Winter Veil Soirée - RP Event

85 Blood Elf Warlock
...oh god
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100 Orc Warrior
Well, possibly as the only human who attended the event I suppose I could paint myself green and wear a pair of coconut bra's....

Me not that kind of Orc!
Edited by Buron on 12/18/2011 11:33 AM PST
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The event needed Orc / Troll women. ALL the women were BEs save a single tauren. Seriously....

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85 Human Warrior
12/18/2011 11:32 AMPosted by Buron
Well, possibly as the only human who attended the event I suppose I could paint myself green and wear a pair of coconut bra's....

Me not that kind of Orc!

The event needed Orc / Troll women. ALL the women were BEs save a single tauren. Seriously....


I shall commence the female tauren petting.

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Sorry someone snuck Catnip into Mai's tent...

*Shouts heard in the background "FLIN!!!!!!!!"*
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