"Active" RP'ers Roll Call.

90 Night Elf Druid
Vailen currently in Deepholm with his dwarven wife Redrose...
Moonjava currently on the Dragonblight front helping the those less fortunate.
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-Stands at attention and speaks in a conceited tone-

Gnaea Grimstone reporting as ordered! I can be found lingering in Old Town, Stormwind if my presence is not required elsewhere.
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85 Human Warrior
Moar newbloods!

-hands everyone each a mass produced Imperial Guard lasgun-

((40K reference ftw)).
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87 Gnome Priest
((Wait, are we allowed to FTW our own posts?

Fumes! Why did no one tell me?

And welcome, hope to see you around!))
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90 Night Elf Death Knight
Trinnitas Nightlance, at your service. You presume to order me around Gottfried? Nay, good sir, I'll have none of it! So when I say at your service, I actually mean if I want to help you out at the moment. Got that Gott, my old acquaintance?

Anyhow, nice to see people out and about. Always a good thing to poke the RPers out of the woodwork and exchange greetings!
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85 Human Warrior
Indeed. I'm pretty sure ther-

*clears throat and picks his funny accent again*

I be sure zere be more of you bumbling lot in here!

Keep the roll call up! -whiplash-
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32 Human Priest
I'll usually be playing my little pet pallies ClankingBull (H) and McGuirth (A). Also occasional alts on various other servers.

We'll be in character.

McGuirth is a very astute dwarf.
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32 Human Priest
... I'll be around for at least the next 6 months this time :-)

Other alts which are me, which actively roleplay, but which exist only for the purposes of roleplay (well, most of them... Mamo's going to level up as I go):

Mamo ( Medb Hammerhand )
Skipworth ( Reginald Skipworth Postlewaite, Esq )
Various incarnations of Aloysius Merced, who changes classes a lot
Probably Saille Hamn

McGuirth is a very astute dwarf.
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32 Human Priest
I'm most likely online 7pm-9pm PST and on weekends. All my alts remain in character at all times. Briefly:

Mamo has been missing for over a year, but there is a rumor that she was sighted in Thelsamar.

DreTsherma has been keeping to herself, spending more and more time wandering in wilderness, and avoiding people even when in town. The Matron of the Orphanage is getting a little worried.

Brother Athanas has disappeared from the Cathedral outright. (( = Aloysius ))

Saille's been kicking it (and sometimes them) in various rough-and-tumble taverns. She must be running short on cash by now. (Saille Hamn, eldest child of Farmer Hamn of Westfall; she tends to wander far from the cheese shop in Stormwind which the rest of her family set up when they lost the farm to civil unrest). (Geez, I should include her family members on Ye Olde Alte Accounte ... I suppose I will.)

The name "Aloysius Merced" has turned up in occasional bureaucratic documents in Stormwind, without any useful information attached to it.

Skipworth, after the failure of his business, retreated to a desk job for the Postal Service of Ironforge. He still mutters to himself frequently. (( little old gnome is OLD ))

ClankingBull / ClankinBull (( I can't decide his class yet so both )) is exactly who and what he appears to be.


McGuirth is a very astute dwarf.
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6 Troll Warrior
W'ile I only be visitin' every now an' den. I be feelin' it be bes' dat I be signin' in ta dis role callin'.

I be likely seen in da Valleh of 'ona' in O'grimma'. Sometimes, da times be mos' random.
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32 Human Priest
Father Abdestus.


I... I have a confession to make.

I went and got myself addicted to this game. Again.
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10 Human Paladin
Child, may the Light have mercy on your soul.
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32 Human Priest
Saille drinks often at the Pig and Whistle. Nudge me and I'll switch toons and RP.

DreTsherma drinks at Cutthroat Alley, in the Dwarven District. She fishes in the nearby Canal. It's Zen.

McGuirth is a very astute Dwarf.
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37 Night Elf Druid
Last heard somewhere in the depths of Gnomeregan, slave laboring, subsisting on a rotten diet of Gnomes. Not recently heard at all.

You have all been warned.
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32 Human Priest
I tried to post as Skipworth, but... I think... I think he might have been eaten by a bear.

McGuirth is a very astute Dwarf.
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85 Human Warrior
More RP'ers be coming out of their hiding shells.

-kicks up the thread-

If you're active and alive, report up so we can find you. :P
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72 Gnome Priest

Trying to get back into the swing of things (mostly looking to be on late Fridays and weekends - too much work, work, work otherwise for WoW...)

Alliance side:
Wigglebolt (this guy)
Farfallen (Dwarf)

Horde side:
Rongar (Orc shaman)
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32 Human Priest
I'm on the same wage slave schedule as Rongar, above.

I, uh, am experiencing technical difficulties with the Skipworth story thing. Namely, I'm out of alt spots. At some point I will host a bifactional, pvp, cross faction roleplay guild, via the gnome Skipworth and an as yet unnamed Goblin. Probably as soon as I upgrade my trial (spare) account.

In the meanwhile, I plan on Dwarfing it up real good!

McGuirth is a very astute dwarf.
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Sorry to be late! Taleis looks down and dusts the dirt from his traveling robes.

Taleis, priest of Darnassus, reporting. I can be found in the Temple of Darnassus and the wilds of Kalimdor, spreading the message of Mother Elune. Sometimes I venture into the Eastern Kingdoms to try to find and minister to diaspora Night Elves...Taleis looks around quickly and whispers...and anyone else that needs help.
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