Stop. We're an RP server.

85 Human Warrior
01/01/2012 06:28 PMPosted by Rijda
And I originally rolled expecting to roleplay, and did a fair amount of that.

We need to fix this.

We need to RP.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
I think the rules for an RP server need to be enforced. Naming conventions, IC channel rules, etc etc etc. Why have them at all if they -aren't- going to be enforced?
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100 Orc Warrior
I am Kahn. I entered this reality embodied in the corpse of a woman named Melizzy. After much abuse, the body started to fail me as it continued decay, so I took over another corpse. Same thing. So I took a leap of faith and delved into the body of an orc. It was strong and hardy, it could withstand my presence unlike the previous inferior hosts. When Deathwing emerged from the maelstrom and changed the face of the world, I found myself in the body of a Belf... long did I struggle to accept my fate, until chance or fate allowed me back into the body of an enduring orc.

I am a warrior. My strength and courage can withstand any obstacle or challenge. I exist to challenge any obstacle or foe that would lie before me. I vanquish that which threatens the world, and those that would corrupt or defile it. Even Deathwing has met my shield like a mere wave washes ashore and becomes nothing.

I am Horde. The blight and evil imposed on this world by the prejudice of humans, the greed of dwarfs, and the presumption of nelfs must be checked, and sometimes eradicated when they step out of line. Space goats invaded the homeland of the orcs, bringing with it the horrors of the Burning Legion, thus I must avenge the destruction and enslavement they caused to my kin. Gnomes are just fun to punt. And Bob Barker encourages every one to spay or neuter worgen, so I'm just doing my part there.

Hey look, PvE, PvP, and even racial change all appropriate for an RP server.

Background note: Kahn (nee: Kahn O'Whoopass) has existed as an anomaly in the virtual world of man for nearly two decades. He is a being that has no form save that which he takes to experience such worlds (as Azeroth and recently a galaxy far, far away) that he finds. So yes, even the racial changes as explained are not "god-modding" or "metagaming" but appropriate to be free of retcon.

As far as "RP rules" on the server. One could argue there exists no means of long distance communication such as general and trade chats. But even if those do fall under such guidelines, keep in mind, there's no magical being, nor scores of GMs working around the clock to monitor everything in every channel on every RP server, and thus if it really really really bothers you, you'd have to report it. Of course, you'd have to report EVERYONE and not just pick and choose to really make a difference. Otherwise you might just get a few people banned, which wouldn't really be fair to them, they'd just be the unlucky ones. But rather you'd have to push hard enough that Blizzard would put their foot down and make a broad, general announcement, though give some time for adaptation, that such rules would be strictly enforced.

But as I said, in the reality of the world of Azeroth, we don't all have tiny little smartphones with different forum/chat channels to communicate with, so if you want to be diehard RP, turn those channels all off and communicate only in /say, /yell, /whisper, and /emote.
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100 Orc Warrior

You're still wrong, RPers ruined this server through and through.

Are you talking about people that RP having some sort of prestige due more to back story than actually earned in game (sorry, someone who took part in slaying Ragnaros (arbitrary boss) is gonna have a bit more honor than someone who's the bastard child of some sparkly vampire royalty and a belf home-ec teacher), then eventually let it go to their heads that they have some authority or right to command others? Or that because they said so once upon the time that they're smart (even though they RP their character being intellectual or wise, the player, if they had a RL stat sheet, actually would have less int than a warrior) that they think that applies to all things.

I mean, I have no personal problem with RPers, you do what you want in game, I'll do what I want, and we'll all be fine. I've already stated RPers don't have to be in /general or /trade around the clock, you can leave it and only enable it when you have some business. You can create your own RP channels, as has been done by many. You have ignore options, and a large world to play with. By now, you know where the non-rpers congregate and how to avoid them, so have at it.

I don't really RP, but am not adverse to guest starring in someone's thing if they needed a beefcake hunk of an orc to come save the day or literally put someone's head where it metaphorically already is.
It's a game, keep that in mind. You are not your character, and neither you as a player, nor your character has any more power, say, influence, importance than any one else.
The PvPers and the PvEers stimulate the game and the server, without them it'd be boring and desolate.
And it's 100% feasible that anyone that RPs above their station, may be interpreted as being completely delusional (more fun this way too!). Like, sure, RP that your characters parents are (Illidan and Maive's lovechild) + (Arthas and Jaina's lovechild), and other people can either play along as though it is true, or they can RP that it's as delusional as me, Kahn's player, claiming I'm the Sausage King of Chicago.

Sure, PvPers and PvEers might be like a semi-truck downshifting on the highway near the park you're trying to have a picinic at, but remember, just cus the player doesn't participate, doesn't mean that their characters wouldn't still exist in your character's universe, and that these PvPers and PvErs kill things. A lot. They're the ones stopping the opposing factions and world domination/destruction bent beings at bay, that let you RP and sleep safe at night.

