[H] The Silvermoon Magistrate [RP Event]

85 Blood Elf Warlock
Ever since the Northrend Campaigns, Silvermoon has been in turmoil. The Magistrate, occupied with seemingly more important tasks, has neglected the people and their duties to keep the city of Silvermoon a peaceful place, void of flaws.

Upon her return to the once fair city after years serving in Northrend and alongside the Horde in the Maelstrom, Nemain Shadowstar has returned to her seat as Magistrix...and has seen the chaos her home has become.

With permission from Grand Magister Rommath, Nemain has called to arms all members of sin'dorei society: the Magistrate will be reformed, and rise again like a phoenix from the ashes.

Due to this, each notable magi of the city, and those already serving the Magistrate, have been sent a letter of referral, asking for their appearance at the Sunfury Spire for a certain date, to discuss the reformation of the Magistrate, and to elect the Magistrate's new members.

Silvermoon City's state, ultimately, rests in your hands.


As the above states, I am seeking to bring back a truer sense of Blood Elf RP and provide a source of "political standing" and "law enforcement". This will not be a guild, and each member of The Magistrate will be IN-CHARACTER ELECTED. Nobody will be self-appointed. I want this to be something the server, as a whole, can agree to and work together on. All of those elected will be updated in this post so that those who transfer or join will know the governing body of the city.

New members can be ICly elected once a month (no more than 3 new members a month). Simply because not EVERYONE can rule. Elections will be made ICly at each event.

Time of event: Saturday, July 23rd 9:00 pm server time.

From that point on, each "election" afterwards will take place on the first Saturday of every month at 7:00pm server time.

If you wish to change ANY of the above regulations/information/whatever, please post in this thread with your thoughts and opinions on improvement! We are a community, so everyone's input counts!
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
With all do respect I really don't see how this would work. I mean do you really expect everyone to who role plays in Silvermoon to go along with this? If they don't what will you do tell the ones who do to just ignore them to divide the communnity more than it already is? I'm 92% sure that not everyone will catch wind of this idea, desipte as 'grand' as it sounds.

That is mostly assuming. Maybe you have some great idea to spread word, and have everyone sold on the idea of having people decide what someone can do, and have others rule them as that is the sense you've described for this 'event' of sorts. I for one am not for electing someone to rule over me.

I seem to remeber a time though when there were a group of Paladins (Blood Kbights?) that would enforce the laws of silvermoon meaning no fighting or harrassment, and that was fine with me. I remeber Tel getting fairly thrashed a time or two, and tossed out of the city. I enjoyed that it was very nice rp around Silvermoon. A law system like that~ one that just keeps the peace I'm honestly cool with.

To wrap this ranting crybaby post up I can only see this as some sort of way to divide the community, and start alot of drama over '' I didn't get picked! '' sort of trash, and that is something I'm sure no one wants, but again this is only my thoughts, and I could be wrong. I don't think for others, but do think for myself, and have posed my own thoughts. Do with them what you will, and I hope you do come up with more ideas, because it does seem you are creative in your own way. :P

The Handsome warrior: Telarian Silverwind.

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53 Human Paladin
If you wish to change ANY of the above regulations/information/whatever, please post in this thread with your thoughts and opinions on improvement! We are a community, so everyone's input counts! Unless you disagree with everything already posted, then your input doesn't count. And you'll possibly be harassed about it.

There. I fixed it for you.
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
This isn't to bag on you. The idea of a player-run government doesn't work very well. I had a character affiliated with the Convocation back in BC when it was done the first time around, and it didn't work then.

The reasons are vast, but namely it does play into dividing the community. Also, roleplaying a government is really, really quite hard. Especially when you need every party there for "big decisions".

I do respect the fact you have an idea of trying to have Silvermoon City not be a terribad remake of Gangs of New York. Often people forget the city is a recovering dictatorship with extremes in behavior control.

"Happiness is mandatory, citizen."

Definitely doesn't seem like throwing bombs at the inn and mind-controlling people into stabbing guards and generally assaulting one-another would be tolerated in any fashion. <_<
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
All wonderful concerns. Allow me to address them!

