The Fairy Tale Project: *Critiques Galore!*

85 Worgen Warrior
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90 Worgen Druid
Bump. Been busy, sorry Systar. :<
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90 Worgen Druid
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85 Worgen Warrior
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90 Worgen Druid
I'm busy, okay? :::::::::::::<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
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85 Worgen Warrior

Some one sent me an anonymous story today with a hidden message in it. I don't know what the expect me to do with it.
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99 Undead Priest
I have a few tauren fairy tales (or myths) on my blog. Would there be interest in having them here?
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85 Worgen Warrior
10/21/2012 08:36 PMPosted by Felya
I have a few tauren fairy tales (or myths) on my blog. Would there be interest in having them here?

If you'd like to join the project, sure.
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99 Undead Priest
Okay, I sent it to your email address.
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85 Worgen Warrior
10/21/2012 09:57 PMPosted by Felya
Okay, I sent it to your email address.

We're not accepting one shots at this time, but if you want to join you can submit it and participate in discussions.
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99 Undead Priest
Ohh, okay, sorry. I kind of jumped the gun on this one (I came here from the post you put in the community forums). I actually don't have the time to really engage in a sustained project, but I wish you the best of luck; sounds like you'll have some interesting stuff.
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90 Worgen Druid

10/21/2012 10:20 PMPosted by Felya
Ohh, okay, sorry. I kind of jumped the gun on this one (I came here from the post you put in the community forums). I actually don't have the time to really engage in a sustained project, but I wish you the best of luck; sounds like you'll have some interesting stuff.

I'd love to see them myself, by the way. E-mail me at if you want to share.
Edited by Ferenold on 10/22/2012 4:12 PM PDT
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85 Worgen Warrior
I'm considering putting them in. However, I'd like to stick with the process we've set into motion. I think it's important those who submit read critiques before they're published.
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90 Worgen Druid
I really need to work on the Thalassian story but I'm too lazy to. :<
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99 Undead Priest
10/22/2012 07:07 PMPosted by Systar
I'm considering putting them in. However, I'd like to stick with the process we've set into motion. I think it's important those who submit read critiques before they're published.

I agree. Apologies again for failing to read all of the rules.

Ferenold, I sent you the relevant stories. They're actually already online in other places; more info is in the email.
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85 Worgen Warrior
It's all good, Felya.
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85 Worgen Warrior
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90 Worgen Druid
Wow, critiques galore because you and everen tore me story apart.
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85 Worgen Warrior
I offered constructive criticism, Fere. I really enjoyed the story, I thought I made that very clear. I'm sorry if you felt that way.
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90 Worgen Druid
10/23/2012 04:17 PMPosted by Systar
I offered constructive criticism, Fere. I really enjoyed the story, I thought I made that very clear. I'm sorry if you felt that way.

I'm just teasing you, Sys. <3. I appreciated your criticism.

And I sort of now I have to be prepared to get my story torn apart by Everen, lol. I look forwards to returning the favor!

(In all seriousness, it was very helpful criticism.)
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