^ one of the many forms of art I enjoy.
Did you really just create a level-1 un-guilded alt to post a message questioning my honesty and integrity? Really?
Argue with the content of my post, not the character I post on. Besides, this particular little gnome is hardly anonymity.
I have no interest or intent to argue with you. This is a recruitment thread. If you are here for any reason other than to join our guild, I would suggest that you are in the wrong thread. What exactly is your intent by posting in this thread?
Yes, I recruit all the time, and I recruit from both factions. Why not?(The six sentences after this one were unnecessary filler.)
This is my thread, I created it for guild recruiting purposes. As such, I shall deem what is necessary and what is extraneous in my posts. Of course if you disagree with those choices there are plenty of other forums in which you can post with your level-1 unguilded alt , right
Recruiting and insult flinging/starting mud-slinging wars on Trade are two different things.
This is not Tarde Channel, this is a World of Warcraft Forum for the Sisters of Elune Realm. Not sure what you’re on about here, but do note that this is a recruit thread on the WoW Forums, in which you have chosen to intrude upon.
You imply that somehow Zen is a scam? How so, exactly? Please help us all understand why this could be the case?(Everything after this sentence, too, was unnecessary filler.)
So you have nothing to contribute after this statement.
Let me requote myself, because I don't think you read it the first time.Honestly it's funny, when I was glancing at the long-winded posts - three hundred words to say a sentence worth - the same thing flashed through my mind. I'm glad I wasn't the only one.Nowhere did I claim it was a scam, only that I got the same strong impression that the poster I had quoted had received, based on the way you come across.
Perhaps you should look up the definition for the word “imply”.
Please, not so much filler next time. I can rifle through it but my eyes mostly just glaze over.
If the content on this thread does not suit you, there are plenty of other things on the interwebs to read.
Have a wonderful day,
- Pen
A little insight…
Not long ago I had a player contact me about joining the guild. This player is an experienced raider from a high-progression guild and realm, newly transferred to SoE. He indicated that he was seeking a little more laid-back environment. He wants to participate in Raid at a more casual pace than he had been running at. He wanted to clear content, and had a clear understanding of what it takes to do that, and also realizes that it can be done on a realm like SoE in a good guild.
This is a good fit for our guild, so of course I welcomed him to join.
I asked him, “How did you hear about Zen, and what was the biggest contributing factor in your choice to contact me?”
He indicated that he had done the research through websites such as WoWprogress.com and others, and that the true deal-closer factor was the traffic in Tarde Channel and these WoW Forums…
“With all the grief and !@#$ talk about you guys, I knew right away that you must be doing something right.”
He went on to explain that on other realms where he played, this was also a normal pattern. The ones that get the most done also take the most flak. He was glad to see it as an indicator and was used to the same rhetoric on other realms.
Several other times over the past several months, newer members have asked me about all the hate. They were thrilled with the guild experience, enjoyed being a member, and happy they had joined. But… were perplexed by all of the griefing towards our guild. They could not understand the griefing, their own experience with the guild was wonderful. Why would some people be such griefers about something they obviously had no idea about?
Good question.
“Those people want what you have. And it just kills them that they don’t have it.”
Can’t they just simply join too? Instead of all that, whatever it is that they are doing?
“Yep, they sure could. But they do not understand that it would just be easier to join and enjoy.”
Not long ago I had a player contact me about joining the guild. This player is an experienced raider from a high-progression guild and realm, newly transferred to SoE. He indicated that he was seeking a little more laid-back environment. He wants to participate in Raid at a more casual pace than he had been running at. He wanted to clear content, and had a clear understanding of what it takes to do that, and also realizes that it can be done on a realm like SoE in a good guild.
This is a good fit for our guild, so of course I welcomed him to join.
I asked him, “How did you hear about Zen, and what was the biggest contributing factor in your choice to contact me?”
He indicated that he had done the research through websites such as WoWprogress.com and others, and that the true deal-closer factor was the traffic in Tarde Channel and these WoW Forums…
“With all the grief and !@#$ talk about you guys, I knew right away that you must be doing something right.”
He went on to explain that on other realms where he played, this was also a normal pattern. The ones that get the most done also take the most flak. He was glad to see it as an indicator and was used to the same rhetoric on other realms.
Several other times over the past several months, newer members have asked me about all the hate. They were thrilled with the guild experience, enjoyed being a member, and happy they had joined. But… were perplexed by all of the griefing towards our guild. They could not understand the griefing, their own experience with the guild was wonderful. Why would some people be such griefers about something they obviously had no idea about?
Good question.
“Those people want what you have. And it just kills them that they don’t have it.”
Can’t they just simply join too? Instead of all that, whatever it is that they are doing?
“Yep, they sure could. But they do not understand that it would just be easier to join and enjoy.”
10/09/2012 11:19 AMPosted by PenelopaePerhaps you should look up the definition for the word “imply”.
LAWL haha YOU Mr. sir Mrs. Miss Level 1 alt, just got slapped by a dictionary in the face, arm, butt, gut, legs, and other various body parts.
10/09/2012 02:06 PMPosted by PenelopaeHe went on to explain that on other realms where he played, this was also a normal pattern. The ones that get the most done also take the most flak. He was glad to see it as an indicator and was used to the same rhetoric on other realms.
I being personally on very high pop realms, and not just high pop realms full of stupid people I mean like high pop of multiple rank 1 glads, rank 1 guilds, top PvE guilds. And I can varify this is excatly what it is like.
This truly is the expansion of Zen...
All the coolest items and achievements are named Zen this, or Zen that.
Gotta love it man, just gotta love it.
The icing on the cake for me though, is that Blizz even created a Raid Boss patterned after Pen's persona.. the Sha of Anger. He shows up randomly and screams crazy stuff at the haters, taunting them and using some of the same phrases that Pen uses. Too funny, just hilarious every time I see his red "/yell" text in a zone where I am playing.
We certainly chuckle about it in Vent. Poking fun at the "Tyrant" guild leader is loads of fun, especially when we have the Sha of Anger out there helping with the good times.
Zen, Rockin' the Realm for All the Right Reasons.
All the coolest items and achievements are named Zen this, or Zen that.
Gotta love it man, just gotta love it.
The icing on the cake for me though, is that Blizz even created a Raid Boss patterned after Pen's persona.. the Sha of Anger. He shows up randomly and screams crazy stuff at the haters, taunting them and using some of the same phrases that Pen uses. Too funny, just hilarious every time I see his red "/yell" text in a zone where I am playing.
We certainly chuckle about it in Vent. Poking fun at the "Tyrant" guild leader is loads of fun, especially when we have the Sha of Anger out there helping with the good times.
Zen, Rockin' the Realm for All the Right Reasons.
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