Raid Expectations

52 Orc Shaman
Having raiders contribute flasks they would have used on themselves to make cauldrons is

most economical.

Store the flasks in GB, don't need to stockpile cauldrons.

The flasks will be there in the event alchemist is missing.

Always kill Gub in ZG, chance at 18+ catfish drop makes it worth the 20 seconds.

Contribute where you can. If you're not fishing or getting flasks, but always see feasts and

cauldrons at raids, are you at least keeping the GB stocked with enchanting mats or gems?

Also, never accept tips from guild members for the services you provide. This makes them l

more accepting of you when you do mooch.

I'm not on a typewriter.

Why are we double spacing?

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90 Orc Warlock
08/12/2011 12:55 PMPosted by Titan
With the addition of Seafood Feasts and Cauldrons, why do some guilds still insist on their Raiders providing their own flasks and food? I'm of the opinion that its just easier to provide them as a guild perk and it assures that everyone is fed/flasked for bosses. Is it the principle of having the Raider show responsibility?

The only guilds who are not currently providing flasks for their raiders are the ones that cannot afford the materials for them (which is only flasks anyways). A more casual guild may not have an alchemist at all, or may not have motivated members to farm the materials to the make the flasks in order to craft the final cauldrons. On the topic of whether or not individual flasks should be required from raiders.. yes. You should come prepared on your own, with your own food, flasks, and dps/healing/mitigation pots. When the guild alchemist or cook calls off (not likely to happen since everyone can cook with no ill-effects on profession choice), it only looks bad on you to not have the required materials to raid with.

I've raided in top progression guilds on multiple characters, and even over on the EU servers, and its always been an assumed responsibility to bring your own materials; if the guild supplied anything, you saved your consumables for the next raid.

On this character I always have 40 Flasks, 100 Fortune Cookies, and 100-500 Volcanic Pots. I also carry 100-200 Haste Elixirs for fights where we use Prismatic Elixirs for raid-wide damage. The only thing I expect from the guild is the Prismatic Elixirs, and only because I deposit the materials when I go on farming sprees for flask/pot materials.
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85 Draenei Shaman
We use a reward system to make sure that we're always stocked for raids on everything from flasks, feasts, gems, enchanting materials, leg enchants, etc... but thats a different topic entirely probably. The majority of the time Raiders can completely circumvent the Auction House which is nice and it makes it so that we always have more than enough money for guild repairs and other needs that arise.

I understand its not the norm and years ago when the super hardcore guild wasn't using a similar system it was never really an issue to keep up with expected raiding materials personally, but there was always "those guys" that never had their stuff and it seemed not worth the logistics to deal with.

Most guilds I've seen these days have members that will farm out of a sense of common goal for the guild's raiding needs, provided they're made aware of it. IMHO, a guild that isn't taking advantage of the cauldron (especially) and feasts perks is missing out on a valuable selling point as a raid guild. Our raids are far more efficient and productive because of it, at least that's my sense.
Edited by Titan on 8/13/2011 3:25 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
We use the BoE sales to buy what we need if we haven't farmed the mats for our feasts and flasks/cauldron.

We've been pretty lucky with BoE drops in the past, however Firelands is a fickle woman-- let me tell you.

I think our server hunters farmed out the majority of purps from trash, it's like squeezing blood from a stone. :<
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90 Human Paladin
Not a bit upset in the direction this thread went. Still getting good intelligent people giving personal info and actually discussing. Warms my heart.
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85 Tauren Druid
Cauldrons and Feasts themselves are not a guild reward.

These items do not just magically appear in the guild vault.

Someone must procure the materials for these items, and craft them.

Do you purchase these items with guild funds from the guild vault?

Do some members volunteer to farm the mats and donate them to the guild vault?

If donations are the sole source of these goods, is it fair that some members will dedicate time to farming while others do nothing to contribute?

If a player is brought into a raid as a replacement for a DC or for some other reason, do you throw down an entire cauldron just to give them a flask? If one player dies during an encounter, do you throw down a feast to buff that one player? (Squandering 6 fish items to buff a player that could be buffed with one single fish or meat item from his own bags)

It is reasonable to expect players to come to raid prepared. All players should come to raid with food, drink, and flasks. Some gems and enchant scrolls, or other enhancement items are nice as well, in case you get that special loot drop you have been hoping for!

We provide Cauldrons and Feasts in our raids. But that does not mean that I will waste the materials bought or gathered for raid-sized items on one lazy player. Players are indeed expected to come to raid prepared. This is reasonable, sensible, and logical.

Anything less is uncivilized.

Showing up without your own food and flasks is simply selfish. It is like saying, “Hey I am here, but I am too good to provide my own stuff for I am lazy and I am entitled to everyone else’s time and efforts outside of raid. I prefer to use others, rather than provide my own stuff”.

And if the person who is brought in is one of the main ƒarmers, why not put down 6 of the ƒish items -they- fished up. I mean if I spent a day farming and made feasts for the guild when I wasn't a ƒirst choice 
ƒor raid and I get brought in and aren't given something for my efforts i'd be rather upset. I guess the value of your raiders aren't equal to 6 fish. Not to try and bash just people farm †o share not to be stingy. If they 
wanted to be stingy they would just keep it themselves instead of sharing and putting it into the guild bank.
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85 Tauren Druid
In my previous post, I stated I bring my own flasks and some extra food. Just stating if the person who farms mats for feasts/flasks/whatever shows up and doesnt have the proper profession leveled to make those on †heir own, why shouldn't the guild help provide for that person. I personally used to ƒarm herbs for flasks 
whenever we were low i would fill the herb tab with whatever herbs we needed for the flasks we were low 
on. and in doing so, since none of my toons was an alchemist (at the time), my guild gave me a flask 
because I helped contribute to actually the TWO guilds I was raiding with back in Jan. and yea one I was 
given them the other I had to provide myself even with my own contributions. Guess which one I moved too? And it's not because I want to be handed everything because as I said I helped contribute but don't get 
anything out of it? When I say the guild should help and supply feasts and flasks, I am saying that with the 
assumption that everyone contributes in a way they can. And I apologize for not making that clear.
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90 Human Priest
Hey Bluebell...

