...you are dumber than archi and equally unworthy of my time...
Calling people names makes you feel better than them, right?
And you sir are brilliant, a supreme strategist and a true genius... right?
Well... that player that you keep calling stupid, and all the other things you have said about him in this thread and otherwise... that really dumb guy... Anonymous?
Well, Mr. F'n Genius... that Dumb Kid just stole yer raid slot. While yer busy crying on the forums, that Dumb guy is raiding in yer slot. And tearing it UP, he makes you look like the sissy that you are.
See... before he even approached me about returning to the guild now that I am back... he made sure he had adequate gear for the content, he's a real raider, he understands these things. When he came to me, ha had already gotten his PvE gear up to 399 or 400... and had grinded his way to where he needed to be. This same kid has helped us clear at-level content all through the last couple expansions, is a founding member of this guild, and was in our previous guild. Let's just say he has earned a bit of senority.
Now, he has xsfered a few times, as he pursues his PvP interests, which he happens to be pretty decent at. But as a founding member of this guild and our last one, as a person whose family (Father and Brother) are also fine upstanding and long-term members of our guild... ...yeah... he is a Zen member and will always be welcome in the guild he helped to create, build, and support.
If you cannot understand that and come to grips with what that means, bad on you, not on him. And besides... this player rocks. He was shredding that content, tearing the shiz up.
So, your call to never allow him in our raid teams was not only motivated by selfish reasons, but was a very bad call for the guild in general, and for the raid team specifically. So yeah... whatever dood...you kinda suck at that sort of raid-crew building thing.
While you spend your time here in the forums crying like a little baby and stirring the !@#$... Guess what? HE is raiding in your raid slot and rocking it up like a big dog.
You betcha.