Goodbye... Zen. Shakou Shakou Shikyo


90 Draenei Shaman
There are other methods you could have chosen to say farewell to your friends.

I really didn't know you, and I'm not going to comment on your record,
but, I will tell you this:
In the years that I have known and played with Penelopae, I've come to know him as a straight up, blunt, no BS guy, and there's two things you can do:
Try your best every day,
Be lazy and fail.

I know which he respects most, and that's what I try to do, for myself, and for any guild I may have characters in.
The last thing I would do, ever, is air my grief about, (or disagreement with) a guild in this forum.

In my opinion, it's just bad form.

I'm sorry things did not turn out the way you wanted.
I hope you find the guild that works for you, and with you, and greater achievements can still be had.
I wish you all the best.

90 Human Rogue
08/22/2012 04:16 PMPosted by Shakou
you are dumber than archi and equally unworthy of my time.

08/22/2012 04:58 PMPosted by Penelopae
Well... that player that you keep calling stupid, and all the other things you have said about him in this thread and otherwise... that really dumb guy... Anonymous?

I feel so loved when I am still being metioned in this fourm sense it has been like 3 days sense my last post <3.

/sign in your post if you think reading all this has become more of a chore than entertainment =( <3.
90 Pandaren Shaman
08/22/2012 10:49 PMPosted by Raynebodash

best post by far
90 Pandaren Shaman
08/23/2012 04:03 PMPosted by Anonymøus
you are dumber than archi and equally unworthy of my time.

Well... that player that you keep calling stupid, and all the other things you have said about him in this thread and otherwise... that really dumb guy... Anonymous?

I feel so loved when I am still being metioned in this fourm sense it has been like 3 days sense my last post <3.

/sign in your post if you think reading all this has become more of a chore than entertainment =( <3.

its ok man...we not unworthy of his time, but he takes time to make a forum for us to chat with him :D
90 Human Rogue
ikr I feel so loved! shakou is soo thoughtful!
90 Human Priest
Indeed. It gives us somewhere to chat it up and giggle some between raids.

Everything in the guild is flowing nice and smooth, we have some great teams put together.

Everybody is getting to do the stuff they want to do, gaining a few new members that are nice folks. Alt-nite is working out nicely, and on our off-night, folks get to play their Horde-side toons. It's gettin' pretty good, settling in very nicely. Good stuff man, good stuff.

I was talking to a friend, another guild leader. I expressed the same sentiments to her, and I said, "Yeah, it shook a few people up when I got back, but you see how nice everything is now."

And she shared some words of wisdom with me about that. She said, "It shook a few people up alright, but only the ones that were up to stuff they shouldn't be anyway. Everyone else is just fine, it's only the ones that were up to no good, that had anything to worry about."

I nodded, and said, "Yeah, that's right." And we went on with our chatting about game stuff and spec changes coming soon.

For me, that pretty much summed it up. And now that everything is going so smoothly, it sure feels great to back and be a part of it all again. Good stuff.

It didn't take long at all to get things sorted and set on the right track. I figured it'd take a few weeks or so, but here we are, rocking and rolling, Great guild, great folks, phat loots and Good Times. It really doesn't get much better than this, in the World of Warcraft =)

Good stuff man, good stuff.

- Pen
90 Human Priest
Guilds are like meta gems.

Sometimes the wrong gem is just in the wrong socket. It may boost your individual performance but it causes disharmony and loses the socket bonus for the whole of the item/raid group. Sometimes this is desirable, sometimes it isn't - but if allowed to run rampant, and your selections run towards pure elitism without regard for harmony, every item's socket bonus / every raid night's harmony gets utterly thrown out the window and ultimately without taking care you'll realize too late that you've ignored the meta - you've ignored the focus of the guild.

So you destroy it, and replace it with the correct one, harmony is restored, life goes on, and you forget that the silly bad gem ever existed.

