"Active" RP'ers Roll Call.

44 Night Elf Druid
*Walks in changes to cat form and lays down*

Wake me up when needed.
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85 Blood Elf Mage
Report? Report to YOU? Oh, methinks not, you bloated, squid-faced, cloven hooved blueberry. I'll report to you, I will, with an ice lance up your sorry, star colliding ... What? Of course I like scones and thistle tea! Why didn't you mention the refreshments beforehand?

Oh, my.

That's a helmet? I thought that was your face.
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85 Human Warrior
Report? Report to YOU? Oh, methinks not, you bloated, squid-faced, cloven hooved blueberry. I'll report to you, I will, with an ice lance up your sorry, star colliding ... What? Of course I like scones and thistle tea! Why didn't you mention the refreshments beforehand?

Oh, my.

That's a helmet? I thought that was your face.

. . . . .

No scones and thistle tea for you.

Git in line, jawohl?
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90 Blood Elf Mage
/walks in supported by a staff and slowly raises her head.

A very venerable and elderly Katyja reporting in. Current home is Dalaran, to help in the continued clean up of Northrend. While I might be well over 1000 years old, I can still kick your !@#."
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