<Apples> adieu

100 Blood Elf Paladin
I was sad to hear that <Apples> has disbanded. I always admired you guys and appreciated your integrity as progressive raiders on a server with a wide variety of priorities. I hope that you all find new homes and continue to enjoy the game!

<3 V
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100 Troll Druid
I felt the same way, but it looks like the former members of Apples just formed a new guild. You'll see them all in a guild named <Taken>. It's a little sad to see the name Apples gone, but at least they formed a new guild to keep the raiding going.
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90 Undead Death Knight
Yeah, they seem to be doing pretty well. They raided last night and I'm sure they did great.
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90 Pandaren Monk

Pretty much all but 2-3 people have decided to stay here and still raid together. Hopefully we can do as well as Apples, but it's a tall mountain to climb.

Should be interesting!
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
That's great, Kuruptionz. I was worried that folks would just scatter and leave the server. I am glad to hear that so many of you will be raiding together and staying on SoE. And you know what they say about apples; they don't fall far from the tree. We'll be following your successes in 5.2!

<3 V
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100 Blood Elf Hunter

In all seriousness though, damn. Never thought I'd see Apples disbanded, but I suppose it happens. I'm sure the Dire Pandas, even the ones who don't play anymore, wish all you guys the best.

I do, at least. You guys were always excellent.
Edited by Lectril on 2/20/2013 7:53 PM PST
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
For all the examples we had on this server for what not to do or how not to be, <Apples> was always a standard on SoE for what -to- do, and how you -should- be. You guys were like the shining beacon for what was great about SoE, an all around great gang, not a bad thing to be said about you or a bad thing to be heard and that's saying something on a server like ours. I'm happy to have occupied the same space with you guys for as many years as I have. You were fine modern gentlemen.
Edited by Nyksis on 2/21/2013 2:46 PM PST
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Goonies never say die!
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100 Undead Rogue
Apples was never the same after Arat left. I'm glad to see the members getting together in a new guild.
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90 Troll Rogue
A new era has begun.

Pandaria: a land of mystery, history, and opportunity.

We stand at the crossroads of history.

I have to admit, it is very exciting to start something new, to be part of a new beginning. It feels like we just got a chance to improve the guild and have fun. that last part as the most important of all.
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90 Blood Elf Rogue

or like, stone guys


...this expansion is kind of weird when you really think about it

(P.S. I love you guys)
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90 Troll Rogue

or like, stone guys


...this expansion is kind of weird when you really think about it

(P.S. I love you guys)

Not that weird last one hat tentacles everywhere, I'm aware that some people are into that, but still.

Also, I too Love you guys <3
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
You missed the opportunity to name your new guild Cutie Mark Crusaders. /sad
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90 Troll Rogue
02/22/2013 11:56 AMPosted by Sellys
You missed the opportunity to name your new guild Cutie Mark Crusaders. /sad

oh you have yet to see the number of awesome jokes and puns to come.

for example our GMTOD:
"We fill find you.And we eill kill you"

for the guild banner, I'm proposing:

"We will look for you, We will find you. And we will kill you.
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90 Human Warlock
So... It's now apples under a different name with a few less people?
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90 Pandaren Monk
02/22/2013 02:38 PMPosted by Strategus
So... It's now apples under a different name with a few less people?

Yeah, the GM and a couple of others aren't here.
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