<Apples> adieu

90 Human Warlock
Is it sad that I once apped to apples and was rather annoyed that I got rejected? Lol. Looking back I was trying to get into a guild full of bads? T.T

Sounds like your saved yourself some transfer fees!

But he didn't? From what I can tell he dished out 25$ to x-fer off SoE, so I mean, if anything he had to spend 25$ cause he didn't get into apples. I mean i'm very surprised anyone from a high pop realm would spend anytime trolling a backwater low pop RP realm.

Also judging by the progress of most characters (Note that I don't really have anything to show for PvE myself.) you're sitting pretty close to what Apples is/was as well as not having realistically the same chance of getting realm first achievements simply because of higher competition.

I don't know who really saved transfer fees here.
Edited by Strategus on 2/25/2013 7:52 AM PST
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
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90 Troll Rogue
Wow somebody is having a really hard time to let go. So much QQ about a guild that no longer exist, and even more QQ about WoW players who already left the server.

Brb I'm going to the latin forums, I feel like starting some QQ about "The alamo".

oh wait no...now that I think about it. This is just a game, right?. I kinda remember somebody telling me this once, this is just a game, let's all repeat it together and maybe then we can all understand.

This is just a game,
this is just a game.
This is just a game.

You are spending a lot of time and energy to beat a dead horse. Did it hurt so much that Ellach did not accepted you?, did you cry at night over it?, does still hurt so much that now you have QQ about it and troll the forums with so much passion and effort?, does it make you feel better?,I really hope so otherwise what would be the point right?.

How much more energy and time do you plan spending beating on the dead horse?, just so you can show everyone how much you do not care how bad that dead horse was.

You pretend to be somebody who does not care, but is evident how badly hurt you really are, I should feel bad for you, but I do not offer sympathy for the worthless.

is just a game
is just a game
is just a game.
Edited by Arialna on 2/25/2013 2:30 PM PST
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90 Human Warlock
Wow somebody is having a really hard time to let go. So much QQ about a guild that no longer exist, and even more QQ about WoW players who already left the server.

Brb I'm going to the latin forums, I feel like starting some QQ about "The alamo".

oh wait no...now that I think about it. This is just a game, right?. I kinda remember somebody telling me this once, this is just a game, let's all repeat it together and maybe then we can all understand.

This is just a game,
this is just a game.
This is just a game.

You are spending a lot of time and energy to beat a dead horse. Did it hurt so much that Ellach did not accepted you?, did you cry at night over it?, does still hurt so much that now you have QQ about it and troll the forums with so much passion and effort?, does it make you feel better?,I really hope so otherwise what would be the point right?.

How much more energy and time do you plan spending beating on the dead horse?, just so you can show everyone how much you do not care how bad that dead horse was.

You pretend to be somebody who does not care, but is evident how badly hurt you really are, I should feel bad for you, but I do not offer sympathy for the worthless.

is just a game
is just a game
is just a game.

One complaint though, you guys seriously need to stop downvoting threads that you don't like, I mean it's not as if anyone else really goes through theses forums to downvote !@#$, just seem a bit silly to be like "I don't like what he says i'm gonna make it dissapear." Also it's just a bit weird that just threads regarding you guy's Apples or whatever you call yourselves get flagged and reported as many legitimate posts have dissapeared because of that in the past.

Not as if your post was any better than the other posts in here. It's just you talking down to someone and being a jerk to them.
Edited by Strategus on 2/25/2013 8:31 PM PST
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90 Pandaren Monk
One complaint though, you guys seriously need to stop downvoting threads that you don't like, I mean it's not as if anyone else really goes through theses forums to downvote !@#$, just seem a bit silly to be like "I don't like what he says i'm gonna make it dissapear." Also it's just a bit weird that just threads regarding you guy's Apples or whatever you call yourselves get flagged and reported as many legitimate posts have dissapeared because of that in the past.

Probably, but it's not like I'm going to ask everyone "did you report that post?".

People can say all the crap they want about us, I still wouldn't report their posts. It's not like there's a guild policy of reporting stuff. We did have people who would report anything (the Zen threads, which I enjoyed quite a bit, but was annoyed they were always reported), but I would hope everyone would realize this is a public forum.

But what can you do?

Btw, I found Blade's posts pretty funny.
Edited by Kuruptionz on 2/25/2013 9:12 PM PST
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90 Troll Rogue

One complaint though, you guys seriously need to stop downvoting threads that you don't like, I mean it's not as if anyone else really goes through theses forums to downvote !@#$, just seem a bit silly to be like "I don't like what he says i'm gonna make it dissapear." Also it's just a bit weird that just threads regarding you guy's Apples or whatever you call yourselves get flagged and reported as many legitimate posts have dissapeared because of that in the past.

Not as if your post was any better than the other posts in here. It's just you talking down to someone and being a jerk to them.

You have to take one thing in consideration, no GM takes a thread down because it involves x guild, they take them down for violations of the terms of use, for example the simple act of trolling can and will get a thread removed.

You can today start a new tread about how bad the Lich king is, post random insults and angry comments, and you will see it removed faster than you can say, dammit they always removes my legitimate posts about the Lich king.

No thread with constructive criticism is ever removed, unless it goes down the pat of trolling, for example this one, you can deny the amount of trolling already done here, the OP started this with good intentions, we all had the opportunity to keep this tread in a friendly environment, but it seems like now is too late for that.

I really hope we can leave the trolling behind, and just get along.
This is not sarcasm, I'm serious.
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90 Draenei Hunter
I haven't had a main on sisters for a very long time now, but Apples was a great group of people and I'm sure for many people Apples was their first taste of a legitimate raiding guild. Best of luck under your new guild tag!
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The only thing I'll miss are the "Apples refruitment" threads on this forum. I only hope the rebranded guild under new management remains as puntastic as the old one.
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90 Orc Warrior
02/25/2013 02:08 PMPosted by Arialna
spending a lot of time and energy

What ever happened that took more then ten seconds of typing on my part? You should get out a lil more often if one sentance is a workout for you lol
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
02/26/2013 10:50 AMPosted by Bladeblitz
spending a lot of time and energy

What ever happened that took more then ten seconds of typing on my part? You should get out a lil more often if one sentance is a workout for you lol

Dude, you trying to keep the argument alive and perpetuating the negativity is like trying to save a dead limb. Cut it off and let it go man.

Taken is awesome! Stay classy guys!
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90 Troll Rogue
02/26/2013 10:13 AMPosted by Rongar
The only thing I'll miss are the "Apples refruitment" threads on this forum. I only hope the rebranded guild under new management remains as puntastic as the old one.

Who need's recruitment when Liam Neeson inspires us as a guild?. =D
We will look for you, We fill find you, and we will kill you.

Hopeful some day we can learn, "The League of Shadows" ninja skills when at the same time we use the force., to fight internet dragons and wolfs, or Worgen, whatever shows up first.

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90 Human Warlock
02/26/2013 02:50 PMPosted by Arialna
The only thing I'll miss are the "Apples refruitment" threads on this forum. I only hope the rebranded guild under new management remains as puntastic as the old one.

Who need's recruitment when Liam Neeson inspires us as a guild?. =D
We will look for you, We fill find you, and we will kill you.

Hopeful some day we can learn, "The League of Shadows" ninja skills when at the same time we use the force., to fight internet dragons and wolfs, or Worgen, whatever shows up first.


No throat chopping in WoW, Liam Neeson is not with us.
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90 Troll Rogue

No throat chopping in WoW, Liam Neeson is not with us.

Maybe he is with us but we can see him, that is after all, part of the training of the League of Shadows under the command of Ra's al' Ghul.
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