<Apples> is recruiting!

90 Troll Druid
As the title says, we're recruiting, and we thought we might as well see if anyone on SoE would like to join. We did run into some good players with our sweepstakes, so why not find out? Here's some requirements that we ask for.

-Have some decent raiding experience. We want people who have raided before and know what to expect to be in a raiding guild. Cata heroic experience is a plus.

-Be prepared and ready to go on raid days. We'd like people to have all their stuff ready before raids, such as potions/flasks. We also ask for people to be online 15-30 minutes before our raid starts, which is 7 Server Time. We do make exceptions for some people if they can't usually make it at those times (I'm one of those people). We also ask people to watch videos of fights, and read our boss strat forums in case we make any changes to a strat and we don't have to explain it and lose raiding time.

-Be able to raid 3 days a week. This is a big one. If you can make 3 days a week, you'll fit in good here. We like having people who want to raid and can make every raid. We understand if real life happens, and you can't make a raid here and there, and we have a forum that you can post in if that happens to let us know you can't make it. Just please don't make it a habit!

If this sounds like you, just drop an app at http://applesguild.com and follow the How To Apply instructions, or get a hold of me on Kuruption or Kuruptionz (my monk when I'm able to make it). We raid 3 days a week, Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday from 7 Server to 10 Server.

We are looking for casters mostly, but we will take good players no matter what class you play.

Edited by Kuruption on 9/20/2012 4:29 PM PDT
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90 Undead Warlock
lol, bads.

just kidding, come raid with us. We're fun! You think we're entertaining as hell now, just chilling on your server, doing these WACKY contests of asswhuppin and glory? Just see how we are in gchat!

Website is Applesguild.com . We have a whole app thing there, its neat.

EDIT: Way to edit your original post so you seemed more awesome at first glance and I couldn't come in and steal your thunder. Jerk. ;_; I want you to know you left me crying here, cold and ashamed lying naked on the floor.
Edited by Martahn on 9/20/2012 4:31 PM PDT
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90 Troll Druid
Well since I got yelled at, I figured I'd edit it.

My bad.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I don't yell.
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90 Undead Warlock
You shame, which is worse.
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85 Blood Elf Paladin
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90 Troll Druid
09/21/2012 05:56 AMPosted by Ehlana

And this is why I shouldn't do recruitment posts, I can't think of puns.

+1 to you.
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But... but... "Refruitment" posts are part of Apples' lore... They are canon, brother!

See: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/forum/topic/2228175429
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  • Fruit Flies: Potential applicants that keep checking you out but can't quite convince themselves to actually fill out the guild application form.
  • Bad Apples: Inexperienced raiders (aka me). Don't mix with the good Apples.
  • Golden Delicious: Yes. Them. Recruit them now.


I'll show myself out...
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90 Undead Warlock
My favorite apple is probably fuji.

<3 Khev
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89 Blood Elf Paladin
A drive-by fruiting? /duck

<3 Xu
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I don't know who any of you are that are posting here, but I like you.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
I wish that my ISP didn't suck. I love Apples. They are delicious.
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89 Blood Elf Paladin
We like you too, Ellach :D

<3 Xu
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Looking for level 90s. >_>
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90 Pandaren Monk
Almost there!
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100 Orc Warrior
Earned the achievement Settle Down, Bro for 10 points. 13 hours ago

Much obliged.
Hopefully I didn't embarrass myself, I think I tanked more MC'd DKs' armies than anything else.
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90 Orc Warlock
That Sha of Anger zerg was probably the most epic thing since HLK25.
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90 Pandaren Monk
WTB Ranged DPS and a druid of some sort.
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90 Worgen Death Knight
Rotten Fruit = Death Knights of Apples?

Edit - changed the "-" to "="
Edited by Dewulfe on 10/15/2012 7:20 AM PDT
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