RPing is lolz to watch, so I encourage it. Go, my RP nerd brothers, pretend you're a video game character, and AMUSE MEEEEEEEEE.
Stop. We're an RP server.
02/04/2012 07:31 PMPosted by KadlekinsRPing is lolz to watch, so I encourage it. Go, my RP nerd brothers, pretend you're a video game character, and AMUSE MEEEEEEEEE.
.........Dr. Willy Wonka? A pleasure to meet you.
02/04/2012 07:31 PMPosted by KadlekinsRPing is lolz to watch, so I encourage it. Go, my RP nerd brothers, pretend you're a video game character, and AMUSE MEEEEEEEEE.
It's not your fault man, I promise you. It was not your fault, you know what I am talking about.
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