"Active" RP'ers Roll Call.

85 Human Warrior
Citizens of Azeroth, and denizens of Sisters of Elune!

Zis is Drill Instruktor Gottfried speaking. -insert military drum march here-

I know very very damn well you maggots are hiding somewhere in here, and I vill do my best to make sure zat ve are alive, kicking and not hiding where people can't find RP contacts in here.


-The Drill Instructor marches along the podium, scanning the assembled RP'ers faces one by one. Horde, Alliance, it doesn't matter to him. They'll all be in for one hell of a treatment.-

Listen up you sorry ladies.

Our server be on ze verge of rebirth.

As much as I love saying ve're almost there, I have one bad news for you all.

Ve're not even close.

I'm yet to see people RP-ing freely und cities, port, towns, quest zones, und da like.

But honestly, vat you all be afraid of?

Griefers? Trolls? or Bad RP'ers?

Let me korrekt ze last one. Zere is no such fing as "Bad" RP'ers. Errbody start somewhere and even ze best was once ze worse back then.

Before I proceed with your sorry training, I schall perform ze autonomous roll call and make sure you escargots und momma's boy shapen up und lizten to ze call of war.

If you RP, I vant you. Horde, Alliance, I don't giv a hell's bell's on vat faction you are. State your name, vhere your character can be found, und uvver credibilities you deem necessary.


I vill start.

Gottfried's current active RP's:

Lord Byrond the Misguided Nobleman. May be found in Duskwood or Stormwind.

Rayleigh the Priest gone Bonkers. May be found in Stormwind, Cathedral specifically.
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I'll bite. I have been pleasantly surprised at how friendly the role play community is here.

Johanie Brightwood : Rough around the edges guttersnipe currently staying in someone's barn in Darkshire.

Shambalae Nightgrace: Happy go lucky and always enthusiastic druid. She is currently helping a new friend in Duskwood. When not there, she can be found in Darnassus.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Magistrix Nemain, reporting for duty, SIR!

Nemain N. Shadowstar: Silvermoon City for the time being. In a couple months, will be found in Hyjal aiding in the clean-up and rebirth of the land from the Firelands invasion.

Rae'linora Dan'gash: Silvermoon City or Isle of Quel'Danas. Depends on my mood.

Aralyn Feilwynn: Dalaran
Edited by Nemaiin on 12/17/2011 9:08 AM PST
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withdrawing my rp toons, sorry SoE I am moving on, and leaving WoW <3 all though
Edited by Kíara on 12/27/2011 4:30 AM PST
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71 Tauren Paladin
Sunwalker Apahe sitting alone in Thunder Bluff.
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
Edited by Ellorah on 1/5/2012 11:09 AM PST
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85 Human Warrior
-makes angry face-


Vhen, I say erryone, I -mean- erryone!

Vhar is ze rest?!

-cracks whip-
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90 Draenei Death Knight
Aerissette- Drunken, crude draenei usually somewhere in Stormwind, around the harbor if she can help it.

Miradollia- Motherly Druid in and out of stormwind, she keeps her home in Feralas

Josalora- ex defias warlock, healing from previous battles and arguements in Stormwind while she studies this and that.

Sahirra- the curious Gilnean Priestess studies in the libraries of Dalaran or travels out to study in Eversong. Neighbor and nanny to Josalora's daughter Josylyn.

Koyia- niave and curious elf, studies her mage magics from Highborne and humans, she is the ward of Miradollia and cousin of Mira's mate Yablo, and gets placed as a babysitter when Mira or Yablo can not stay home with the children.

Kheely- story yet to click yet, but she can be found around Ironforge.

Naitiri- A quiet protector, Travels between Silvermoon and Orgrimmar in her service of a blood knight and to the horde.

Mai'ryx- Younger sister, was a daughter of a tribe elder, she can be found around the echo Isles or tending business around Orgrimmar, that curious cat you may spot from a distance.

Flin'ryx- Mai's older brother, happy to have a good time and be lazy though he loves a good challenge being a battle shaman. When he's not working in the battle feilds he is usually around a tavern in Orgrimmar or THunderbluff

Trikkette- ornery goblin, who uses her tacking skills to hunt bounties if the gold is right, she travels alot so no telling where you'll see her.
Edited by Aerissette on 12/19/2011 2:57 PM PST
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100 Tauren Shaman
Walks in non-nonchalantly, Rakni Stormchaser at your service.