Because at the end of the day/night/morning/whenever you actually log off and sleep, the key letter in MMORPG is G, for GAME.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
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85 Human Warrior
@Kahn: Nah, Astrid's referring to what happened to this server recently. Something which I'd like to point out as well. By the bulk, RP'ers, Pvp'ers, and PvE'ers transferred to other servers due to their own reasons which're quite clear to us, but should I raise the topic I'll only risk angering half the forums lurkers who'll only post when a certain thread is either directed or indirectly directed at them/their group/what they love.

People in general hate drama, confrontations, long discussions, long comments, and long posts. They'll skip right through a long post, not reading the important bits, come into conclusions on their owns and then point fingers. Something which I'm painfully guilty of for years to come and earned me hatred from certain sides which I shall not name.

Maybe I'm a hypocrite for starting this thread, letting it slowly de-railing, and not putting enough tenets myself on attempting to explain better on why we're supposed to be a Roleplay Server (RP), and not Raid Progression (RP) server.

In general however, I believe we can all agree that Sisters of Elune has it's own pro's and con's which can be based on accumulated experience of many many players who've decided to tread here. The con's admitedly, when compared with the pro's are larger in ratio by 6:4 (estimation ratio) but when one learns to dodge the con's like a boss, then the pro suddenly seem so much more.

Now, before a bunch of people start going about yelling murder and spewing curses at me for typing all these. Let me just say:

Effective people read and analyze, not read and streamline.

There will always be someone who breaks rules because they feel King when they do so.

There will always be someone who thinks everyone is below him/her.

There will always be someone with different opinions. Opinions are like Ice-Cream flavors. Don't keep eating another person's favourite when you yourself hate their flavor. You cannot force them to love your chosen flavor.

There will always be someone who delights in seeing others miserable. This can be derived from many motivations. Their problem is not your problem. Move on.


Now, I'm going back to my sickbed. Have a good day.
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100 Orc Warrior
01/07/2012 06:35 PMPosted by Gottfried
Maybe I'm a hypocrite for starting this thread, letting it slowly de-railing, and not putting enough tenets myself on attempting to explain better on why we're supposed to be a Roleplay Server (RP), and not Raid Progression (RP) server.

Well part of the problem is that you seem to be stating that it's an either, or. That role players can't progress in raids, or that progressive raiders can't role play. When you draw a line like that, you're just setting yourself up. Stay away from absolutes and black-and-whites.
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85 Human Warrior
01/08/2012 04:18 PMPosted by Káhn
Maybe I'm a hypocrite for starting this thread, letting it slowly de-railing, and not putting enough tenets myself on attempting to explain better on why we're supposed to be a Roleplay Server (RP), and not Raid Progression (RP) server.

Well part of the problem is that you seem to be stating that it's an either, or. That role players can't progress in raids, or that progressive raiders can't role play. When you draw a line like that, you're just setting yourself up. Stay away from absolutes and black-and-whites.

-flails arms- Oh, no no. By all means I'm not going all the way to stereotype players like that. I completely understand what you mean. I do know we're no longer in an era where jocks are stupid, and airheads are stupid helpless.

What I really mean from the beginning is to perhaps explain better that we're not a (Normal) server by standards. The (RP) tag is there for a reason, and not for show. x.X
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90 Human Paladin
I don't role play or not anymore, I'm purely here because me and a friend randomly joined a server.

A server is tagged Rp, Pve or Pvp just to help people find a server there most interested in. By all means, if you join an Rp server, you expect Rp everywhere, but in no way are you only restricted to Rping. No one can make people leave, and those who try, are wasting their time.

Personally, i have Rp in the past and enjoyed it then but not as much now. But it is not my right to condemn people to leave a server based purely on what "Tag" the server is. It is not my right to bash on what people find entertaining to themselves.

"This is an RP server, if you want to pvp, switch servers." So I'm to spend however much money because a total stranger dose not agree on how i enjoy my 15 bucks. Your willing to pay for my transfer? So its that hard to use the ignore feature, something that most people tend to forget.

Many people show their true selves on the internet purely for the fact that everyone is anonymous. Ive been told "Why should change how I act for people on the Internet?" No, you shouldn't need to change how you act, nor should you go out of your way to speak down to the other billions of people that use the internet.

But I've rambled on long enough, see you all in game.

Yours Truly, Biggestbear, Newly appointed Guild Leader of Zen
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90 Orc Shaman
So much like our server...sorry to jump into another realms chat on their server. Was wondering, which side has more RP on it, is it more guild centered or is there random RP around (such as moon guards Cathedral district and WrA Valley of Honor). I want to move my mage from its pve realm to be on a RP realm again, and searching for a place for it.
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85 Human Warrior
01/13/2012 05:03 PMPosted by Pakwa
So much like our server...sorry to jump into another realms chat on their server. Was wondering, which side has more RP on it, is it more guild centered or is there random RP around (such as moon guards Cathedral district and WrA Valley of Honor). I want to move my mage from its pve realm to be on a RP realm again, and searching for a place for it.

