Stop. We're an RP server.

85 Human Warrior
No, we're not a Pvp server.

No, we're not a Hardcore PvE progression server as well.

Yes, we've always been laidback about the above two aspects of the game.

No, it's not your decision to tell us how to spend our 15 bucks a month.

No, we don't care of who's superior in Tol Barad or which guild gets what boss kill down first.

Tichondrius is that way --->

<--- Kel'Thuzad is this way.

Lightbringer is over the other way --->

I'm frothing mad with rage right now when someone asked in Trade about how the RP in this server is, and he got chased away by people telling him to find another server. AND JUST WHEN WE'RE ON THE VERGE OF REBIRTH.

Half the self-proclaimed "Kickass Pvp'ers" in this server (Alliance especially) thinks their argument is more legit because they have the best 2v2 team or 1v1 duelling prodigy, but cry murder when thrown into the REAL Pvp situation. Namely Battlegrounds.

This is an RP server. Start acting like one.



Hence says the angry warrior.
Edited by Gottfried on 12/10/2011 10:05 AM PST
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90 Undead Warrior
PvP on an RP-PvE server, wut?

But let your rage consume you, my warrior brother. Let it eat at your very soul until you became the embodiment of pure rage, until you become... I dunno, I sorta ran out of steam at the end there.
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85 Human Warrior
PvP on an RP-PvE server, wut?

But let your rage consume you, my warrior brother. Let it eat at your very soul until you became the embodiment of pure rage, until you become... I dunno, I sorta ran out of steam at the end there.

You, sir. Has just put a smile on my angry face today.

Let's be friends.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
A. Freaking. Men. The way people behave is absolutely foul and ridiculous. I have half a mind to open up a can of half-rotten worms full of whoopass on the people that start such nonsense. It infuriates me when people talk that sort of !@#$.

My advice: next time, RPers, stand up in Trade. Tell people to GTFO. This is OUR server. Why you would join an RP server and then tell people not to RP is beyond me.
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85 Night Elf Death Knight
Conversation in SW trade district some time ago...

[Random Mage]: Geez, RP servers suck. I hate roleplaying.
[Mage's Friend]: I know right?
[Aera]: Excuse me sir, but if you don't like to roleplay, then why are you on an RP server?
[Random Mage]: I have friends here.
[Aera]: Do your friends roleplay?
[Random Mage] Hell no!
[Aera]: ...

Sometimes you just can't understand why things happen.
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90 Draenei Death Knight
I saw that person asking in trade too Gott, When i see that I tend to send the person a whisper to not listen to the idiots in trade, letting them know we still RP and to type /join RPchatter for better info.

Have to admit I was grumbling at the folks trying to shoo him/her away. >.<
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85 Undead Mage
but... but..

i like pvp thats all i do nowadays and it happens to be on this server (still have good friends here that enjoy pvp too) =P

now that transmorg is available i dress up my toons in hot mageweave gear! (my female warlock specifically) .. so its kinda like roleplaying right?

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85 Human Warlock
now that transmorg is available i dress up my toons in hot mageweave gear! (my female warlock specifically) .. so its kinda like roleplaying right?


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85 Human Warrior
but... but..

i like pvp thats all i do nowadays and it happens to be on this server (still have good friends here that enjoy pvp too) =P

now that transmorg is available i dress up my toons in hot mageweave gear! (my female warlock specifically) .. so its kinda like roleplaying right?

Oh, but by all means you're welcome to enjoy Pvp! So do I, actually.

But the problem I'm concerned here is with people shooing others with irresponsible answers when they've no idea what kind of jack they're sputtering out of their mouths.

We're free to enjoy how we wish for our 15 bucks a month, but we ARE NOT playing this game alone. Others are too! Now, I know online people are anonymous but please treat others like how you wish to be treated as well. It's not THAT HARD.

Unless if said person are jackasses upon first impression, then by all means feel free to unleash your counter-jackass mode on them.