Telarian: You are thinking of Wrath of the Righteous, which was run by Varrick and his Knights of Virtue. It was a great guild and they did help to quell some of the issues. As for the people that would not recognize the Magistrate, that would be like not recognizing the government of Silvermoon...period. Which, ultimately, would mean not adhering to the lore and guidelines of the World of Warcraft universe. In such a case, we would -help-, not bash nor insult, people to understand the purpose of the Magistrate and their role in sin'dorei society. Each member is ELECTED, not self-appointed, so the people on the Magistrate will be people that the community, both OOCly and ICly, has deemed fit and worthy to play such a role.

Matre: If you disagree with the idea, it is fully within your right to do so. All I ask is that, should the Magistrate come to be something awesome, that you give it a chance and allow the RP to flourish. :)

Saerielle: I am aware of the severity. However, never before (as far as I am aware, anyway) has the governing body been 100% elected by the community. No member on the Magistrate is a member that is self-appointed. And I am sure that as a community, we could come to an agreement/understanding on things such as what are the laws, how many members have to vote on something to pass a law, etc. And each "law" would be brought before the community for approval before being ICly carried out to a vote.

My hope is that this will be 100% community run. Not only to help return Silvermoon to what it's supposed to be, but to aid others in growing with their RP and to provide a sense of unity.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
So... just to clarify...

You're wanting to make certain people "the law" in roleplay, merely by popular vote (emphasis on the word "popular")?

You should be able to guess how all this will turn out, Azahira.

If it is truly to be a Sin'dorei government extension, only Sin'dorei would be allowed to be elected, thus throwing everything back to how BC was: Blood Elf-centric RP. There wouldn't be another race elected to seat, therefore you would be excluding every other race Hordeside. How this benefits the community as a whole leaves me a bit puzzled. Perhaps you could explain?
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100 Blood Elf Priest
This has been the consesus on the RP community forum as well.. It's very exclusionary. You asked for input and from what is coming back, I would consider said input. The majority here is against this idea for numerous reasons as listed above.
Edited by Talibah on 7/14/2011 5:55 PM PDT
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85 Blood Elf Hunter
During Burning Crusade, it was more understandable to have this sort of thing because the Prince was gone, etc. Silvermoon City and the Blood Elves were a focus during that amount of time because of what was occurring. While I still like to go to the city from time to time, it's not a focus for any of my characters' roleplay any longer.

In my opinion (feel free to disagree), this expansion is about healing and banding together after the world just got turned upside-down. It's about races working together as a whole, despite their differences (though there is much mistrust and shadiness, or rather skeletons in their closets) to bring peace back to Azeroth.

Politics and a hub for quests are mainly set in Orgrimmar to delve into other areas because the city grew ten stories in height and emits radiation. It's bustling with the war effort, and politics? Well, if you know anything about orcen politics you know if it disagrees with you, kick it in the face or if you can beat them, then you're the better leader. No "voting" or subterfuge politics. (Believe me, if I'd gotten a chance to vote, it would have been for Varok Saurfang.)

Since I doubt people want to dual in Durotar for Orgrimmar council spots, I think it's safe to say chilling out there is the best option.

Instead of doing all this massive planning for roleplay, just.. go roleplay. You don't need a council or a title to interact with people. Trust me, we're everywhere. :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
07/14/2011 09:22 AMPosted by Talibah
This has been the consesus on the RP community forum as well.. It's very exclusionary. You asked for input and from what is coming back, I would consider said input.

See, Aza, Tali could probably offer advice because of the "politics" and the goings on with the Western Alliance on Alli side. From what I understand, there's much to be learned from what all happened there. :)

Empire building and exclusionary RP that casts leader/follower roles tends to get out of hand and rather quickly. This is human nature, and it becomes even easier when you're hidden behind a screen (see Jonathan Gabriel's theory on what happens to people when they're on the 'net for a visual explanation and flow chart).

As much, I suggest reading up on the study performed by Philip Zimbardo of Stanford University in 1971 to provide additional example of such scenarios wherein people are placed in "power" with "underlings".
Edited by Bellamuerte on 7/14/2011 3:13 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Actually Viloche heads the Western Alliance and all things in the group are discussed and voted upon. Guilds tend to work together to create events, like MLC's pet show etc. It's not a government etc. It was a way of forming a community of RPers and pulling resources to be able to raid and so on. Which is a very, different scenario.