It's good to see Zen's meta back in effect.
85 Blood Elf Paladin
All these references to penelopae of "he" confuse the everloving heck outta me.
90 Human Priest
08/24/2012 08:29 AMPosted by Ehlana
All these references to penelopae of "he" confuse the everloving heck outta me.

The person that operates the character Penelopae is a duide type person. (Outdoor plumbing, deep voice in Ventrilo, etc) He plays several toons, some boy-toons, some girl toons. The character Penelopae happens to be a girl-toon.

I am not a girl, nor am I a Draenei Boy, nor am I a Goblin, in real life. When referencing a cartoon character in WoW, sometimes folks refer to that toon by the gender of the toon. Sometimes by the gender of the person operating said toon. Thus, confusion could ensue.

Sorry citizen, it is probably my mistake that adds to your confusion. Usually when I myself reference Penelopae, I say "she", as in like third person, speaking of a digital avatar cartoon character. Because as a real peson, I am not a digital avatar cartoon character.

Example: I love to play my Shaman, he is a lot of fun. But my Raiding toon is Penelopae, because she has all of the Raid achievements on her. I wish I had more time to play my Goblin, because he is a lot of fun too.

Make sense?

I have considered gender-changing Penelopae, but the human guy toons are just too goofy, and the female human is just the right size, and camera height that I like. And if I did gender change that toon, I would probably want to change the name to a male name... but then folks would troll me about changing the name... so... Pen stays a girl and I'm happy with that. Penelopae will always be a human female toon, for the racial passives and camera height.

If it helps you any, you are welcome to refer to me, the player-person, as Tony.

My real-life name is Tony. It is a pleasure making your acquaintance.

Have a great day =)
90 Draenei Shaman
08/24/2012 08:29 AMPosted by Ehlana
All these references to penelopae of "he" confuse the everloving heck outta me.

If it helps any, I'm a "she" IRL, and hopefully that will bring your confusion meter back to null.

All is well with the World....of Warcraft.
Edited by Xavinus on 8/24/2012 1:54 PM PDT
90 Undead Warlock
85 Night Elf Druid
90 Human Rogue
08/26/2012 11:41 AMPosted by Fcvew
I've just been wondering, Penelopae is a 12 year old girl, right? Cause its about the only explanation i can think of to explain the amount of attention whoring and drama bathing that her and the other Zen posters have been doing in THREE different threads. I mean seriously, this thread and the other "ban penelopea" one is just an embarrassment to Zen and they dont even realize it. Every legitimate player on this server is laughing at Zen right now because of this. Their guild recruitment thread "RAIDERS" is just plain laughable and hard to swallow considering they are a what? 6/8 guild claiming to be some of the best raiders and best geared on the server? Structured and organized? Really? When they are trolling so hard in three different threads but can't kill ANY end-tier heroic bosses? Does that actually make people want to join Zen? Pretty sure acting like a 12 year old girl means you are only going to get other, like-minded, 12 year olds to join.... or pedos. Either way, such a great guild! Welcome back, Pen.

lol pen is the 12 year old girl? atleast he post on his mains, so I would have to say he atleast has balls which is more than you can say at this point =D have a nice day!
90 Human Paladin
08/26/2012 11:41 AMPosted by Fcvew
I've just been wondering, Penelopae is a 12 year old girl, right? Cause its about the only explanation i can think of to explain the amount of attention whoring and drama bathing that her and the other Zen posters have been doing in THREE different threads. I mean seriously, this thread and the other "ban penelopea" one is just an embarrassment to Zen and they dont even realize it. Every legitimate player on this server is laughing at Zen right now because of this. Their guild recruitment thread "RAIDERS" is just plain laughable and hard to swallow considering they are a what? 6/8 guild claiming to be some of the best raiders and best geared on the server? Structured and organized? Really? When they are trolling so hard in three different threads but can't kill ANY end-tier heroic bosses? Does that actually make people want to join Zen? Pretty sure acting like a 12 year old girl means you are only going to get other, like-minded, 12 year olds to join.... or pedos. Either way, such a great guild! Welcome back, Pen.

