Adivce to PvPers.

85 Human Rogue
1. determination- something many are missing, you don't become good in one day.
2.humblness- do not fake it, you will only learn humblness from whe nyou are at the top of the world and someone poles it out from under you. these people where hotsause and skooby. thanks guys =D. they put me in my place more then a 100 times.
3. sorround yourself with others that you want to become.
4. Get geared. gear is good but remeber skill is always better.
5. Put yourself out there! dont be shy make friends!
6.Be a good sport. the ones that emote are not fight therfore not helping the fight.
7. Don't be a oo dang one hordie lets go get my friends and 5v1 thi dude and brag about it.just makes you bad/ now being the guy fight the 5 will make you better. thus why my playground is org. the guards are the slides and the players are the swings that i sometimes fall off of.
8. be chill, nerd ragging is funny but wont win you the fight.
That pretty much sums up what i know, GL guys and have fun!
Also if you guys have any more adivce post it here!
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90 Human Paladin
Very encouraging Archi
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33 Worgen Rogue

PvPing can require a good amount of determination. It's so easy to be discouraged after a bad BG/Arena/Open World PvP/Duel. You may have been out-skilled, out-geared, or just had a stroke of bad luck. The important thing is to learn from your mistakes, improve where you can, and keep on trying. Eventually you'll get it.

Nothing drives me crazier then pessimism. Or people that say "we lost" in a WSG match at the 18 minute mark when the score is tied. We haven't lost yet! Keep trying!

Another thing that bugs me personally is the extreme mentalities that some PvPers can bring to the BG or what have you.
A. "It's just a game, calm down." This is absolutely a silly thing to say. I understand it's origin and I agree with it to a certain degree. Yes, it is just a game, if it makes you scream and curse at your monitor, insulting everyone around you/playing with, or just rage quit, then you're not enjoying it. But what bothers me about this statement is it's usually used by people who aren't that good (Not that there's anything wrong with that, we're all always learning) as an excuse to play even poorly. It's an excuse to be lazy. Yeah it is just a game, and you should be enjoying it. I'm not trying to sound like a jerk here, but some people say this when they don't wish to work as a team, or they don't even bother to learn how the specific BG properly works.

B. "YOU GUYS SUCK!!!!!!!!!" This is the opposite of the above extreme. This is someone that has taken the game way, way too seriously. I can understand getting mad. Maybe it's Ab and no one defended a flag, that happens a lot. But if it's happened time and again, and the person getting made is too busy trying to camp the opposite team's GY, then they need to start being a team player and learn some humility. Or at least, take a step back from the game for 10 minutes. Or maybe it's someone that is Defending a position, and they think they're the boss, and if you don't do what they say, they'll start flipping out. I mean hell, just because your text is yellow doesn't mean you're really the "leader" and boss of the rest of your team. So don't get mad if people don't want to follow your commands.

As the saying goes, you attract more flies with honey than vinegar. You don't have to be a "carebear" to be a good player. (If the term scares you that much, personally it doesn't bother me, I know I'm a mix of carebear, cheer-leader, and team-player. Course if stupid is called out, I'm not going to jump to their defense, they made a mistake, they'll learn. But if someone calls us all a slue of curse words because we didn't follow their flawless plan, then I'm going to say something.)

It's important to find a medium. To enjoy the game, at least for most I'd imagine, it requires a certain level of seriousness. Somewhere in the middle.

I think this goes with the aforementioned humility. Take everything people say with a grain of salt, or outright ignore it if they get downright hateful. If they won't leave you alone, you can easily ignore them with a right click to their name, and a click of Ignore.

Wow, crit-brick, sorry for the length.
Edited by Suo on 12/26/2011 4:16 PM PST
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85 Human Rogue
^ good adivce man.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
9. Realm, play on a real one.
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90 Human Paladin
^ Nope, just because its labeled an RP server, doesn't mean your not suppose to pvp or do anything but RP.

The people that go "This is an RP server, if you want to pvp then go to a real pvp server" are the people the want drama. Do what you want regardless of what things are "labeled" as long as your courteous to other people on that server.
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85 Human Rogue
10. If your gonna troll me be good at it plz i dont have too much time for the miny trolls.
Sellys the reason im at this server is because a RL friend got me started and he wanted to play together, so i came and lvled and now i make hordies mad. fun job not to hard, but lots of complaints on how the dirt is tasting.
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
10. If your gonna troll me be good at it plz i dont have too much time for the miny trolls.
Sellys the reason im at this server is because a RL friend got me started and he wanted to play together, so i came and lvled and now i make hordies mad. fun job not to hard, but lots of complaints on how the dirt is tasting.

Penelopae swapped mains?
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85 Human Rogue
haha, no. i do get asked that alot tho.
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85 Worgen Death Knight
Ah good post overall, might want to edit for grammer though, unless you're trying to ease people into learning how to read BG chat?

Another advice you can give people regarding PvP is "Understand your objectives" PvP is not just a killing contest unless you're in arena. There are set goal you and your team must work to accomplish. Capture/guard those flags! Guard/destroy those tanks! Or zerg the enemy boss with your team if that's the BG you find yourself in...
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85 Human Mage
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90 Human Rogue
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85 Night Elf Druid
yeah i use those two phrases alot when i bg

"its just a game chill out" and "you gyz suck cept me"

guess im bad hehe =P
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90 Draenei Paladin
OP's spelling is totally fit for a PvPer! Right on the right track! Even down to the title of the thread!

PvP advice... Don't travel alone! Don't leave your healer at the flag all by themselves! Learn the mechanics of your BG that you'll be running!
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90 Human Rogue
=D lol thanks I think. and ya good advice also!
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90 Night Elf Hunter
remember everyone and don't forget

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90 Human Rogue
Also more about this thread if, you want more information than all this, hit me up in-game and i will try to explain any question you have about classes,situations, awarnes(yes I spelled it wrong lol =P), and anything else reguarding pvp. Have a great day everyone!
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85 Human Warlock
If I can add a few tips myself. Here goes.

1. Always put yourself against uneven odds. ie. See thoses 2 hordes/alliance right there. Well you know what try a 2v1. You'll most likely die, but the one day you will succeed will bring you joy.

2. DIE... Yep... second tip of PvP is to die a lot. You'll learn way more from a death. Now, do your best not to die. But each death will only make you better in the long run.

3. Learn from your opponents, learn each class to know their CD/weaknesses and strenghts.

4. Jump on new arena seasons as soon as you can. Especially during the beginning of an x-pack. Better will give you a rediculous edge. For example, at the start of the expansion I worked on arenas as soon as they came out. As a result, my character had way more resilence than most hordies on the server. It makes fighting thoses 2v1s easier.
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85 Gnome Priest

What do I win?
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I think a post like this should be posted to the Horde side of our PvP Battlegroup.

I've been gearing up in Battlegrounds recently as i've just hit 85 recently and the attitude overall of the Horde is terrible. If we drop behind in points say for example in Arathi Basin, everyone gives up.

As a PvP lover, the tips provided for the purpose of this topic are awesome.
Couldn't have put it in better words myself (Minus the grammar :P)
And perhaps adding the point about the attitude - don't be a bad loser, never give up as it can easily turn around at any point in the game if people have the right attitude!
Edited by Krukk on 7/28/2012 1:55 AM PDT
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