I'm raging at people in Trade who calls this a Hardcore Pvp server. Again, Tichondrius is over the other side and it's MORE hardcore there with Trade full of people asking for basic RBG below 1k rating.

I'm also well aware that tradechat all over is full of trolls and bull!@#$baggery, BUT at least freakin honor the aspects of the server you bloody joined. Not chase potential newcomers away.

-End Rant-
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85 Human Warrior
The Wyrmrest Accord forums, a while back, had a thread about how non-RPers tend to ruin an RP server. The response was generally "naaaah that doesn't happen."

I wish I could show them this thread.

Because it doesn't.

My case mind you, I'm fully aware it's a case by case basis. It doesn't happen often but when it does, it's an arrow on the knee (No, I don't play Skyrim).

I've seen that thread, and I fully understand what the OP is trying to say. OP feels tossed aside just because he/she is a non-RP'er who happen to stumble upon an RP server, loved the people there, and decided to pitch a tent there.

Let me get some facts straight:

If you're a Non-RP'er who's friendly, helps everyone, and be a wonderful person even in the anonymous community that is the internet, you're welcome to share my wonderful home cooking from the same bowl I'm currently eating right now. (Fried Kimchi Noodles anyone?)

And yes, I cook.

Now, IF you're a Non-RP'er who acts like he owns the server, grief's RP'ers, belittle them comparing achivements, badtalk about people/guilds wheter behind people's back or IN a friggin' public channel, and just an all rounder jackarse in general?

You're not worth licking my boots.

But WAIT! Stop RIGHT THERE. That's it, continue reading.

There's an instance where even the RP'er is at fault, yes.

IF you're an RP'er, who homogenizes people and treating Non-RP'ers like a second class citizen, an elitist RP'er by standard who belittle's other's ways of RP-ing, who brings IC results OOCly, and by worst taking OOC matters ICly?

Yo, I'm sorry but life ain't all sugar and sweets. Not only you're not worth licking my boots, but do the community a favor and toss that douchebaggery of yours out of the internet. You're wasting bandwidth.


Another revelation:

RP is both directly, AND indirectly Primary and Secondary aspects of the game.

Directly Primary being where we have people who logs into this game for the sake of RPing.

Directly Secondary when you have people like me, an RP'er who prefers RPing in my own time, but just hang out with online friends on another time.

So one moment I can be "Marshall Tamz! The situation is dire! We have ogre's on the frontlines, orcs on the left flank, and trolls on the right! Orders?!?!"

But ANOTHER moment, I can also be "Yo Tamzorz my favourite white boy! You checked the latest Playboy centerfold yet? Gotta check it, man. It's just daaaayuuuuum~"

The we have the Indirect Primary! These are actually EVERYONE. Yes, everyone. The moment you log into this game, staring at your screen, furiously typing the macro set-ups on your keys all while yelling call outs to your team mates in certain situations while controlling a character from a third person view? That's roleplaying right there.

Indirect Secondary: Tis a bit hard to explain on this one, I must admit but I'm yet to see a person who treats every aspect of the game in a secondary wave of pulsar motion. So I'm kind of wondering...why'd they even login in the first place?


TL:DR; version

If you're a jackarse, I don't care if you RP or not RP. Get out of our house.

If you're a down to earth nice from all sides, I don't care if you RP or not RP. I will share you the secret receipe of my Fried Jigae Kimchi noodles which is my guilty indulgence.

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90 Human Paladin
12/13/2011 02:31 PMPosted by Gottfried
an elitist RP'er

Never expected or knew there was such a thing.

Being on the server only to Pve and Pvp occasionally, i don't care what you do. As you said "Its your 15 bucks." I still don't really get why people, especially on this server, needs to belittle how anyone else plays the game. Maybe cause it is an RP server and the "Think they know everything" Pvpers and Pvers feel its is easy. That they don't want to leave people alone cause they gotta do something while waiting on that bg que or that instance que.

