Good advice.
Adivce to PvPers.
Having come from a PvP server, I have done plenty of it. In the lag time between Wrath and Cata, I did almost nothing but PvP (on other toons than the one I'm posting from). One of the most humbling lessons I learned was when I came across a 2 man pally combo that ran together named Jeezus and Chryst (I think those names are correct). I could split kills with them solo, but when they teamed up they were neigh impossible to take down. My biggest word of advice for PvP is this:
1) Learn your class. This means reading every piece of available information you can to figure out how to gear, spec, and what abilities to use in PvP. (this also goes for the particular BG you're in, you need to know what to do to win there as well)
2) Know this: No matter how good you get and think you are, there is someone better out there and they will find you and take you down over and over until you're sick of them.
3) Find the person on the opposing team with the most kills and make a habit of finding them. If you can't manage take them down, you will at least learn more about how to PvP.
4) The most important rule of PvP---- MOVE!!!!! If you're standing still in front of an enemy player like they are a NPC, you will get pwned. Learn to keep moving and fight while moving.
5) Relax! If you're getting mad or overexcited, you're not going to play as well as you will relaxed. Training yourself in PvP takes a lot of time, as most really skilled PvPers have been doing it since the days of Vanilla. Beat your head against it until you get better, but don't get mad when you die. Take the deaths and just have fun.
1) Learn your class. This means reading every piece of available information you can to figure out how to gear, spec, and what abilities to use in PvP. (this also goes for the particular BG you're in, you need to know what to do to win there as well)
2) Know this: No matter how good you get and think you are, there is someone better out there and they will find you and take you down over and over until you're sick of them.
3) Find the person on the opposing team with the most kills and make a habit of finding them. If you can't manage take them down, you will at least learn more about how to PvP.
4) The most important rule of PvP---- MOVE!!!!! If you're standing still in front of an enemy player like they are a NPC, you will get pwned. Learn to keep moving and fight while moving.
5) Relax! If you're getting mad or overexcited, you're not going to play as well as you will relaxed. Training yourself in PvP takes a lot of time, as most really skilled PvPers have been doing it since the days of Vanilla. Beat your head against it until you get better, but don't get mad when you die. Take the deaths and just have fun.
08/22/2012 08:14 PMPosted by Magebytchlol don't gem resil, or enchant it please =(
true dat
unless your a bg tank or RESTO shaman hehe
it was fun tanking for the battlemasters, well fun while it lasted =P (im magebytch)
Edited by Hoochiemamma on 8/22/2012 8:59 PM PDT
true dat
unless your a bg tank or shaman hehe
you mean resto shaman... noob
(talking to myself)
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