Creating a Magistrate when one is in place as an NPC etc, and an environment which on Horde side in the past has only led to discord is not one I would recommend, there are far better mor inclusionary ways to encourage a positive RP environment.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Actually Viloche heads the Western Alliance and all things in the group are discussed and voted upon. Guilds tend to work together to create events, like MLC's pet show etc. It's not a government etc. It was a way of forming a community of RPers and pulling resources to be able to raid and so on. Which is a very, different scenario.

Creating a Magistrate when one is in place as an NPC etc, and an environment which on Horde side in the past has only led to discord is not one I would recommend, there are far better mor inclusionary ways to encourage a positive RP environment.

Ah, yes... the WA. Forgive me for being incorrect on who leads it. :) It had a "sister group" on Horde side, I believe. "Eyes of Azeroth"; a place where the boards were monitored by "The Watchers". Your group, too, yes?

I encourage groups working together. Trouble is, someone always wants to be "in charge" and have things pretty much go only their way. Discord happens when you're trying to get creative people participating of their own free will to bend to one person or group's wishes.

To provide a little insight on groups working together, Tali, can you share with us what has happened in the WA when there has been dissension or disagreement on something that's happened? (Viloche/Mene is free to answer as well, of course. I address you because I know you're rather active in the group as well as here in this thread.) Perhaps your experiences can shed a bit of light on all this?

And which event on Horde side were you referring to, if I may ask? There's been many.

Seems like someone always wants to "control" SMC and the populace thereof.

Funny thing is, the Sin'dorei government is kinda there by default. Metzen, et al, made it that way.

EDIT: Still wondering how this helps new people and those not in favor with the people in charge become involved in RP on SoE. Anyone can feel free to educate me, as I might be missing something quite obvious. I'm behind on coffee intake today. xD
Edited by Bellamuerte on 7/14/2011 5:35 PM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
You can ask Vil about that yourself, I help with events, thats about as active as I am other than behind the scenese things. Remember you were invited to meetings to see how WA etc. worked and declined. It is not a governing body but a collective, Vil started the idea but everyone has a say.

However, this derails the topic at hand. The bottom line here is as much as the enthusiam is appreciated and we all want to breathe new life into the community, this idea may not be the best one. Making it primarily for BE's leaves out the other races etc. It excludes others and voted for or self appointed, something can and will always go wrong and we go back to drama fest whether its over an RP fight etc.

One of the arguments was to bring realism to RP, and I stated then that starts with the individual and fans out. Two people having an interesting conversation can lead to something impromptu. A lot of that has been seen with the tavern event Order of Absolution has been doing. It was positive and constructive.
Edited by Talibah on 7/14/2011 5:38 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
07/14/2011 05:36 PMPosted by Talibah
Remember you were invited to meetings to see how WA etc. worked and declined. It is not a governing body but a collective, Vil started the idea but everyone has a say.

Oh, I don't recall ever being invited, actually, but a Google of "western alliance sisters of elune" can provide information, I'm sure. As much, I'm just asking questions, since you chimed in on the thread and have experiences working with groups and "votes" and such. It's not a derail, else all the comments in the thread have been. ;) That's what community efforts are about, after all... all community members speaking.

07/14/2011 05:36 PMPosted by Talibah
It excludes others and voted for or self appointed, something can and will always go wrong and we go back to drama fest whether its over an RP fight etc.

Thus, my question to you regarding voting mechanics and having roleplay go smoothly.

I believe my point was missed, however, so I'll withdraw the questions entirely and relegate this discussion to something I consider closed on my end.

You've my opinion, and that's all the posts here are, of course. Plan well, and cross those typing fingers it all works out. Good luck on the endeavor, Azahira.
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100 Blood Elf Priest
When it comes to creating a government it's bad karma, this isn't liek the upcoming pet show where there are judges and so on for something of that nature.

Keep in mind the RP community is like working with a bunch of actors, some get along, some do not. Some scenes are set up to be romantic and warm, others full of strife and conflict as an individual we can make things either condusive or not.

I have worked with varying groups of people here and on another RPG for over 10 years, I do have a lot of experience. Some cases things work and you can OOCly network everyone to be on the same page other times you can't, one just goes with the flow as best as they can.