<This toon is what i want everything on. Acheevs, mounts, pets, only because i want to experience everything the game has to offer. I don't gloat about anything i have, i enjoy it. You play the game to enjoy it, not to listen to some little kid talk about how much you suck at it or how he can beat u in a duel or has a lot more raid acheevs than you do or how that word isn't spelled like that.

Me personally, i help anyone that asks for it. Pvper "You need Resilliance cuts? ok."Pver "You need 5 intell cuts? ok. "RPer "You want me to cut a few focusing gems because they look cool? Yea sure". I have tons of neat items just because i like what they do. I mean who wouldn't want a trinket that uses a rainbow to kill the rat in the Dwarven District Inn? Using my drinking horn, becoming a Frenzyheart, then using the rainbow, Hilarious.

Btw, I took an arrow to the knee, but i ate some oranges and it was k. (Yes, i do play Skyrim and LoL)
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85 Undead Mage
there is no such thing as an rp server. in practice there are only 2 kinds of wow servers: servers where you can take a #@%& without coming back to a ghost, and servers where you can't. to us, rp is the creepy guy who sees a cute girl on youtube and asks for vids of her feet. moreover we see some tiny glimpse of ourselves in you, and we don't like it. nothing ruins a good drink so much as watching a drunk fall through a window. i'm not telling you to stop doing it. i'm telling why people grief you, even on your own servers. and as long as real-life friendships dictate which servers people play on, blizz's designations will continue to be meaningless, there will only be 2 kinds of wow servers, and both will continue to hate rp.
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85 Human Warrior
there is no such thing as an rp server. in practice there are only 2 kinds of wow servers: servers where you can take a #@%& without coming back to a ghost, and servers where you can't. to us, rp is the creepy guy who sees a cute girl on youtube and asks for vids of her feet. moreover we see some tiny glimpse of ourselves in you, and we don't like it. nothing ruins a good drink so much as watching a drunk fall through a window. i'm not telling you to stop doing it. i'm telling why people grief you, even on your own servers. and as long as real-life friendships dictate which servers people play on, blizz's designations will continue to be meaningless, there will only be 2 kinds of wow servers, and both will continue to hate rp.

This isn't the 1980's. I'm afraid the days where "The RP'er is the creepy guy with RL relationship problems" are long, long gone.

We're human, we have different tastes of socializing, and how many friends we have in real life does not necessarily dictate our server choice.

People grief us because they simply don't understand us. It is the fear of the unknown. It has also been proven in real life that people fear what they don't know, and gang up with others to go against the said unknown subject.

Your statement is what we call downright generalization. It's like grouping up nerds, jocks, airheads, and brickheads together like how High Schools are in the 90's. I'm afraid however, those days are long gone.

I myself can vouch for this. I'm Gottfried, but I'm Chinese in real life, I live in Indonesia, and the internet is quite horrible here. But I like doing many many different things. I enjoy making friends with people from many countries, I like African food, I'm indulging myself in Arabic culture, and I've participated in Bavarian drinking competitions.

I'm surprise people still generalize or categorize in the 2000's....
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85 Undead Mage
"Whoa there, Bluebell. Looks like someone left a heap of something in the middle of the road."

Meteorus pokes the heap with the end of his staff, gently teasing it apart. "Yep, codswallop."

"What holiday offering has the vast and unnamed 'us' left here for poor lonely little me to discover, hmm? I see a wildly inaccurate and inflammatory analogy trussed up as an excuse for rude behavior followed by a steaming helping of 'everyone else is doing it, too!' How quintessentially...

Meteorus points up the road before continuing his journey. "Perhaps they saw some not so tiny glimpse of themselves in an earlier brace of frustrated accusations."

((I will add: the very fact that these discussions only seem to take place on the forums of few of the various RP servers I play on, and (so close as to be) never on the forums of "Normal" and "PVP" servers, by itself gives lie to there only being "2 kinds of wow servers."

