Fishing ((Open In Game RP))

90 Gnome Mage
((There has been a little hitch in the game plan for the Cogswaddle family. I toasted another video card, and replacing it has proved to be an adventure all its own.

In case I am unable to get back on soon, I am offering up this little bit of 'plot' on the forums here to explain any sort of prolonged absence. I have this sort of fuzzy plan to tie it up in game during a future "Fishing Excursion turned Search and Rescue."

Feel free to hop in with suggestions, or if you'd like to play along perhaps we can put together a forum RP (likely to be very slow, apologies in advance. I don't do anything fast any more.)

Ad astra per technica))
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87 Gnome Priest
((Sadly, a computer repair is not in the immediate future. Please, feel free to continue fishing in my absence.))
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
-Shakes an angry fist at the heavens- Curse you aqua scum!!!

I hope you're back soon, been itchin' ta fish and it's been too long!
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90 Gnome Mage
((The computer is working again, and I have tuned things enough to get 12 fps or so in the wilderness so we're going to try this. ))

Grommet was last seen in Lor'Dan-something-or-other, and was absolutely NOT fishing in the Moon Well there. I'm sure she's learned from my mistakes.

My last letter from Grommet indicated that she had finished the first of three surveys of the Cliffspring river delta. Future surveys only need include the breakdown of each 100 catches, you don't need to send me the fish, thank you.

Axelpyre Cogswaddle
Provisioner, Stormwind.
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87 Gnome Priest
((Hooty Hoo! I have a new computer so water and sunbeams and being drunk all look amazing!

Come, play hookey with Grommet, she's mostly harmless.))
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90 Gnome Mage
Still at work, so fishing will get off to a late start. Still meeting at the Tram Station. And, of course, you could start without me, I suppose, if, well, you must.
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