01/01/2012 06:28 PMPosted by RijdaAnd I originally rolled expecting to roleplay, and did a fair amount of that.
We need to fix this.
We need to RP.
You're still wrong, RPers ruined this server through and through.
01/07/2012 06:35 PMPosted by GottfriedMaybe I'm a hypocrite for starting this thread, letting it slowly de-railing, and not putting enough tenets myself on attempting to explain better on why we're supposed to be a Roleplay Server (RP), and not Raid Progression (RP) server.
01/08/2012 04:18 PMPosted by KáhnMaybe I'm a hypocrite for starting this thread, letting it slowly de-railing, and not putting enough tenets myself on attempting to explain better on why we're supposed to be a Roleplay Server (RP), and not Raid Progression (RP) server.
Well part of the problem is that you seem to be stating that it's an either, or. That role players can't progress in raids, or that progressive raiders can't role play. When you draw a line like that, you're just setting yourself up. Stay away from absolutes and black-and-whites.
01/13/2012 05:03 PMPosted by PakwaSo much like our server...sorry to jump into another realms chat on their server. Was wondering, which side has more RP on it, is it more guild centered or is there random RP around (such as moon guards Cathedral district and WrA Valley of Honor). I want to move my mage from its pve realm to be on a RP realm again, and searching for a place for it.
01/13/2012 09:44 PMPosted by GottfriedSo much like our server...sorry to jump into another realms chat on their server. Was wondering, which side has more RP on it, is it more guild centered or is there random RP around (such as moon guards Cathedral district and WrA Valley of Honor). I want to move my mage from its pve realm to be on a RP realm again, and searching for a place for it.
Welcome brother, welcome. Currently we're on the verge of rebirth. Both sides has it's own perks. We may not have random RP by the gazillion like highly populated servers but we can offer you almost quality non-lore breaking RP. This I can guarantee.
Random RP however, is highly encouraged. Something which I haven't seen in this server since BC <_<
Think i will roll a character on the alliance side before i all out move my mage. Thansk for the feedback...I for one am bad with alliance lore, but i try to stick with what i do know, always learning! Just want to get off the reg realm, where i get harassed for not pvping, get harassed for not liking new raids, get harassed for collecting masses of outfits lol. Hope to run into you soon!
02/02/2012 01:10 AMPosted by DretshermaGott... I hold you personally responsible for the coffee that just met my screen.
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