...and they wonder why SoE is 3rd from last...

This is like the QQ-Kachew Care-Bare Ima Cry if YOU do not carry ME Realm.

Not Required for Raid: Gems, Enchants, Flasks, Food, Study, Punctuality, Decent Compueter and Internet Connection.

Just show up on random days at random hours and know what gear drops you *need*. Never forget that it really is all about ME ME ME ME ME.
I like You, so it's OK to be a Scrub Slacker. Somebody will carry us, so it's OK.

Wanna get a raid slot on SoE?
Have Boobies and Giggle a lot of Vent.
Be BFF with some 15 year old twit.
Talk the most crap in Tarde Channel and the Forums.

Success is measured in... oh wait. Never mind.

I suppose success is not a term we should use on the 3rd-from-last realm in all of WoW.

But hey, carryon with the Epeen, because it makes us sound so cool.

Go2TardeChannelNowPl0x and Talk that
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24 Blood Elf Warlock
08/27/2011 01:35 PMPosted by Penelopae
Talk the most crap in Tarde Channel and the Forums.

Is that how you got your raid spot, Pen?
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90 Human Priest
You're a raid spot.
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52 Orc Shaman
And if the person who is brought in is one of the main ƒarmers, why not put down 6 of the ƒish items -they- fished up. I mean if I spent a day farming and made feasts for the guild when I wasn't a ƒirst choice 
ƒor raid and I get brought in and aren't given something for my efforts i'd be rather upset. I guess the value of your raiders aren't equal to 6 fish. Not to try and bash just people farm †o share not to be stingy. If they 
wanted to be stingy they would just keep it themselves instead of sharing and putting it into the guild bank.

Actually, if you're not a first choice raider, and brought in as a sub, all the more reason to bring your own food and flasks. Especially if you're brought in after a "first pick" had to go because of an emergency. Otherwise you're expecting the group to waste a whole feast and cauldron just for you. That's the impression you want to give? Fine, but don't expected to be called up to the majors anytime soon.

I've had groups that have had to replace a spot with a few days notice, I've been in groups that have had to fill 2 slots last minute, and even bring someone else in halfway through the night. We've even had to completely replace a person. The chance at gear is the something you get out of it. If you've not had a raid spot, and are brought in on a group that's 5/7 or 6/7 or even 7/7 in FL, you're getting 9 other people that already have but forth all the effort and learning that you've yet to do, yet you get to do it in a group that can likely compensate for your ignorance and inexperience.

Your post reads like by being a substitute raider, you're doing someone a favor. But, as clearly illustrated by some trolls about SOE's stance in world wide progression, when someone is brought in to replace someone in a raid, it's not a ringer being brought it, it's some wet behind the ears rookie being called up to the majors. And they damn well better be prepared.
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85 Night Elf Druid
Do you expect a raid slot?
Yes, I wouldn't come to raid every night if I didn't..I wouldn't work hard on my gear if I didn't.

Do you feel that sometimes people are going to haft to sit out?
Definitely. I used to hate on when people had to sit out and bash the guild/GL for it...especially when it was me, just cause i do work so hard to get my gear, and I do work so hard to be there as much as possible. BUT, I have had to make people who do the same in my own guild sit out. It just has to happen sometimes..if every person who deserves a slot could get one, that would be fantastic, BUT sometimes raid comp prevents that from being able to happen.

How does sitting out make you feel?
Personally, it sucks, it really does, but if it's gotta be that way, than we better down a boss that night =p. Raid comp is what matters. So what if i gotta sit out, if we're getting !@#$ done, that's what counts..I'll get my chance.

How would you set up a raid if you had, lets say, too many dps and only enough tanks and healers to support one raid group?
Then that one raid group is going. Downing bosses and learning fights is important and I'd rather some people in the main group be learning the fights and downing the bosses than nothing happening at all that night. Better to get some %^-* done than nothing at all.

How you would handle the fact that the people you run with one night will most likely not be the same people your run with the next?
I've never had to handle that situation before. Something I really stress in Ego is that we're all friends. If we're gonna be seeing eachother frequently, then we need to get to know eachother. A guild shouldn't be something you use for progression. It's somewhere you go to, yes, progress, but also hang with people you get along with and can play well with. No one will EVER be unfamiliar with anyone in the group we're running with unless they're new. And if it just ain' clickin, something's gotta happen.
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90 Human Priest
08/28/2011 12:24 PMPosted by Borfin
Tarde Channel

I'm not sure whether this was a fat-finger typo or not, but I lol'd anyway.

I always use that term, it seems to fit well =)
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52 Orc Shaman

I'm not sure whether this was a fat-finger typo or not, but I lol'd anyway.

I always use that term, it seems to fit well =)

How does trade channel = "late"? edit: Or are you using tarde as "afternoon/evening"? Neither make sense.
Edited by Pishogue on 9/1/2011 1:41 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
If only people realized when you block one toon it also blocks all the alts on that account...
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90 Human Paladin
Breath again my thread child. It was looking like such a good thread
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