Fishing ((Open In Game RP))

87 Gnome Priest

Camaraderie! Travel! Food! Meet new Beings! Meet new Fish!

Bring your Rod and Tackle along and join other enthusiasts as they share their favorite (and sometimes secret) fishing holes! Come, relax with us as we share Danger, Excitement and Poles tied to String with FISH on One End!

We meet every Tuesday at 7:00 pm ST. Please bring your own bait or lures, kibble, beer, wine or other consumables.

Meeting in Stormwind outside the Tram tunnel. We haven't been to Ironforge in a bit, time for some ice fishing! Bring your woolies!

(( in tiny print at the bottom of the page: ))
Flier design by Tinker Printing and Messaging Services. For precision, accuracy and a well-delivered message, talk to the Tinker!

---- OOC info copied from the old thread, it was just that good ----

Fishing is a free format RP event that is accompanied by plenty of IC chat, and typically followed by fireside meals. The event usually lasts about an hour or a little longer; when there's a lot to discuss, it can go much longer. Late arrivals/early departures are not a problem.
Edited by Grommet on 7/31/2012 3:16 PM PDT
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87 Gnome Priest
Grommet Cogswaddle admired the old fishing flier, ((Thanks to Nozz and Daphne)) it had been a chore to remove it without significant damage. That flier had served their little fishing excursion well, but their numbers had grown thin and those that remained were heavily covered with other notices. It was time to post a new run, polish some new cogs.

She looked up at the shiny new flier, with its gently rendered woodcut from a snap of one of their early excursions. She frowned just a moment, wishing the artist had picked one of the snaps that hadn't shown her “levers over cogwheel” due to a failed levitation spell. The etching in the background did add a bit of whimsy to the event. Even Grommet had to admit that the artist had masterfully captured the expression on her face, caught just as she realized she was going into the lake, again.

“No rust no foul,” she chuckled until a guard knelt next to her and a heavy gauntlet clad hand fell on her shoulder. “Greasy widget!”

“Miss Cogswaddle, I think you should come with me, please. You know you're not to be hanging around the bulletin boards.”

Grommet sighed, “Yes, Constable.”

The Constable bent down and scooped up Grommet's pile of new fliers, all but hidden by the old one, neatly placed on top. They marched in silence towards the Stockades.
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90 Gnome Mage
You may wish to bring something along to persuade the Murlocs to part with their shellfish.
Edited by Axelpyre on 1/16/2012 11:16 AM PST
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87 Gnome Priest
Someone also mentioned that you can eat the crawlers along the edge of the shore, too.
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71 Tauren Paladin
I can only imagine the faces of travelers that pass the fishing gnome and tauren.
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87 Gnome Priest
Thank you for coming out! Looking at Moonglade next Tuesday, if the Druids don't mind us fishing up their stock. Perhaps some "Catch and Release" time?

Tuesday, January 24th, 7 PM, Moonglade, Fishing and Fireworks! What could be more fun?

((Edited to include the date and time, perhaps I will have this figured out by the time the year is up.))
Edited by Grommet on 1/24/2012 2:09 PM PST
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87 Gnome Priest
Moonglade was a blast! Or several, depending on how many fireworks you were carrying.

This Week:

Tuesday, January 31st, Desolace, Sar'theris Striker, here we come! (Pick up Nat Pagle's quest if you haven't all ready.)

Next time we will pick a location that is easier to get to for everyone.
Edited by Grommet on 1/31/2012 5:13 PM PST
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87 Gnome Priest
Eep! I'm being optimized, and after an extra long day in the fjords, too. I may be a little late, feel free to start fishing without me.

Edit: Fripping Fel, WoW's foundered on my flipping AV finder, finagling it now.
Edited by Grommet on 1/31/2012 4:56 PM PST
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32 Human Priest
01/31/2012 04:43 PMPosted by Grommet
Fripping Fel, WoW's foundered on my flipping AV finder
I don't know why but when I read that my mind doubled all the F's.
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87 Gnome Priest
Come, test your ice bound fortitude.

Is there really a helm buried in the bed of the lake?

Will you be the first to fish it up?

Tuesday, February 7th, Helm's Bed Lake, Brave the cold!