Jorim Stoneaxe when I can pull him out of his current attitude.
Edited by Rakni on 12/20/2011 8:04 AM PST
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90 Worgen Priest
Teldessa H Talhelm in Stormwind City and neighboring towns.
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76 Gnome Warrior
*Pokes head in and glances around* Uh... present and accounted for.
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87 Gnome Priest
* Looks up at the scowling man.*

Ah, oh! Uh... may I be excused? I have, umm, *looks quickly into her date minder,* yes, that's it. Fishin.... Healing. Fish healing! That's it!

Cogs on a shaft! Gotta run! Seize you laters, radiators!

((And the rest of the Cogswaddle family: Axelpyre, Cowlflap, Camfollower and Vernier. It's kinda like a soap opera, only, they're noticeably shorter. They're usually out and about in the world, though several of them call Stormwind home.))
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90 Human Rogue
Julian "Cayo" Evans, semi-retired, gone fishin'. Found along the canals of Stormwind, ale and fishin' pole in hand, or playing chess (and losing) in Ramkahen.
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Tãmz Dunabar-Silversword found in many lands far and near your local Alliance civilians. Though making more trips lately to the Dragonblight front.

Erlendrial Magusworn found in Dalaran mostly or on the Dragonblight front against the Twilights.

Haldarus Watchmoon found mostly around Darnassus, Ashenvale, Keel's harbor, or Silverpine forest serving the Ranger cause.

Vindicator Guaril found mostly in Stormwind or Shattrath city, lending a hand to the local Orphanages.

Maldurion Wildmoon found mostly in Hyjal or Twilight Highlands.

Khadainn Ironbear, mostly found around Stormwind regions and Ironforge, though mostly around Song and Tankard ("Blue Recluse every other Friday")

Magdurinn Winghammer, mostly found around Aerie Peak or Stormwind or Silverpine forest upon his Gryphon or around his wife.

Zul'kir found mostly in Northrend right now, expanding his knowledge over the local population and understanding the Horde tactics that were once used in Northrend.

Stethren Von Krete, mostly found in Darkshire as the Tavern manager of the Scarlet Raven.
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85 Human Warrior
-The drill instructor is pleased, he gallantly walked around the barracks making up the scariest face he can come up with-

So you fink y'all can RP eh? Y'think y'all can git out there an' do justice fer our server, eh?

Vell, let me tell y'ladies in a dress straight up. Y'all be lookin' like ye got no fightin' in you! Y'all be lookin' like when y'see an RP troll y'all cower in yer blankets.

YOU THERE. -boomed the drill sergeant, glaring at the elf Nemaiin- Yes, you pretty elven tart. I hope dat looks ain't just f' show. Vat do we do vhen a griefer came ballin' up to you, callin' y'all losers und posers?



-The drill instructor uses his full lung capabilities to shout at the direction of the RP squad, a voice so powerful that gnomes and goblins with no good footing might be blown away-

Is zat all o' you, or do I hav to come 'long the lines crackin' m'whip to see who hasn't present zemselves, eh? I know zere's more o' you. Speak up!

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12/22/2011 11:21 AMPosted by Gottfried
So you fink y'all can RP eh? Y'think y'all can git out there an' do justice fer our server, eh?

*Slaps Gott up the back of his head* I'm going to ignore you asked me that
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85 Human Warrior
12/22/2011 11:43 AMPosted by Tãmz
So you fink y'all can RP eh? Y'think y'all can git out there an' do justice fer our server, eh?

*Slaps Gott up the back of his head* I'm going to ignore you asked me that

Bak in ze line, y' sorry excuse of a scruffy paste!

-epic evil glare-
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Bak in ze line, y' sorry excuse of a scruffy paste!

-epic evil glare-

Ther yes ther

*Actually walks away from the line* I will see you all around Azeroth and RP with you folks as we can :)
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85 Blood Elf Warlock
12/22/2011 11:21 AMPosted by Gottfried
YOU THERE. -boomed the drill sergeant, glaring at the elf Nemaiin- Yes, you pretty elven tart. I hope dat looks ain't just f' show. Vat do we do vhen a griefer came ballin' up to you, callin' y'all losers und posers?

-Salutes and stands at attention.-

You report them and slap them on ignore, sir! You do not allow them to take over our server, sir!
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85 Gnome Priest
Alezen Lightsprocket here, ready to RP! Currently looking for a active guild to RP with.
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