Goodbye... Zen. Shakou Shakou Shikyo


90 Pandaren Shaman
08/22/2012 03:28 PMPosted by Shakou
I could go get my Drakefire Amulet and post pics but you dont know what that is, nor do you understand what it means either... Your ignorance is not worth my time.

the Drakefire Amulet was once the key to Onyxia's Lair, but when lichking came out you didnt need it anymore. then well after that you went and killed Ony and got the achivment.

So.... try again :D
90 Pandaren Shaman
08/22/2012 03:28 PMPosted by Shakou
really nitia who are you, you've been in the guild like 4 days... you have absolutely zero ground to stand on... and your making yourself look like a butt boy.... what part of you are not my problem go away do you not understand.

hmm... butt boy, and other neat names you call me. I am not your problem, but your my problem when you think Zen is lost without you. So you know the heroics went on and got to same point without you. ALSO they almost down spine too. They will soon and when that happens well...that I got zero ground to stand on but being in vent and hearing Pen Give advice and help with Bear. who both of them are Amazing at what they do.. Clear stuff out.

But... well...that's how it is.

Where is all that LONG God of men and special blah blah chat you type out for pen and everyone else on how your all perfect. I want to see more of that.
100 Tauren Druid
if you look at his profile you can see he is wearing all of the Felheart stuff from Molten Core, yet in my achievement area I have no credit for clearing Molten Core.

^^^ also this.

he got the achivments well after they came out. thanks.

not everyones achievements were updated as soon as they came out. Blizzard left it up to the player to make sure they got themselves credited for achieving whatever they had achieved in the past. They did not auto update everyones achievements for everything they did before WotLK went live so please you cannot prove one way or another what most any player did or did not do before achievements went live.

Ps your typing is awful. It hurts me to read. x_x
Edited by Rophy on 8/22/2012 3:51 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid

Here is some footage from 06 when we were fighitng in MC, that is my toon, and you can clearly see 40 people fighting Domo IN OLD GEAR... if you are intelligent enough to notice I am wearing LVL 60 t2 helm... that dropped off of ony... couldnt find my old screenshots of us killing rag... but ive gone above and beyond proving myself for you...

and here is the guild downing Nef, I'm unsure of who uploaded it as it was 6 years old but it as it stands that is where i came from.

Lithania/Rambunctious/Shakou -
Hyjal 2004-06
Bloodwrath Sentinals
Chimera Evolution
Ancient Gardians

Black Dragon flight 06 - 08

Sisters of Elune - Dec 2010
Dream Destroyers

you done being a fool? because im done talking to you.
Edited by Shakou on 8/22/2012 4:09 PM PDT
90 Pandaren Shaman
if you look at his profile you can see he is wearing all of the Felheart stuff from Molten Core, yet in my achievement area I have no credit for clearing Molten Core.

^^^ also this.

he got the achivments well after they came out. thanks.

not everyones achievements were updated as soon as they came out. Blizzard left it up to the player to make sure they got themselves credited for achieving whatever they had achieved in the past. They did not auto update everyones achievements for everything they did before WotLK went live so please you cannot prove one way or another what most any player did or did not do before achievements went live.

Ps your typing is awful. It hurts me to read. x_x

Oh I know, Just he trying to say he has soo much more raid experience and no proof other then his word, and from what I have seen or heard aswell as read on the forums is all self serving and mostly from someone with "head up own butt"

Also, is that the best you can come back on... my typing is not grand, should I take more time to articulate my words in a perfect form of English for you. Maybe I need reciprocate all my chat and make it so much more interesting so you can relish in words that are spelled correctly.
90 Pandaren Shaman

Here is some footage from 06 when we were fighitng in MC, that is my toon, and you can clearly see 40 people fighting Domo... couldnt find my old screenshots... but ive gone above and beyond proving myself for you... im done.

Lithania/Rambunctious -
Hyjal 2004-06
Bloodwrath Sentinals
Chimera Evolution
Ancient Gardians

Black Dragon flight 06 - 08

Sisters of Elune - Dec 2010
Dream Destroyers

you done being a fool?

wait...thats the video you have... and it shows ..wait how many people again? let me put it on repeat til I get 40 people ahahahahhaah

no names, no raid/ui out nothing other then a few second footage that can be from anywhere. or at anytime.

What next do you have *dances all jester style*

***edit But it does show a good job WHAT not to do while raiding, dancing around getting carried instead of playing your role. lol ... lol ...:D
Edited by Nitia on 8/22/2012 4:10 PM PDT
85 Night Elf Druid
you are dumber than archi and equally unworthy of my time.
90 Human Warrior
Shakou talking like you know everything about everything in this game is funny because in my opinion you are not the best player you hold grudges. For instance if Pen was still around back when we actually first got on spine HM it would arleady be down and you took in the comp that you wanted in there and it wasn't the best players of the specs/classes into the raid because you can't put your feelings aside for the better of the group. You may come at me that I didn't raid that much and that is correct the Dragon Soul content I focused on PvP. So if you wanna act like some elite awesome person at this game I would disagree 100% that you are.
90 Pandaren Shaman
08/22/2012 04:16 PMPosted by Shakou
you are dumber than archi and equally unworthy of my time.

I'am unworthy... ZOMG.... you truly are higher then I. lmao, come on.. you can do better little one.
90 Human Priest
Hiya Nyghtwynd,
Great to hear from ye.