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87 Gnome Priest
Tuesday, February 14th, Verdantis River, I hear it's a very romantic spot. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing.

Somewhere in there is an Ahi with my name on it.
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87 Gnome Priest


I really don't know yet where we're going. Something about a secret fishing spot with an even secreter, er, more secret, lab, maybe, but you might not have heard that from me.

Or it will be somewhere easy to get to in a hurry if that doesn't work out. (Clearances and all, you understand.)

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87 Gnome Priest
((3/20 I've had two consecutive weeks with no attendance other than myself. If tonight is the same, this will be the last weekly meeting.))
Edited by Grommet on 3/20/2012 1:10 PM PDT
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87 Gnome Priest
Oh, and bump, since editing doesn't do that.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
A guildie of mine and I are gonna wait in Ratchet for ya Grom. Hope to see you!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I must say that we had an awesome time with this rp! I fully endorse it. Fishing, booze, jokes and laughs and a very good time! I fully recommend you guys come out on Alliance side to Ratchet on Tuesdays at 7 for a nice relaxing rp. Hope to see you there!
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87 Gnome Priest
Meet in Ratchet or Booty Bay. We may have to slink past some of the not-so-nice-pirates, so bring sneaking stuff if you have it.

I mean, unless you really feel the need to provoke them.

And just to set the record straight, we don't always start in Ratchet. Check this week's flyer for location details.
Edited by Grommet on 3/27/2012 2:04 PM PDT
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85 Human Warrior
Quite a few times I attended Fishing and I never got around to actually give them kudos.

So here we go, Gott style kudos.

-kicks thread up-
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87 Gnome Priest
Thank you Gottfried and Nyksis for your kind words.

Today ((Spring Break has thrown off my timing! Sorry for the late post)) we are meeting in Rut'theran Village by the pink elevator, and then headed out to the storm damaged coast of Darkshore to assess the stocks of Darkshore Grouper - by fishing them up and eating them...apparently.
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90 Gnome Mage
Axelpyre dropped down onto the sandbags outside of the now appropriately named Deepwater Tavern and stretched over to the mailbox. Behind him, out of sight, the red drake Karlstraussa landed, and transformed quietly into his human form, that of a young page decked out in the livery of Stormwind.

The young drake peered into the water, absorbed in the antics of the small fish that darted just on the other side of the damp bags that barely held the sea at bay. He laughed as the small fish nibbled at his legs and feet.

Axel dropped his bundled herbs in the mail, and removed his messages. Only two, and neither of them appeared to contain any of the coin he was owed. He sighed. One bore the Sigal of the Order of the Infinite Lever, which immediately brought a smile that caused his mustache to dance in the steady off-shore breeze.

Hey there Uncle Axel!
I finished the survey of the Cliffspring River Delta, sadly, no sign of Darkshore Grouper fingerlings, though they may be further up down river. Your Cenerion friends haven’t gotten this bit straightened out yet, the ocean is flowing ashore, still.
100 catch breakdown:
54 Rainbow Fin Albacore
25 Slitherskin Mackerel
19 Oily Blackmouth
1 Message in a bottle
1 Crate
Everything was packaged up and sent to cousin Vernier as you requested.

I’ll be headed up downstream tomorrow to do more investigating before I have to head back to Hyjal.
Keep’em spinning counter-clockwise!

Axelpyre chuckled, happy that becoming a Fulcrum at such a young age hadn’t dulled Grommet’s youthful enthusiasm.

Axlepyre looked at the second letter, barely catching himself in time to prevent destroying the seal. There in the wax was stamped several tiny symbols used in Gnomish Binary. A very quick, dirty, and insecure way to deliver a cipher key, he thought.

The letter looked like a simple order for herbal supplies, but coded within it was a very different message.

Niece did not rendezvous with Hyjal agent, did not report to unit.

Axelpyre stared at the decrypted message, frowning.

Seven and a Half was risking his career to get this message out. With a thought the potentially incriminating message exploded in a gout of flame summoned from the Gnome’s hands.

Axelpyre glanced over to the Stable Master who stood, mouth agape, “Chain Letter; pesky things.”

The Stable Master nodded, mentally re-categorizing the old Gnomish “Farmer.”
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