Goodbye... Zen. Shakou Shakou Shikyo


90 Human Rogue
08/26/2012 09:45 PMPosted by Fcvew
Take my advice or laugh at the alt poster, means little to me.

If it ment little to you would not post lol, now I have found more than hypocrits on this page now we have liars! ZOMG ARMAGEDDON!

08/26/2012 09:45 PMPosted by Fcvew
It is childish and makes all of Zen look as such. He should of remained quiet when the threads surfaced and handled it in private instead of putting on public circus here

lol I love every person that tells others to ignore it. Let me explain to you why "you god sent" people can ignore.
1. You do not get called out by name.
2. You do not get called a name.
3 You do not have to deal with retards on the level Pen, me, and other G-leaders, and famous SoE people do.
4. You are narrow minded (no offense, wait nah take offense if you want I don't really care) You do not see what he has to deal with, all you see is threads like this and assume =D.

Now let me tell you why us "jerks" "!@#$%^-s" "Elitest" etc. Do reply
1. We DO get called out by name. I am sure if someone made a reply asking on a fourm do ban you by name, you would prolly reply, yes? Ya I thought so
2. We do not get walked on and pushed around. And Some how that makes us *!@ holes lol, good logic right?
3. We help people, but most people on this server think they are gods and when you give them suggestions they think you are calling them bad, We are not, we legitly try to help. I call them bad when they get pissy I can admit that. (BTW I know no one, and I mean NO ONE on SoE is really that good, sorry to break the bubble :( me included).

If you need more reasons for eathir subject I would be happy to give you the information you seek! :D have a good day!
90 Human Priest
08/26/2012 11:22 PMPosted by Shakou
well the sad thing is, penelopae didnt become the "premiere" raiding experience on sisters of elune... not in cataclysm he didn't. I don't understand why he acts like he had anything to do with raiding in cata... especially when he seems so hell bent on sending his progression teams to ulduar every chance he gets...

Oh I dunno... you seem to think that for some reason Penelopae has never raided content in Cata, or any other time. Your delusions amuse me.

But then again, your delusions are also what led you to the homeless state of being unguilded and butthurt. Darn shame that, it could have worked out very nice for you, had you been a little more realistic minded and simply done your assigned duties in the guild.

You were assigned a position on a team, and given an excellent opportunity. You showed your loyalty and responsibility to your team by deserting your team for 2 weeks and then crying about stress, you nerd-cry /gquit. And then you posted this troll-attack thread and proclaimed yourself an enemy of the guild.

You've pretty much burnt your bridges there buddy, your own doing.

I am however flattered that you clearly spend much of your time following our every move and keeping tabs on us. Hero-worship is a form of flattery that I find distasteful, but to each their own, worship away Oh disciple of Zen-ness.

I figured that by now you would have parleyed your experience and raid strategies gained as a member of Zen into a position in some other guild, as you so elonquently threatened.

Or would have taken my suggestion of starting your own guild with all of those loyal and loving followers you delude yourself with belieiving exist. As it turns out, your only supporter seems to be some chicken!@#$ Hordie on a level 1 alt...

Whatever... darn sad that folks can't just play a video game without all the drama and "stress"... a hobby-game-pasttime should never involve stress... jus' sayin'.

Anyway, it certainly is nice to see the Zen guild running so nicely, smooth sailing and good folks enjoying their hobby. Good stuff, good stuff indeed.

By the way, Zen is always looking to invite more folks into the guild. We seek nice folks that like to have a good time and do some raiding. If that sounds like something you can do, come on in.

- Penelopae
100 Troll Druid
I'm surprised this thread hasn't died already.
85 Night Elf Druid
doesn't matter anymore, patch is released.

The amount of disappointment in this thread offends me.

At least I found out how I was viewed in the end, even though I have never done more than what I have been asked when I am able outside of real life. The moment you lose reality of the important things in life (family, schoolwork, actual work, happy moments with friends), is the moment you start looking at a game for answers to such lacks.

Then making attacks in a forum, and in guild chat, are far mature things to be said.

I was one of your supporters, friend, confidant, raiders...

To basically be told my school work, the reason I am able to play this game for any amount of time, is not as important to your raiding, is a slap in the face. I would think you would understand that how important it is for someone to finish university level classes so they can go on to do their chosen profession would be more important to the human behind the toon that if I am as good as someone else or not around for a week during finals.

That and you can never become a great group if you do not bring up your lowest member. The whole will suffer if you look past those who have less than you. It's a constant problem in society and you seem to have a habit of overlooking what things you say have an effect on everyone around you, not just those of your intended aim. I have never not tried to help those who do not know the fights through content, in guild or not, as long as they are actually letting it known they are trying their best in said situation.

As far as the progression group, I care and call most of them friends and the hours of wiping and personal sacrifice is high as with any group attempting to improve their own accomplishments. But, it is imperative to remember, anyone being in such a group is not right you are just handed, you must earn it. I obviously have not, so what, big deal, but I have a knack for when pressed, to pushing myself to get better. But of course, you don't want those willing to put in time to get better and better, you want those who you can just watch do well. So basically, you want to weed out those who don't know yet, for those who can do no wrong.

That is a set up for failure. I am a dyslexic, born that way, and being in college is a tough thing for me, but it's better than being set to at best being a waiter until 45 where a rough lifestyle makes me either a drunk, or worse from the stress. I lived to please others and if I was for some reason wrong with one thing, I could get little to no tip. If a waiter at a restaurant make a simple mistake, it may not be their fault. In most large restaurants, there are many steps to your food coming to your table that have nothing to do with your waiters influence.

The same thing is true about a guild. There are many at work, doing different things and having different goals. The trick is getting people together in harmony and attempting to remove the unnecessary errors.

