Apples Heroic DS Tag-Along Sweepstakes

90 Troll Druid
Forums are back up!

Also, we should be drawing the people who will be invited for the 8th run soon (today or tomorrow). The people who won will received an ingame letter.

Just remember to let us know if you can't make that day because of some RL stuff coming up so we can try to get someone else in.

Edited by Kuruption on 8/1/2012 7:22 AM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
Congratz to Loredaline and Borday for winning the Aug 7th run. You should have received an in-game mail from Christel.

Please get in contact with him or myself (I have both of you on my friends list) so we can make sure you can both can make that day.

As for the rest that have entered, the next drawing will be on August 8th.

Thanks for everyone who's signed up so far!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
And if you didn't get in on the August 7th run, go sign up, there's still plenty of drawings and runs to do :D :D :D
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85 Orc Warrior
Can I come?
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
08/02/2012 09:33 PMPosted by Arctroni
Can I come?

If you'd like to take a spot of someone that needed the title and stuff then sure, sign up!

Also people that register to the forums, I've opened up a larger part of our actual forums for you guys. So enjoy.
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90 Troll Druid
Bumping for more people to get in before our next roll on Wednesday. 36 people signed up already.

Kinda crazy.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Streaming is going on RIGHT NOW
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90 Blood Elf Warrior
I was lucky enough to be one of the first two players chosen to come along on the 25 man Heroic DS raid with Apples. Instead of explaining how ridiculously amazing my experience was, I will let the 6 heroic pieces, the Savior of Azeroth title, and all the tasty achievements I received speak for themselves. Not to mention how quickly and efficiently we got through the whole raid (with no wipes and minimal deaths, I might add). If WoW had a lottery, this is it, and I was lucky enough to win and experience it first hand.

Also, to those that are skeptical as to the legitimacy of this sweepstakes, let me be the evidence that this is real and not any form of scam or other malicious trick.

EDIT: Oh, and they let me tank Heroic Morchok, which was rad!
Edited by Borday on 8/7/2012 8:14 PM PDT
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90 Undead Warlock
You didn't suck at tanking heroic morchok, either, which was just as rad on our end. :D
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90 Troll Rogue
You guys did great. That parasite placement was done like a pro during the Madness encounter,
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90 Troll Druid
Hellhound and Reedemption have been selected to come into the Aug 14th run! Congratz to those two. If either can't make it, we'll reroll for an alternate.
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90 Worgen Death Knight
Would be awesome if there was an Alliance version of this on SoE.
Either way, good on ya Apples for offering this. I really think it is awesome!
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90 Troll Druid
Welp, two more people ran through. Wasn't as smooth as the first, but still got it done in 2.5 hours. I believe one got 7 items and the other got 6. So gratz to them.

We should have the next 2 winners by the end of the day.

Just to note, with the patch coming out on the 28th, we will probably do the DS raid some other day with all the changes to our classes. Probably will do it Sunday. But we'll let the people who won for that week know what the plan is.

5 more weeks left!
Edited by Kuruption on 8/15/2012 8:54 AM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
Gratz to Kristyleigh and Jubjub for winning the Sweepstakes for the 8/21 raid!
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100 Troll Druid
Edited by Snarff on 8/17/2012 7:03 PM PDT
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90 Human Priest
Salute to Apples for sponsoring such a community-oriented event.

We need more of this sort of thing on SoE.

I sincerely applaud this effort at reaching out to the community and sharing opportunities with players that may not otherwise have the chance.

This is good stuff folks, the stuff that legends are made of.

- Penelopae
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
Grats to Kristyleigh and Jubjub on their loot and savior titles!
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100 Blood Elf Rogue
Running with Apples last night was a blast and a half! Thanks especially to fellow rogues; Shade and Arialna for typing out the strategies for each of the bosses from a rogue perspective. As a deaf gamer I really appreciated that.

I shall wear my savior of Azeroth title with pride. Thanks Apples for having this sweepstakes! :)
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90 Troll Druid
Gratz to the two people Shade mentioned.

As for next week (the 28th's run), it will unfortunately be cancelled. With the patch coming out that day, who knows what's going to happen, and instead of bringing two people in where it could get messy with all the new stuff that's happening, we're just not going to torture the winners with it. And with Labor Day at the end of the week, we just won't have time to bring anyone in. So we apologize for that.

So our next sweepstakes run will be September 4th.

Still want to thank everyone for signing up!
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