Goodbye... Zen. Shakou Shakou Shikyo


100 Human Paladin

I approve of Penelopae.
100 Night Elf Druid
08/19/2012 08:09 PMPosted by Shikyø
All of you know me well as someone calm collected humble

No offense dude, being calm is not posting about why you left a guild in the first place. This is World of Warcraft, an MMORPG, where really, not many people care as to why you left a guild. I have been kicked from guilds(mostly in wrath when people had some sort of issue with me being friends with horde?) and left guilds due to things I didn't agree don't see me posting about it in forums, do you? Nope, if I post stuff, it's usually me saying bye again for having to quit on and off, or wanting to create a PvP event of the sorts :D

Now, you may say I care, and yea, I kinda do..I did take the time to read all of this and in a way, that means I care. But very little. I don't know you and don't mean to offend, but you making this forum post is not a very calm thing to do. :| The calm thing to do is to leave it be, find a new guild, make new friends, and move on! That's what I do, and I'm sure many others do when they get g-kicked or g-quit :]
90 Human Priest

I approve of Penelopae.

I approve of Kod approving of Penelopae
90 Human Warlock

I approve of Penelopae.

I approve of Kod approving of Penelopae

I am the general arbiter of approvals on behalf of the forum council of arbiters. Both the "Grand" and the "Great Grand" arbiters second this motion.

AND SO SHALL IT BE KNOW THAT ON THIS DAY. On the 14 of september of the 3567 Endless Moon cycle. That JUSTICE, PRIDE and INTEGRITY has been upheld by the council of arbiters. (Also known as the arbiters.)
90 Human Mage
The above post almost made sense. But I seem to have gotten lost after the third "report".
90 Human Priest
^ Reported
90 Human Mage
Darn looks like the GM is gonna have to call me on skype again :( cuz apparently the server seems I

1. Troll RPers
2.I am a (insert a word u think will fit here)
3. I make Trade "trolls" cry untill their pillow is soaked
4. I need to go to a "real" PvP server, cuz apparently they think the pvp here is "fake" lol jk it is :P
5. I hack apparently when I "go up to full health in 10 seconds" qoute from a person that complaied to a GM, when I was clearly just eating :(

Ya I know my GM's name :) he thinks you all are too funny :) have a good day errbody!!!
100 Night Elf Druid
90 Human Priest
Darn looks like the GM is gonna have to call me on skype again :( cuz apparently the server seems [to think] I…

  • If “RPers” is defined as players who RP as PvP or Raiders…
  • I am (too sexah fer mah shirt)
  • Soaked-Pillow Biters r hawt
  • SoE is the WWE of WoW PvP?
  • Because conjured Mana Cake is OP… because buying food at the Inn for 2g per stack is too complex and demanding for RP-PvP/soaked-pillow-biters/Trade Troll/Pro Players on SoE
90 Draenei Hunter
mmmmm...Conjured Mana Cake...



*nom, nom, nom*

*Glances up with cheeks full and looking guilty*
Um, what were we talking about, again?

Edited by Nornova on 9/21/2012 3:31 AM PDT
90 Human Death Knight
Well... This is ridiculous. So much drama just for a game.
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