This thread nor the Ban Penelopae thread where created by said person your complaining about. Cant hate on someone cause there popular.

The way someone acts in trade in no way shows how a person behaves in raid. Its trade chat, who takes it seriously anymore.

This cogshanks addon is nice, who is Rozdort?
1 Blood Elf Warrior
08/26/2012 05:05 PMPosted by Anonymøus
lol pen is the 12 year old girl? atleast he post on his mains, so I would have to say he atleast has balls which is more than you can say at this point =D have a nice day!

Everything I said was true but posting on your main then means your a representative of your guild and people will align your actions to that of the guilds (as a whole) and i'm just smart enough not to do that to my guild. It is just how it works. Pen, or you guys, aren't smart enough to realize that yet. Pen didn't make these threads but he responds to these threads like he is loving every moment to hear himself speak, whoring the attention to the rest of Zen. He even admittedly said (in that "ban penelopae" thread) that he wouldnt pass up an opportunity for free publicity and then advertised Zen's recruitment, comparing himself to Charlie Sheen. Really???? It is childish and makes all of Zen look as such. He should of remained quiet when the threads surfaced and handled it in private instead of putting on public circus here. The fact that he failed to do so on two different occasions and even continues to keep making an !@# out of himself by contentiously making troll responses is embarrassing. This sort of drama stops progression by driving people off, making your guild unattractive to new members, and just plain is a distraction to your members. With him acting like this he will never get his "raiding" guild to the forefront of SoE like he is already, laughably, advertising is there.
Take my advice or laugh at the alt poster, means little to me.
Edited by Fcvew on 8/26/2012 10:01 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
well the sad thing is, penelopae didnt become the "premiere" raiding experience on sisters of elune... not in cataclysm he didn't. I don't understand why he acts like he had anything to do with raiding in cata... especially when he seems so hell bent on sending his progression teams to ulduar every chance he gets...
Edited by Shakou on 8/26/2012 11:23 PM PDT
90 Human Rogue
Lol... i left Sisters of elune over a year ago.. just poking around old forums and i find this pile of garbage of people bashing Pene.. I was in failslayer.. i mean ... Beastslayer and all they did was bash the other bigger more successful guilds.. None of my business but sounds like to me whatever job this guy was given, screwed it up totally.. and now he's butthurt over not getting the 'backup' he wanted. Through and through its your money you do what you want with your sub.. but why post on the wow forums? lol.. Childish nonetheless.. Good day SoE.. i will poke elsewhere.
90 Human Rogue
Everything I said was true but posting on your main then means your a representative of your guild and people will align your actions to that of the guilds (as a whole) and i'm just smart enough not to do that to my guild. It is just how it works. Pen, or you guys, aren't smart enough to realize that yet. Pen didn't make these threads but he responds to these threads like he is loving every moment to hear himself speak, whoring the attention to the rest of Zen. He even admittedly said (in that "ban penelopae" thread) that he wouldnt pass up an opportunity for free publicity and then advertised Zen's recruitment, comparing himself to Charlie Sheen. Really???? It is childish and makes all of Zen look as such. He should of remained quiet when the threads surfaced and handled it in private instead of putting on public circus here. The fact that he failed to do so on two different occasions and even continues to keep making an !@# out of himself by contentiously making troll responses is embarrassing. This sort of drama stops progression by driving people off, making your guild unattractive to new members, and just plain is a distraction to your members. With him acting like this he will never get his "raiding" guild to the forefront of SoE like he is already, laughably, advertising is there.
Take my advice or laugh at the alt poster, means little to me.

So by saying you do not want your post to be a representative of your guild it would mean eathir you know your opion is wrong and you might get kicked from your guild, or They have so much control over your pixels that you are scared you might get kicked from a guild on sisters! GOD HELP YOU! cuz we all know the guilds on sisters are top notch right? lol I might reply later also kid. cuz I got all this out of the first few sentances lol did not even bother reading the rest of your "heavenly" opion. Have a swell day sir! =D
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