Apples Heroic DS Tag-Along Sweepstakes

90 Blood Elf Paladin
If you want to join the Apples' community, register to the forums and let Ellach know you've done so. We like new people to lurk and troll us.

What's going on?
Apples will be opening our main-raid to a few fellow hordies each week to come along and kill internet dragons with us. We are doing this to expose people to raiding that may not otherwise have the opportunity to. This is in no way an attempt to recruit you for Apples, you will stay in your current guild, we just want to invite other SoEers to come along with us for the raiding experience and to get to better know the SoE community.

Each week we will bring along a couple new players and they will clear through the entire heroic mode Dragon Soul with us. Those randomly picked will be invited the day of the raid, given a brief explanation of what to do for each boss fight, and allowed to experience the raid content and the Apples raiding environment.

What do you get?
- 8/8 Heroic Dragon Soul.
- Savior of Azeroth title.
- Any achievements that are doable on heroic mode difficulty.
- Any gear that drops and you are eligible for, free of cost.
- Mounts that drop (Apples raiders have priority, but almost done)
- A good time ;)

Every Tuesday at 7 server time from August 7th till Pandas!
It's good to be on earlier for invites and instruction (6:30 server time is ideal).
We'll try to give you ample notice of your day.

How do you enter sweepstakes?
Head to our forums and post in the General Public section under the stickies thread.
Direction link to thread:
Can post as a guest or register and get approved. Check the guidlines listed for that :)

Post there with your toon's name and the specific days you wish to be entered:
Aug. 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th
Sept. 4th, 11th, 18th

If you can't make a certain day due to other obligations, don't put that day and you'll be skipped over for that particular day but not the others. If something sudden comes up, let us know ASAP, as people can only win once and if you miss your chance... you miss your chance.

If you can make all of them, just say all of them.

Additional Info:
Everything is free. No gold required.

People will be picked at random. We will try to draw with enough time for long enough advanced notice.

You only need to be level 85 with a DPS or Heal spec to enter. If you're a main-spec tank, you can't tank for us unfortunately, but you're free to DPS in whatever gear you have. Gear quality and experience is not a factor.

We also ask that you be able to listen on Ventrilo and follow simple instructions. Talking is not required.

We also hold the right to refuse anybody access to this sweepstakes, but I don't know why we would. Just thought that sounds good to throw in there for extreme cases.

Feel free to ask any questions regarding this sweepstakes to an Apples officer (Kuruption, Algebra, Christel, Malakoji) or post here or on our forums (now open to all of SoE).

Hope to see you guys soon!
Edited by Ellach on 8/2/2012 2:54 PM PDT
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90 Human Paladin
Seems like a great opportunity.
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90 Undead Mage
Brilliant! /wave Ellach
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Please note: Achievements are account-wide as of Mists. So if you're an ally main with an 85 Horde alt kicking around, you'll have the achievement on your main once the Mists patch rolls in! :D :D :D
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85 Undead Mage
This sounds like a ton of fun. ((Makes me wish I'd played more on Met, here.))

Good luck to your, applicants!
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100 Orc Warrior
07/30/2012 12:05 PMPosted by Ellach
If you're a main-spec tank, you can't tank for us unfortunately,

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85 Human Warrior
Oooo, fun! Do I get to poke at Shade repeatedly during the whole raiding process?
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90 Undead Warlock
Can't wait to do this, going to be loads of fun!

EDIT: Also, don't whisper Malakoji, since Ellach forgot I race changed. He does that sometimes. Whisper Martahn instead, its the same guy, just a new name. He's also cuddlier than any other officers.
Edited by Martahn on 7/30/2012 6:58 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Very good of you guys to do this for fun and what the game is about rather than gold! /salutes
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Can't wait to do this, going to be loads of fun!

EDIT: Also, don't whisper Malakoji, since Ellach forgot I race changed. He does that sometimes. Whisper Martahn instead, its the same guy, just a new name. He's also way more likely to be drunk at any given point in time than any other officers.

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90 Blood Elf Rogue
07/30/2012 06:47 PMPosted by Gottfried
Oooo, fun! Do I get to poke at Shade repeatedly during the whole raiding process?

Noooooooooooooo (but you should sign up anyway!)
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100 Tauren Shaman
First thanks to Apples for doing something like this.

On the flip side what is the iLvL requirement for heroic?

Edit: Because "s" key decided to quit for a instance.
Edited by Rakni on 7/31/2012 7:36 AM PDT
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90 Human Warrior
This has to be one of the best good samaritan type proposals I have ever heard of in game. It has given me a whole new level of respect for apples. As much as I would love to cave your horde skulls in; I respect and admire you.

Edited by Macbride on 7/31/2012 7:39 AM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
First thanks to Apples for doing something like this.

On the flip side what is the iLvL requirement for heroic?

Edit: Because "s" key decided to quit for a instance.

If you're asking specifically for our run, there isn't one. You could be in greens and we'd still bring you if you won for that particular day.

If you're asking in a normal guild group run, then probably 390ish with the 30% nerf for the first 6 and high 390s/lower 400s for the last 2.

Edit: Thanks for everyone who's signed up so far, I was surprised at the numbers we've already received on the first day. Hopefully you all have as much fun as we will.
Edited by Kuruption on 7/31/2012 8:46 AM PDT
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90 Troll Rogue
This will be fun.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
My body is ready.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Thanks for all the positive feedback.

/wave Krona.

We'll do the drawing for the first raid tomorrow, so hurry up and sign up if you want a chance to go to the August 7th run! But you can sign up anytime to be entered for later dates.
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90 Troll Rogue
This raids will be on live stream at:

Should be interesting.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Forums are currently down due to a really poor and petty sql injection. We're updating software and such. You can still sign up directly for this using the direct link:

Thanks all for the support thus for. A lot of people signing up for the contest.
Edited by Ellach on 7/31/2012 9:41 PM PDT
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100 Tauren Shaman
Thanks for the response Kuruption.

*heads over to sign up*
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