Yep, I wanted a break from all this foolishness we call WoW.
Everyone else gets a break, I never have... so I was way over due.

I tell ya, it was good for me as a person, and good for my soul.
It was also good for our guild community, for whilst away, I spent some time contemplating on ways to make it a better experience for everyone involved.

Zen is a great guild of wonderful folks that really enjoy their hobby game in a structured and stable guild environment. And of course, anything or anyone that is a detriment to that must be assisted in getting to the path of good. Those that cannot cope for whatever reason should probably find some place else to play their game. It really is that simple. I do not see any huge issue or mystery with that line of logic. In a nutshell, get with the program or GTFO. Simple, yes?

Shakou isn't the first butthurt little reject to troll Zen and type stupid stuff about me in the forums, nor will he be the last. The only difference here is that he has taken the level of in-game immersion to the point of delusion. I suspect that is in part due to his personal situation and health issues or lack of real-life structure and reality. It's sad man, and my compassion reaches out to him... but only so far. I mean hey, I did read the nasty things he has said about me in this thread... so I mean... compassion only goes so far.

I am not entirely lacking in compassion or patience, I am sensitive to folks and their feelings... but even I have a threshold of tolerance for what I will put up with. Let's call this a boundary, a boundary that Shakou has breached. So, sick or not, or whatever malfunction this kid has... I am in no way obligated to tolerate his stupid !@#$ in my guild.

We raid. We get shiz done. That's what we have always done, what we do now, and what we will always do. We raid and get shiz done. We have a good time doing it, and we invite happy folks to come along and enjoy their game with us.

Nothing new there, sounds like the same old Zen to me.

Have a great day all,
- Penelopae, Leader of Zen
90 Human Priest
9655 are dumber than archi and equally unworthy of my time...

Calling people names makes you feel better than them, right?

And you sir are brilliant, a supreme strategist and a true genius... right?

Well... that player that you keep calling stupid, and all the other things you have said about him in this thread and otherwise... that really dumb guy... Anonymous?

Well, Mr. F'n Genius... that Dumb Kid just stole yer raid slot. While yer busy crying on the forums, that Dumb guy is raiding in yer slot. And tearing it UP, he makes you look like the sissy that you are.

See... before he even approached me about returning to the guild now that I am back... he made sure he had adequate gear for the content, he's a real raider, he understands these things. When he came to me, ha had already gotten his PvE gear up to 399 or 400... and had grinded his way to where he needed to be. This same kid has helped us clear at-level content all through the last couple expansions, is a founding member of this guild, and was in our previous guild. Let's just say he has earned a bit of senority.

Now, he has xsfered a few times, as he pursues his PvP interests, which he happens to be pretty decent at. But as a founding member of this guild and our last one, as a person whose family (Father and Brother) are also fine upstanding and long-term members of our guild... ...yeah... he is a Zen member and will always be welcome in the guild he helped to create, build, and support.

If you cannot understand that and come to grips with what that means, bad on you, not on him. And besides... this player rocks. He was shredding that content, tearing the shiz up.

So, your call to never allow him in our raid teams was not only motivated by selfish reasons, but was a very bad call for the guild in general, and for the raid team specifically. So yeah... whatever kinda suck at that sort of raid-crew building thing.

While you spend your time here in the forums crying like a little baby and stirring the !@#$... Guess what? HE is raiding in your raid slot and rocking it up like a big dog.




You betcha.
85 Night Elf Druid
hey man... I don't know if you noticed, but I left zen a couple days ago? I dont want to raid with you, or the scrubs you want to put in raid slots, um... try not to take it too hard when i say i dont care what you have to say.

If you are done speaking out of your !@#-umptions and looking the fool, please tell your red guards to stop slandering me, it's unbecoming of your guild.

I'm gunna try real hard not to post anymore... but if the personal attacks continue in game and out, this will get ugly.

calm down bro's its just a game.
Edited by Shakou on 8/22/2012 5:26 PM PDT
90 Human Warrior
Lol it's funny how mad your getting over this. What scrubs that he puts in his raid slots? You mean the exact same people you put in yours. This is too funny how is yelling at someone over the internet gonna get ugly? Worst that could happen that Hey guys I gotta leave this forum it's becoming to bad for my health.
90 Pandaren Shaman
Azinoz.....wait man...careful....

08/22/2012 05:24 PMPosted by Shakou
I'm gunna try real hard not to post anymore... but if the personal attacks continue in game and out, this will get ugly.

this will get ugly.... lmao
90 Orc Mage
sisters ... we know drama =P

this whole thread sums up why i dont even try to get gear and raid with A or B guild, i just pvp, but yeah ill be honest pvp can be just as bad .... ( i just casually do it since its easier to be a casual pvp'er then a casual raider, well its more fun for me imo hehe )

casual is the way to go, we all have enuff stress in our lives/workplace right =P


err dont mind me just a random bystander (munches popcorn)
Edited by Magebytch on 8/22/2012 7:56 PM PDT
90 Human Priest
mmm... popcorn.
90 Human Priest
90 Draenei Shaman
08/22/2012 05:24 PMPosted by Shakou
calm down bro's its just a game.

If that's the case, why start this thread in the first place?

Just asking.
85 Night Elf Druid
a parting letter. to my friends in the guild. something that is demanded, when one of us leaves.
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