarf Shaman
06/29/2011 03:18 PMPosted by Gabryal

You had me going there for a while.
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