<Apples> adieu

100 Tauren Druid
I was saddened when I heard about this through my chain of birds (namely just bumping into Incap at the brawler's arena). Glad most of you stayed together. Never applied mostly due to Sundays being an issue for me but I knew quite a few of you and did other things like RBGs/random whatever.

Also Bladeblitz likes to talk trash to just about any guild that has rejected him from their main roster. I found out after I transferred to this server and joined this guild that he was in here and couldn't hold a candle to our warriors and left D: but anyways. Ily guise. Kill all the things/creatures/gods/god wannabes/bugs/...etc that steal your daughters!

Edit: PS sorry for the revival and the jab at him. didn't even actually get to see the remarks made, but yea <3
Edited by Rophy on 3/12/2013 11:45 PM PDT
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35 Gnome Mage
Sad to see. I actually joined Apples back in Firelands (was a mage and faction changed and server transferred) and was a really fun bunch and I really enjoyed it there albeit a very short stay. Had to leave because of PC issues that happened all of a sudden and was going to take time to fix and took a break from WoW too because I hated Cata.

Sad to hear they disbanded.
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1 Pandaren Warrior
I only knew a few Apples, and those I knew I knew before they became Apples. Ellach and Shade come to mind, if there are others and I'm forgetting you, I'm sorry but it's kinda been over half a decade, lemmelone.

Popping in to see this makes me a sad Rijda. I can't speak for how they are now, but Apples was always a classy bunch.
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1 Troll Mage
Wait, what's goin' on guys?
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