Urban Legend #3
“Pen only gears up his buddies, Zen “uses” people to get gear and then kicks them.”
I do not “give” anyone gear. Gear is Earned. I have never been carried, and I am not in the habit of carrying others. Quite simply, gear is earned by the raid teams that go out and win fights.
We have a saying in Zen, one of our oldest philosophies in the guild,
“A stronger You, is a stronger Me, is a stronger Us.”
In other words, gearing up the entire team is more important than gearing up any one individual. We use the most fair loot distribution system we can possible use. Great care and consideration has always been used in Zen to ascertain fair distribution of gear and loot.
Brand new members attending their very first raid event in our guild have a better chance of winning loot than our senior players. And this is not an uncommon occurrence.
We utilize a mathematical formula for loot distribution:
Effort Points/Gear Points=Priority Rating
(100 base number and a decay three times per lockout period at 30% for each decay)
You may Google “EPGP” for more information on this method.
Effort Points are earned by attending our events, and for downing bosses. Gear points are assigned when a player wins loot. Unlike some guilds, we know how to properly implement the EPGP loot distribution system by “Decaying” EPGP three times per week, at the rate of 30% decay. This prevents players from hoarding their points, and encourages them to spend points on gear before that EP is decayed away. Likewise, the decay is how GP is diminished as well; allowing members to get right back into the loot chance again.
A new member on their very first raid gains 500 EP just for showing up, and then earns points for every boss they help kill. A new member has 0 Gear Points, so therefore their Priority Rating is very high.
Example: NewPlayer gains 500 EP for showing up, and earns 1000 EP for each of 3 bosses killed. This equals 3500/0 (3500 Effort Points over 0 Gear Points), resulting in a priority rating of 35.
Only so many players in a raid will be competing for the same gear pieces. Senior members most likely already have those pieces of gear from previous runs. A new member is in a great position to gain gear right away. And again…
“A stronger You, is a stronger Me, is a stronger Us.”
We want new members of the team to gain gear and thereby make the entire team stronger.
“Pen only gears up his buddies, Zen “uses” people to get gear and then kicks them.”
I do not “give” anyone gear. Gear is Earned. I have never been carried, and I am not in the habit of carrying others. Quite simply, gear is earned by the raid teams that go out and win fights.
We have a saying in Zen, one of our oldest philosophies in the guild,
“A stronger You, is a stronger Me, is a stronger Us.”
In other words, gearing up the entire team is more important than gearing up any one individual. We use the most fair loot distribution system we can possible use. Great care and consideration has always been used in Zen to ascertain fair distribution of gear and loot.
Brand new members attending their very first raid event in our guild have a better chance of winning loot than our senior players. And this is not an uncommon occurrence.
We utilize a mathematical formula for loot distribution:
Effort Points/Gear Points=Priority Rating
(100 base number and a decay three times per lockout period at 30% for each decay)
You may Google “EPGP” for more information on this method.
Effort Points are earned by attending our events, and for downing bosses. Gear points are assigned when a player wins loot. Unlike some guilds, we know how to properly implement the EPGP loot distribution system by “Decaying” EPGP three times per week, at the rate of 30% decay. This prevents players from hoarding their points, and encourages them to spend points on gear before that EP is decayed away. Likewise, the decay is how GP is diminished as well; allowing members to get right back into the loot chance again.
A new member on their very first raid gains 500 EP just for showing up, and then earns points for every boss they help kill. A new member has 0 Gear Points, so therefore their Priority Rating is very high.
Example: NewPlayer gains 500 EP for showing up, and earns 1000 EP for each of 3 bosses killed. This equals 3500/0 (3500 Effort Points over 0 Gear Points), resulting in a priority rating of 35.
Only so many players in a raid will be competing for the same gear pieces. Senior members most likely already have those pieces of gear from previous runs. A new member is in a great position to gain gear right away. And again…
“A stronger You, is a stronger Me, is a stronger Us.”
We want new members of the team to gain gear and thereby make the entire team stronger.