Note: This is only my opinion and not representative of the vast unnamed and nearly always blameless "them."))
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
"Online gamers are the most ludicrously entitled beings since Caligula made his horse a senator, and at least the horse never said anything stupid." - A friend.

With that being said, or despite the real reasoning behind the aptly named senator horse, MMO's are a bunch of people who play for fun that turn into people who say, "OMG I RAN THAT DUNGEON 5 TIMES AND MY HELMET DIDN'T DROP." or "Omfg paladins r so op they need 2 b nerfed liek 38954389 yrs ago"

Unlike the normal saying of "Hate the player, not the game" strike that and reverse it. Now, before you start to troll, keep your britches on for a second.

Playing the game itself is supposed to be the 'reward'. Don't like the game? Stop playing. Unhappy with the roleplay? Change it. All of the servers are the same graphically. While I've preached about putting yourself out there and saying that you get what you put in, I'll amend that statement with the fact that some RP servers are more conducive of roleplay than others.

The unshocking realization is that Sisters of Elune is not as conducive to roleplay as it once was. I've been here since server launch and it's not just changed-- that would be understatement of the year.

So, what do you do about it?

The beauty and the unfortunate mishap of it is the players are what's responsible for what happens on a server. Unfortunately, most gamers (having been one since the age of 9 years old) are inherently the "Let someone else do it" type, unless they're born leaders.

If RP is going to be revived on here, because there are very few of us it seems due to server transfers, people quitting for other games, and simply giving up-- people need to see their proctologists to find their heads and participate as they can; without constant bickering, without ostracizing people who actually wish to participate, and with open minds.

You don't have to like everyone you RP with. In fact, statistically 1/3 of all people in the world will not like you for whatever reason (religious background, race, appearance, personality, etc). The fact that there's people who enjoy making pixellated outfits, write stories about fictional characters, and typically enjoy interacting with others makes that little roleplay community we have a lot nicer to be around.

As far as RP hate goes-- yep, it's there. Can't do much about it. Try to find relief that while they're griping about 2v2's and lack of raid loot, you're getting your money's worth. If you're having fun, who's anyone to judge? Eff 'em. They don't pay your sub fee, they don't dictate what you do on the game as long as it doesn't violate the TOS. :D

So, with that said you have two options: Go RP or don't RP.
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85 Human Rogue
haha ally and a dueling prodigy, someone is mad. BTW im not afraid of a BG read my title, and REAL pvp is arenas and RBGs, btw you jsut said dont tell others how to spend there 15 bucks, and right after that you said "act like your on a RP server" so watch what your saying. a few people migth take that as hypocritcal. aight laters.
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85 Human Warrior
12/31/2011 06:04 AMPosted by Archileuis
haha ally and a dueling prodigy, someone is mad. BTW im not afraid of a BG read my title, and REAL pvp is arenas and RBGs, btw you jsut said dont tell others how to spend there 15 bucks, and right after that you said "act like your on a RP server" so watch what your saying. a few people migth take that as hypocritcal. aight laters.

You're entirely missing the point of my rant. Try reading again.

When I say "This is an RP server, act like one" it's meant to be for those who have absolute disrespect not only to others but themselves as well.

Then again, we can't change people but we don't want them idiots to shoo clueless players who asked an innocent question but trolled to the beginning of a new kingdom.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
In short Archileuis, Gott was basically saying "Hey, we RP here. Stop telling people we don't."

If I tried to RP on a PvP server, I'd expect to get crapped on. Because that isn't a designated RP server.

Apparently we can't even RP on a RP server without that either, which is kind of silly.

I don't call strict PvE-ers or PvP-ers who choose to be here stupid for trying to do so on a RP server; so long as they're having fun. The very least is respect the fact we're doing our own thing, or if you can't seem to get past the idea that people actually roleplay on a Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game, then at least that we can read server labels correctly. <3

Edit: Wait, I used the word respect. This is the internet, who am I kidding? LOL.
Edited by Ellorah on 12/31/2011 7:53 AM PST
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