Some conflicts can be easily settled as well with an OOC conversation, mediation or meeting and on others no matter what is said or done the lines in the sand are drawn and it is best for folks to agree to disagree and move forward.

This scenario brings a lot of those things to light, it would require a lot of OOC planning etc. And there will always be the player that will not go along consider themselves invinvible and can be a headache. From the feed back you requested here, the majority of the RP community does not see this as a positive workable event.

Though good luck should yous till wish to persue this endeavor.

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90 Blood Elf Warrior
We all agree that we are against it, correct?

So there is only one more thing i would highly suggest to you Nemaiin. Don't try to go through with this, because I can only see this happening from this. One: The people who get elected through whatever means you intend try to role play their position of power inside Silvermoon, and get highly embarrassed.

I'm all for good ideas when it comes to role playing, because we all know how active I within the community (/Facepalm?). Just make them events, and idea that don't involve you standing over my guy as a power figure. I'm going to reject that. Maybe you should make a guild to uphold the law? (I really miss that if I hadn't made that clear.) Since unlike EVERYONE of thoes pro role player Ol' Telarian still hangs his role playing hat in Silvermoon.

The Handsome Warrior: Telarian Silverwind.

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100 Blood Elf Priest
"The Magisters are a group of blood elf mages and are one of three factions in the government of Silvermoon City and all of Quel'Thalas. They are led by Grand Magister Rommath, a master of Arcane, Fire, Frost, and Holy magic. Out of the three main factions within Silvermoon, the Magisters are probably the oldest, as the Highborne exiles who originally conceived the nation were mages, first and foremost, before they began to compose their ranks with those trained in archery and martial combat. "

Considering all the yelling about lore over this, if you play lock and claim to be a mage...roll the mage. If youa re going to have a title make sure it fits the lore. From all the arguing in gen chat...things are happening which is precisiely why this was a bad idea and for all the lore arguing...see above.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Warlock is an OOC class. When I name-changed my character, I couldn't change her class, too. So MRP does it for me. She is, ICly, a mage.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
07/14/2011 04:28 AMPosted by Nemaiin
As for the people that would not recognize the Magistrate, that would be like not recognizing the government of Silvermoon...period. Which, ultimately, would mean not adhering to the lore and guidelines of the World of Warcraft universe.


The government of Silvermoon is currently being run by Lor'themar Theron. He is the standing leader of the blood elves. Halduron Brightwing is the military commander, Grand Magister Rommath is the leader of the magi. Rommath was also a very, very loyal servant of Kael'thas, so he's not exactly trusted or liked, at the moment.

The government used to be run by the Convocation of Silvermoon -- it included the Sunstriders, and a ruling body of high elves of high rank. There were precisely two members of the original convocation that were left alive after Arthas razed the city during the Third War -- Kael'thas, and Dar'Khan. Guess which one of them is still alive? If you guessed neither, you're correct.

Silvermoon has one leader right now and that is it. Creating your own government with a fancy title and presuming that anyone that doesn't believe it isn't "adhering to the lore and guidelines of the World of Warcraft universe" is ridiculous. Presuming that the government that you create, out of nowhere, run by player characters, is actually based in Warcraft lore -- now THAT is basically thumbing your nose at established lore to begin with.
Edited by Shade on 7/22/2011 2:31 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Priest
Shade I completely concur with your assessment. And though other's may not have an issue with a warlock icly rping as a mage with the title of magistrix, others do.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
If people confuse OOC with IC, that really isn't my problem. If that were the case, then people are not allowed to RP as demon hunters, demons, Scourge, Dark Rangers, Val'kyr, Spellbreakers, Pyromancers, Nethermancers, Shadowmancers, Blood Knights, or anything else that is not -specifically- a playable class. So before you start condemning -one- person that you just happen to not have a high opinion of, perhaps you should condemn -everyone-, or nobody at all. People shouldn't have their RP restricted just because of game mechanics. That's stupid. Thrall doesn't go around in lore with a tag on his robes that say "level 87 elite orc shaman". Nor does Sylvanas go around with a tag on her armor saying "level 87 elite undead hunter". Thrall is more than -just- a shaman, and Sylvanas is more than -just- a ranger. The same goes for player-characters. We can be more than just what Blizzard flops in front of us as PvP/PvE classes/races.
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