[H] The Silvermoon Magistrate [RP Event]

100 Blood Elf Priest
Think its time to stop beating a dead horse and quit while your ahead. And keep in mind NPC and player toons are very different, there are supposed to be limitations on player toons. The devs had that in mind on purpose as they did with NPC government. (Keep in mind I have actually sat with some of them). It is evident the majority here disagree with you. Instead of trying to defend something that has more holes than swiss cheese give it a rest.

People RP crazy crap...from vampires that sparkle to demons from anime...doesn'tmean its lore friendly. There is always gonan be some bending, but bending when it isn't necessary is another matter. And if you assume people have some personal vendetta against you, paranoid much? This has nothing to do about that, its has to do with the fact everyone here has warned you NOT to do what youa re doing and you are doing so anyway.

If people chalk you up as ICLy crazy etc...don't go of on a cursing rampage.

Edited by Talibah on 7/25/2011 6:15 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I'm not doing the Silvermoon Magistrate. At all. I was told to try it out with a select group of friends, which I am doing, and it is working well for me.

As for you "sitting down with some of them" (in reference to the devs), aren't you just a special cookie! The fact remains that if you are going to claim that I cannot roleplay a mage even though my OOC class is a warlock, then you cannot say that you are okay with ANYTHING that is not a player-class. Being a mage is lore-friendly...because magi exist, lol. Being a sparkly vampire? They don't exist, so NOT lore-friendly. You're comparing apples and oranges.

If people chalk Nemain up to being crazy ICly, I don't see how, considering she does not give off any demonic presence that a warlock would, and she does not use warlock spells, nor have warlock abilities, or even -look- like a warlock. If anything, she'd laugh at someone who claimed she was otherwise, lol.
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