Winter Veil Soirée - RP Event

85 Blood Elf Warlock
It is a normal day for you in whatever town you are in. You stroll on over to your mailbox, crossing your fingers for a care package from a lover or a family member, or just a letter saying hello. However, you receive neither. Poor you! Instead, a simple white envelope with elegant Thalassian decorations in one corner is presented to you. You open it, eagerly, and receive the following message:


You are cordially invited to honor the fallen heroes of the north in this year's Feast of Winter Veil: A Soirée, to be hosted in Dalaran by the Sunreavers/Silver Covenant. Festivities will be bountiful, as will refreshments, and many prizes are to be won!

Please reply back with your R.S.V.P. to either Nemain Shadowstar or Nevius Bloodshadow (Horde), or [insert two Alliance representatives here].

We hope to see you there!

Magistrix Nemain Shadowstar/[Alliance sponsor here]


In an effort to promote active RP on the server, I thought it best to begin with something simple. I would like an Alliance guild to sponsor the event Alliance-side (perhaps Rangers of Alterac or another widely-known RP guild?) as well as two of that guild's officers for contact.

Any questions/comments/concerns, please post below!

Date of event: December 17th
Time of event: 8:00pm server time
Location: Dalaran, Ledgerdmain Lounge

A thank you to the following people for making this event possible and helping with donations, costs, and set-up:

Tickets for each individual raffle is 10g. You may purchase as many tickets as you would like. Each raffle will mean you have to purchase a separate ticket. I.E., if you want to be in the gear raffle and the RP raffle, you will need to purchase both a gear ticket and an RP ticket. Donations for event give-aways are always welcome! I am HOPING to even have some epic gear! Current items we are raffling off/giving away are (this list will be updated as more donations are made):

Ebonsteel Belt Buckle x12
Legion Bindings (378 Belt - MAIL) x3
Flamebinder Bracers (378 Wrist - LEATHER)
Bindings of the End Times (378 Wrist - PLATE)
Thorns of the Dying Day (378 Thrown)

Maelstrom Crystal x5
Heavenly Shard x5
Hypnotic Dust (Stack of 20)
Pyrite Ore (Stack of 20) x2
Chaos Orb x5
Ocean Sapphire

Black Embersilk Gown (RP Robe)
Lovely Purple Dress (RP Robe)
Lovely Red Dress
Lovely Blue Dress
Lovely Black Dress
Red Traditional Hanbok x4 (RP Robe)
Green Traditional Hanbok (RP Robe)
Sageblade (RP Sword)
Bonecaster's Star of the Owl (RP Staff)
Imbued Netherweave Robe (RP Robe)
Draenic Silk Robes (RP Robe)

Froststeel Lockbox x2
Flask of the Winds
Flask of the Draconic Mind
Flask of Flowing Water
Flask of Titanic Strength
Living Ruby
Lionseye x4
Pyrestone x2
Seaspray Emerald x5
Shadowsong Amethyst x3
Crimson Spinel
Empyrean Sapphire x5
Unusual Compass
Richly Appointed Pipe
Tree Frog Box
Deepstone Oil x20
Design: Postent Hessonite
Edited by Nemaiin on 12/17/2011 8:26 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I happen to be kind of an idiot and didn't put the date/time.

December 17th, 8:00pm server time.
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90 Worgen Priest
Edited by Sahirra on 12/15/2011 2:10 PM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
For everyone Horde-side that is going to be there, please send me an in-game message, or if I am online, a whisper so I can add your toon to the calendar event. :)

For Alliance, please get people involved. As there is no Alliance sponsor, you will have to coordinate the event as best you can on your own. I do not have an Alliance toon, but Alliance has WONDERFUL and talented RPers over there, so I am sure they will get everything together!
Edited by Nemaiin on 12/17/2011 12:14 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Mage
I will try to be there. *nodnod* I don't know all my plans for Dec. 17th yet, but I would love to participate if I can. <3
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
To add to this, if you have ANY donations for the give-aways (I would -love- to give some epics and current stuff away at the event), please send it to Iamanalt. That is going to be the official RP event bank alt for all the stuff I host in the future.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
As I said on the RP Community FB page, I won't be able to make it, but I believe I may be able to donate something for a raffle or some such thing. :)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Awesome! Feel free to contact me if you decide to do such, and I am sorry you will not be able to make it. <333
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Still looking for an Alliance guild/group to help sponsor the event Alliance-side! So far only <Crimson Masquerade> has showed interest. Please contact me in-game if you want to coordinate this event!
Edited by Nemaiin on 12/17/2011 12:06 AM PST
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Still no official Alliance sponsor, and the event is THIS SATURDAY. :( I would hate for Alliance to miss out on all the prizes and everything because nobody has stepped up. </3
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90 Draenei Death Knight
I suppose since apparently we aren't 'big enough' I'll delete the offer to help from Crimson Masquerade, good luck however.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I didn't mean to come across as saying I was refusing help ._. Just nobody has contacted me IN-GAME and said "Yes, we will host it Alliance-side, what do we need to do?"

Nobody has come to me and tried to coordinate anything. Nobody. If <Crimson Masquerade> would like to help, the help is most DEFINITELY desired and I would love to speak about it. But I can't exactly do that if I am not contacted and arrangements are not made.

To update, by the way, we now have BoE Cata epics from the new instances that we will be giving away in a raffle! Several of them, courtesy of Ellorah and myself! Woot!
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
First post updated with a complete list of all items that have been donated for the event raffle/give-away.
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85 Human Warrior
-scratches head-

I'll be attending this event impromptu.

Provided I don't fall asleep... 8 PM server means 6 AM for me.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
You could always go to sleep, then wake up super early. ;)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Event in 40 minutes!
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Thank you to everyone who came! As a big thank you to everyone's hard work and dedication, all the gold made from the raffle will be split between the RP guilds to help you guys out! RP guilds, please contact me in-game. I will be collecting guild names up until the 25th of December, so if you don't claim your share of the gold by then, I'm sorry!
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100 Orc Warrior
12/17/2011 09:12 PMPosted by Nemaiin
Thank you to everyone who came! As a big thank you to everyone's hard work and dedication, all the gold made from the raffle will be split between the RP guilds to help you guys out! RP guilds, please contact me in-game. I will be collecting guild names up until the 25th of December, so if you don't claim your share of the gold by then, I'm sorry!

The event needed Orc / Troll women. ALL the women were BEs save a single tauren. Seriously....

Joking aside this was a lot of fun getting back into RP again, playing bouncer and annoying everyone for about five minutes winning just about every matierial based raffel in the drawing >.>
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85 Human Warrior

The event needed Orc / Troll women. ALL the women were BEs save a single tauren. Seriously....

Well, possibly as the only human who attended the event I suppose I could paint myself green and wear a pair of coconut bra's....
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