And honestly (not looking down my nose at tens, but factual data here), we've done 10man raiding in between our 25 man groups, and i dont think a raid composition would have even mattered in 10s. Majordomo for example: The soft enrage and healing stress were almost negated by the amount of HP he had and his damage output. We 3 shot him without ever seeing the encounter before with myself and 2 holy pallyz (which means no OP disc bubble or spirit link totem [which would have helped EMMENSELY during high adrenaline stacks while in scorpion form] and it was not a problem at all to heal). Not to mention we had no 5% crit buff in our raid. and still never worried about his soft enrage. Basically, our composition was awful, but it didnt even matter. In 10s, Majordomo has about 60mill HP; in 25s, its a little over 200million. Which is 3.5x as much, even though the raid size is only 2.5x as large.
This is a good example of what I'm talking about as differences.
Majordomo on 10's as a 10 man guild
He's got a wee bit over 3 times the amount of health because ... you have 3 times as much DPS going on and more importantly with better buffs and other damage sources (pets, etc...). So that's really not a validation. You guys also probably pushed him before or shortly into the "Pod phase" because you've had a lot more gear drop in 25's. We've had terrible experience in our drops, DE'ing about 60%+ of what we've gotten whereas my 25 man guild rarely DE's anything until everyone's geared out.
In 10's when you're at the Pod phase, there's the majority of your DPS dealing with pods whereas on 25's we had plenty of extra folks not having to deal with the Pods, so he died much faster. Sure, it was more hectic getting people in their spots, but honestly... we had an equally hard time in Dominance getting the pods addressed quickly since they kept spawning WAY away from the center of the room.
You're complaining about holy paladins? You're kidding right? They heal themselves and have beacon so thats 6 people that are lulziehealed through just single targeting. Not to mention Aura Mastery rotation (aka best mitigation for Flame Scythe)? Sorry but 6 seconds of 75% damage redux > 10 seconds of 25% damage redux... especially twice when he's Scything every 4 or 5 seconds. You can soak 4 Scythes easily, which we both know means he gets a lot more damage done to him.
Along with a Tranq, Wild Growth, Swiftmend, Rejuv stacks and Free HP heals? Give me some holy paladins please! I'm sure you guys had little to no problems since the bars were gettin refilled fast and super efficiently.
We 3 shot him our first look at him too, but that was with our best geared group. We're doing 16-7-6-6-6, but most guilds can't do that around here.
Anyways, I'll sit here and talk shop all day. I still stand by each type of raid having its difficulties and both should be proud in accomplishments.
Edited by Titan on 8/11/2011 1:36 PM PDT