To the people with their PVP flags...

100 Orc Warrior
Selective reading is selective. I've mentioned the vast amount of gold that accumulated in high populated guilds twice. You also took 4 lengthy replies to even slightly address the actual topic of this thread. and still barely did. You had the audacity to condescend another player that they shouldn't expect you to carry them in TB. You've participated in 10 victories, so 14 of your 24 BH runs were because others did the work for you. How is that you carrying them?

Failing to admin your own vent is your own fault. It's not that hard to change a password after noticing people disturbing it. And even simpler to mute/ban troublemakers. Coming over to Horde trade chat and trying to recruit for your guild and not expecting to incur trolls, both in /trade and have it spill over to the forums is like running across a freeway without looking and not expecting an eighteen wheeler to spill your internal organs all over the place.

The only thing about you that I'm scared of is that your logic. reasoning, inflated sense of self importance, and delusional view that your own limited definition of things is the only reality that matters seems to be identical to Michelle Bachmann's, thus suspect you might actually be her, thus am scared of her/you actually getting into the Oval Office.

(edited immediately after posting for grammar/spelling)
Edited by Káhn on 7/5/2011 4:29 PM PDT
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85 Orc Warrior
OK first off we couldn't care less about realm first lvl 25 and u have no right on saying "it's a video game dude, calm down. " think before u post u hypocrite... if u say your not one just think back to the times when u wanted to sue hotsauce etc etc. im sorry to say Its a game dude, calm down..:)
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90 Human Priest
Blah, blah, what?

Oh, so now it’s really all about posting recruit ads in Horde trade channel some several months ago?

And having a recruit thread in the forums?


Well, you’ll have that I suppose.

But please, do go on.
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100 Orc Warrior
Blah, blah, what?

Oh, so now it’s really all about...

Very little in the universe is ever "really all about" just one thing. Especially in the human condition, most everything is an accumulation of experience, reflections on those experience, observations of others' experiences.
This is why most of your arguments aren't just silly, many are invalid. You find one single statement, disregard everything else, and then misinterpret and blow that one statement out of proportion.
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90 Human Priest
Hey, remember that night in Orgrimmar? In the leather shop?

I died once. I sure did. It’s the fastest way out of town.

You see, when we planted ourselves there, we needed 800 HK to complete our guild achievement [Guild Gankers]. For personal count, I earned more than 200 myself, and we farmed the 800 needed for the achievement.

200 HK + the 800 HK to complete the guild achievement, at the cost of dying once? Priceless.

All in about 20 minutes time… Can’t generate numbers like that in a Random BG, now can ya?

Right after that is where your mole came in handy. The guy listening in on our Vent and typing everything we said into Horde trade channel. “OK, everyone get ready, we’re hitting Undercity next!”… up went your portals, and off went your fighters… to Undercity.

We sent a small group of a dozen players to Undercity to make it look good… meanwhile the main force killed Thunderbluff with very little resistance.

You were played. And farmed.

I died once. I sure did. And apparently that one single death is so utterly significant in Horde culture, that even to this day some of your players brag about having a screenshot of Penelopae dead at the leather shop.

The events of that night are so epic that Horde still talk about it, brag about having screenshot proof of their participation. This is the stuff legends are made of.

If you print those screenshots out, and take them to Kinkos, they can blow those up to poster size for you. Do that, mail me the poster, and I’ll autograph it for you and mail it back. Free of charge.
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90 Human Priest
Holier-than-thou superiority complex... You mean like saying how much some other guild sucks, lacks skill, forsakes their faction, has poor morals, and is filled with really bad people, right?

Owait… that was YOU guys saying all that stuff.


Hate… in a video game. And you pretend to lecture folks about morality?


Just… just wow.

Trying to have a discussion with you farm-products is beginning to be about as productive as playing with food before eating, ya know? *yawn*

Well, the good news is that we did indeed earn the [Guild Gankers] achievement on our last visit. And now we’re working on [Creepjackers]… which is One Million Hordies killed. So we’ll probably need to return to Farmville, err… I mean Orgrimmar, soon.

We’re going to need you to line up again like good little farm-products and help us with that, m’k?

K, Thanks =)
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100 Orc Warrior
07/07/2011 12:47 AMPosted by Penelopae
So we’ll probably need to return to Farm

The problem with farms is how so many family farms were practically stolen from them by banks who then invested into corporations that would then industrialize farm the land, leaving those family farmers that managed to hold onto their land completely unable to compete.
Now we're in an age where it's gotten so bad that everyone, corporate and family alike, profit more by farming limited crops (rather than proper rotation for the continued health of soil) such as corn, that's then used in fuel, rather than making food for reasonable affordability to actually feed people. Haven't you noticed how much food prices keep going up?

It's gotten so bad that even in Mexico, people are switching to corn to sell for ethanol, including in the specific region where agave is grown. Agave is the plant necessary to make tequila. As it stands, because of switching to corn, and limited strains and threats of parasites and diseases that all farmers must deal with, within only a few decades, there will be no more tequila! Much like champagne, which is required to be made from g*!%!s from a specific region of France, tequila can only be called tequila when it's made from a specific region of Mexico.

This is also part of the reasons of why hemp/cannabis is still so illegal in the U.S. Considering how it can be used in place/to make: petroleum/plastics, cotton/cloth and rope, trees/paper, tobacco/something enjoyable to inhale carcinogenics with. Of course the obvious reason is the corporations behind the products that would be replaced, and the land currently growing corn for overpriced gasoline, but with the plant to harvest time, several crops a year could be yielded. The quality of life for those farms that are struggling to get their fields to produce something of worth would be greatly improved. And the abundance of the plant itself would contribute to taking more CO2 out of the air - cus oxygen is important.