That includes going to forums/guildchat and posting your "farewell" to a guild you put time into as much as anyone else could be asked to. Your words burned bridges with many that are either in guild or no longer because of actions of the past, and many are disheartened by your disrespect and the outright stupidity to want to air you grievance in a public domain.

You may not realize this yet, but all you leave when you leave anything is your legacy...

Ask Joe Paterno.
100 Troll Druid

The amount of disappointment in this thread offends me.

This whole thread is offensive. The statements made by Shakou were very immature, and disrespectful; but some of the responses made by Zen members have been just as bad.
Edited by Zultani on 8/28/2012 2:58 PM PDT
90 Human Priest


They are so CUTE
85 Night Elf Druid
why are any of you people still talking? go do something with your lives... jesus...
85 Night Elf Druid
you are out of line sir, and that was completely uncalled for. I would advise you to remember - people who live in glass houses should not throw stones...
Edited by Shakou on 8/28/2012 5:13 PM PDT
90 Human Priest
08/28/2012 04:51 PMPosted by Shakou
you are out of line sir, and that was completely uncalled for. I would advise you to remember - people who live in glass houses should not throw stones...

Your skill in Hypocrisy has increased to 526
90 Human Priest
This is the bestest forum thread Ever!

We have ponies, videos of Cute Kitty Cats, drama, and just about anything you'd want... I hope this thread lives forever as a testament to humanity... in an albeit skewed perspective of game and reality mixed with emotional outcrying of despair and self pity.

I sent a link of this thread to Jerry Springer, Dr. Phil, and to Joe Biden.

Jerry Springer wasn't interested, he said it didn't have enough baby-mommas and cell phones texting...
Dr. Phill was too confused by all the crying to touch it...
Joe Biden just plagiarized it into a campaign speech...

But cross yer fingers folks, and hope that we can still get Gilbert Godfried in here to quip on the subject.

Go Go Gadget Drama de la SoE
90 Human Priest

This just in:

Sorry folks, a dissappointing reply by Gilbert Godfried, he declines to comment, for fear of being fired again from voice-over insurance advertising gigs. BUT....

The Lifetime TV has agreed to produce a made-for-TV version of this thread.

The part of Shakou will be played by Valerie Bertinelli
The part of Penelopae will be played by Yogg-Saron
and a supporting cast of forgotten has-been drama stars will fill the rest of the bill.

For more info, please see:
85 Draenei Death Knight
Wow...this thread speaks volumes of Zen. I find it amusing so many members would reject Shikyo's claims, while proving them true in the process.

By the way, characterizing societal concerns as "drama" and therefore dismissible also says much of the maturity level of those involved.
90 Human Priest
Wow...this thread speaks volumes of Zen. I find it amusing so many members would reject Shikyo's claims, while proving them true in the process.

By the way, characterizing societal concerns as "drama" and therefore dismissible also says much of the maturity level of those involved.

Societal concerns dreamed up by a deluded drama queen are... well... drama.
Claims made from a butthurt perspective from a warped worldview of reality, even in a fantasy video game are well... more drama?

The simple fact is that this player was really all about himself and that is all there is to it. When that wouldn't fly, he gets all crybaby and rage-quits rather than actually be a part of the team.

And then, posts a personal attack and proclaims himself "enemy of Zen"... a public forum.

So why again should members from the guild not make sport of his pathetic whining after the crap he's pulled on so many of them?

Hey, this player really did some folks dirty, and treated a lot of players very badly. Very badly indeed. You can buy into his bull!@#$ if you wish, but the ones that know the real deal... and the ones he is calling names and saying stuff about in this thread... Hey man, reap what you sow, right?

I got nothing for him.

No sympathy, no remorse. Good riddance.
Damn glad I don't have to coddle his sorry little drama-prone %^- anymore.

All is good in the world again.
1 Blood Elf Warrior
08/28/2012 02:57 PMPosted by Zultani
This whole thread is offensive. The statements made by Shakou were very immature, and disrespectful; but some of the responses made by Zen members have been just as bad.

Pretty much. If Pen wanted to prove Shakou wrong he would of never posted, but instead, his continued responses has pretty much proven everything true in the original post. Grats Pen, you are oblivious!
Edited by Fcvew on 8/30/2012 6:20 PM PDT
90 Human Priest
Ah, Fcvew, my anonymous little level 1 alt friend, have you not heard?
Pen is a monster and feeds on the tears of the weak, I nom nom @ your QQ.

I am utter guild destruction incarnate.

I gear up only my friends, and I rob the guild bank to satisfy my greedy lust.

The Zen guild is crashing into ashes, as I rule with the iron fist of tyranny.

Everyone hates Pen, it's the fashionable thing to do. All the cool kids are doing it.

And yet... The guild survives. The raid teams are stronger than ever, we run multiple groups every night of the week. We've picked up 100 new members since this thread began, and will pick up 100 more before it ends.

Our top raiders rock, our newer raiders gain strength and experience with every passing day, and we are getting stuff done. Moving forward on all fronts with successful groups and plenty of phat loot. And most of all... the guild is running smooth as glass and everyone is having a good time, enjoying a great guild experience and anhanceing their game experience in the best damn guild on SoE Alliance side.

If running a successful, happy guild, that gets stuff done and providing an opportunity for folks to see content and enjoy all the benefits of a top guild is somehow bad... then I must be the baddest mother!@#$er in all of WoW, m'k.

So bow down and recognize, lest I reach through the computer screen and devour your soul (As monsters are sometimes wont to do).

Thank You and have a gloriously fantastic day =)
90 Undead Rogue
its zen its sisters of elune who cares -.-
90 Human Rogue
08/31/2012 08:45 AMPosted by Penelopae
my anonymous little level 1 alt friend

I do not post on level 1s
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