Welcome brother, welcome. Currently we're on the verge of rebirth. Both sides has it's own perks. We may not have random RP by the gazillion like highly populated servers but we can offer you almost quality non-lore breaking RP. This I can guarantee.

Random RP however, is highly encouraged. Something which I haven't seen in this server since BC <_<
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Non-RP'ers can hurt the RP community IF THEY JUMP ON THE GRIEFER BAND WAGON
but the same can be said about fellow RP'ers. So RP'er or Non-RP'er, if you grief, Troll, Witch Hunt or whatever against people just to "get a rise out of them" or "Ruin their reputation" then you are just providing to one of those "server flaws" we got to work against, which I myself proudly will do as one member of the RP community.

I -Try- not to let my 15 a month cross into ruining anyone's fun, I am not perfect and sometimes I make mistakes too or can do something unintentional that may seem like I am trying to ruin someones fun. Part of being Human (irl not game even though I am Human in game to). So if you use your 15 a month to make people in game miserable (PvE-PvP stuff aside in certain aspects) you just need to live with what comes of your actions. If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, and fly like a duck, you will be treated like a duck.

-Nobody- on their own is to blame for the issues the RP community Has/Had. It is several different things from several different people in one form or another, some small, some large, but there are so many both past and present that none of the issues can be entirely blamed on one lone individual or group of individuals.

In the end, it comes down to simple logic - Treat others the way you wish to be treated. Want to treat people like they are dirt, you should be treated like dirt. If you treat people as decent everyday folks, it should be returned to you as well.

Now, with that all done....*Jumps off his soap box and turns around to punt the thing into a bonfire* woot, two pointer.

RP'ers both Alliance and Horde, continue to do your thing, continue to RP in public, continue to do your best to bring more RP to our server and in the end SoE will see its glory days once more. Just a matter of digging in deep, getting stuff going, and time.

(Please pardon typos/etc... was 6:20am when I got done with all this, had only 2 and a half hours of sleep. Dang AM medication!)
Edited by Tãmz on 1/14/2012 4:24 AM PST
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90 Orc Shaman
01/13/2012 09:44 PMPosted by Gottfried
So much like our server...sorry to jump into another realms chat on their server. Was wondering, which side has more RP on it, is it more guild centered or is there random RP around (such as moon guards Cathedral district and WrA Valley of Honor). I want to move my mage from its pve realm to be on a RP realm again, and searching for a place for it.

Welcome brother, welcome. Currently we're on the verge of rebirth. Both sides has it's own perks. We may not have random RP by the gazillion like highly populated servers but we can offer you almost quality non-lore breaking RP. This I can guarantee.

Random RP however, is highly encouraged. Something which I haven't seen in this server since BC <_<

Think i will roll a character on the alliance side before i all out move my mage. Thansk for the feedback...I for one am bad with alliance lore, but i try to stick with what i do know, always learning! Just want to get off the reg realm, where i get harassed for not pvping, get harassed for not liking new raids, get harassed for collecting masses of outfits lol. Hope to run into you soon!
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85 Human Warrior

Think i will roll a character on the alliance side before i all out move my mage. Thansk for the feedback...I for one am bad with alliance lore, but i try to stick with what i do know, always learning! Just want to get off the reg realm, where i get harassed for not pvping, get harassed for not liking new raids, get harassed for collecting masses of outfits lol. Hope to run into you soon!

Learning up lore by sparing a few minutes reading summaries in the wiki should keep you up with recent Alliance lore, it's easy really.

Should you wish for a summary on stuffs:

Human - We're on skirmishes with the Horde and our King's a knucklehead while Westfall and the surrounding Stormwind territories aren't receiving help. We're effed.

Night Elf - Fandral Staghelm's gone bonkers and he's Ragnaros' new majordomo. We're effed.

Draenei - We're still not allowed to pilot ships. We're effed.

Gnome - We're gonna retake back Gnomeregan, but that mad engineer dude blow up half of it again! We're effed.

Dwarf - Damn straight we're effed. Magni's gone up bustin' to a statue, an' that Council o' Three Hammers can't figure out how to work with each other. Beer anyone?

Worgen - For the last time, MY NAME IS NOT JACOB. Ffs....

There you go, should help you abit.

Also, introduce yourself when you're here! Both sides have their respective OOC channel.

/join RPchatter for Alliance

/join SoEOOC for Horde
Edited by Gottfried on 1/14/2012 8:56 PM PST
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32 Human Priest
RP is the ability to write a story.
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32 Human Priest
Gott... I hold you personally responsible for the coffee that just met my screen.
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85 Human Warrior
02/02/2012 01:10 AMPosted by Dretsherma
Gott... I hold you personally responsible for the coffee that just met my screen.

......What did I do this time?
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