But hey, if you want to be apart of the problem, you just keep on farming.

(Did I do it right? The honing in on a word or two and then completely disregarding everything else being said in this thread and instead going on a completely irrelevant rant?)

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90 Human Priest
I’m not really sure, but it is at least interesting to observe, if not troubling to see in society.

I think it is a combination of complex contributing factors. This is a video game, designed for entertainment purposes. Why would anyone Hate in this environment?

There is much to the psychology built into this game. It is engineered to keep people playing, and to make everyone who plays subconsciously feel as if they are great at it. Which is pure genius on the part of the game creator, but this may create an exaggerated sense of self-importance to easily influenced people that tend towards an addictive personality to begin with. It is sort of dangerous in that respect.

Where is the line between “immersion” and “addiction”, one may ask? A true addict will stop at nothing to gain their “fix”. If that addiction is based on self-perceived godliness in a video game, anything that can be interpreted as a threat to that must be removed or they lose the euphoric sensation of being omnipotent. Lacking the ability to remove another player, they stoop to whatever means they have at their disposal to make the offending entity feel bad about themselves, or try to pressure them to leave the environment. Text, and words… are all they really have as tools, so they try to use that… or peer pressure, or greifing.

So many broken families in this country, I think is also a contributing factor. Dead-beat Dads, single parents trying to raise a family in this not-so-great economy… Moms having to work two jobs to support her family… leaving latchkey kids with little purpose or attention, and left with video games as an electronic babysitter. In previous generations the teenagers were not so bored, and usually had both parents living at home. Teenagers had chores on the farm for example. Or they worked in their spare time, or had sports and healthy activity with plenty of social interaction and better role models.

Overcrowded classrooms, and very busy single-parent households, and maybe other factors lead to less and less quality attention for these kids. So they are left to the influence of that electronic babysitter, where the community is made up of other kids in the same situation. The gamer mentality, where gear, items, and who your supposed “friends” are determine the value of a person.

I think many single moms especially, coddle kids a bit more than they should, trying to make up for the lack of a father figure. Moms are by nature, nurturing. This gives kids a sense of entitlement. Why work for something when Mommy will just give it to them out of guilt? That carries over into the game environment too, where players feel entitled to run-throughs, being handed everything they need, and getting carried. And then when they have all the elite items and gear, that view of self-importance, leetness kicks in, and now they are Gods of WoW.

Anything that goes contrary to all of these factors becomes the object of hate. ZOMG, that guy has item X, why don’t I have that? He must be cheating! ZOMG that guild got an achievement before we did – they suck! ZOMG that player just won MY item that I want – I HATE THEM!!! …I …must …do …and …say …things …to ..make …them …feel …bad …about …themselves.

I don’t know man… I don’t really “get” the Hate thing in a video game.

In my opinion, it is merely a video game, designed for entertainment purposes. Everyone *could* be nice to one another. But clearly that is not the case.


Life goes on. We can hope that the Haters grow up and become good folk.
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90 Human Priest
The only negative feedback that I get is from butthurt little Hordies dude.

I can't help what a handful of poor sports say or do.

The guild is healthy, has a very good record of stickiness. The best players always stay and the rest filter their selves out. I have minimal in-guild drama, or problems with the members, or any other issues within the guild.

We get stuff done, have a good time doing it, and continue to grow.

We hear a lot of crap slinging about the guild, but if you read the rhetoric carefully it is the exact same thing over and over again, from the same handful of whiners.

For every Horde alt talking crap in Tarde Channel, I get 3 good folks whispering me to say Hi. Just because you only hear the negative, or choose to only see the negative does not mean that there is not plenty of positive.

Just because some idiot types in caps does not make a truth. Look, it's the cool thing to grief Zen. All the cool kids are doing it. Hop on the bandwagon if you must, that's your choice.

Frankly, it doesn't affect anything that we do. At best it keeps me entertained, and at worst it's just ridiculous.

If you can’t see that, bad on you mate.

I do not affect your raid locks, your play time, or anything that you do. Now how exactly is it that you HATE me and the guild so much? Why exactly is that? What possible reason could you have?

You asked me a question and I have taken the time to give you my honest opinion of what part of the problem may just be. I think what I wrote is more the case than you may want to admit, for some reason.

You could answer with a viable theory of your own, but you won’t.

Buy into whatever story you want to hear, it really matters far less to me than you could imagine.

I really do not need your approval, or respect, or anything that you have. If you were not hating on me, it’d be some other poor schlep, at least this way it’s on me and you aren’t going to hurt my feelings or bother me at all. So carryon if you feel you must. Yay you, hero of the haters.
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90 Human Priest
^ Sorry, forgot to *yawn* at the end of that.


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85 Human Rogue
um if you guys keep talking about PvP jsut do a war game and stop fighting. cuz truely if were doing screen shots ill start taking in 2 1v1 and anything you want, it is a game who cares who kills who they come right back this anit runescape where they lose everything if they die. kk speach over peace out back to doing my thang. =P
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100 Orc Warrior
ZOMG Arch your healer's almost dead! Vanish and sprint away!!!!

EEK! You're almost dead! What's the UI say that war's health is at? OVER NINETY PERCENT!!!

Okay, I'm just bantering. But I feel kinda bad for a DK from Zen that I challenged to a duel today WSGs as I was finishing my rep grind... I think s/he attacked a second early and got flagged died. I really didn't mean to drop him/her below 1 hp.

I did say KINDA bad. I'm not a complete jerk.
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85 Human Rogue
kahn are you mad cuz you cant kill me when i enter your place even with the help of your guards? it is ok we cant all be good PvPers keep trying and watch skillcapped vids might help you some.
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