RP Guild / Event Directory - Upd. 6/2015


100 Blood Elf Paladin
Disciple of the Dark Sun
Site: http://dotds.guildportal.com/
Guild Leader: Teonass

Guild Chat: OOC, separate IC channel.

A once-secretive order dedicated to opposing the corruption of Deathwing and his followers, on behalf of the memory of the true Black Dragonflight. In the wake of the Cataclysm, the Disciples, under leadership of Commander Teonass Sunwalker, have stepped out of the shadow, and taken to the front lines in the battle against Deathwing and the Twilight's Hammer.
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100 Human Warlock
Thank you, Suni! You're the bees knees :)
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated. :-)
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90 Human Mage
*huggles the stuffins outta Kalleesti* You're welcome! ... And, hmmm. Sorry, Araceli for the added work, but I don't see Kal Rrhom listed. >.< Must remedy, if'n you'd be so kind!

Website: http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.aspx?GuildID=312604&TabID=2620660
Guild Leaders: Husorvour, Jenilyn
Contact Liaisons: Suni, Narnicka
IC/OOC: Guild chat - IC / Separate OOC channel

Our band of nomadic mischief-makers is open to the newly acquainted to RP, realm-hoppers seeking no-pressure sanctuary to get a foothold in new territory, or veterans alike. Permanent residence is welcomed and embraced, but not required. Show us a genuine interest in learning RP or sticking around to make CC the Awesome Sauce™ in RP and we'll make room at the campfire for you.

<NOTE: Also seeking veteran RPers willing to offer support, guidance, and general feedback. Please contact Suni in game for more information; tagging and branding not required. However patience, adult communication skills, and an open mind are expected!>

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80 Blood Elf Paladin
The Eye of Silvermoon
Guild Leader: Shizan
IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC

Originally the secret police and spies of the Blood Elves, answering directly to Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider, The Eye was profoundly shaken when the betrayal of the prince was unearthed. Since then, the Eye has moved to distance itself from ideology and demagogues, spreading its fingers into the Horde as a whole. Now, answering to no-one, the Eye plays a delicate game watching for threats from within, as well as without. With the new Warchief looking to tighten his iron fist, it's only a matter of time before The Eye of Silvermoon is a target of Hellscream's restructuring and brought into the fold, or eliminated.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
I shall get to adding Kal Rhom and The Eye probably sometime tomorrow night. :-)
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40 Blood Elf Warlock
Hi Araceli, I'd like to add a new/old RP guild that's starting out. Here is the information. Thanks in advanced!

The Silvermist Cartel
Website: http://silvermist.guildlaunch.com
Guild Leader: Kidaria
Guild Chat: IC
OOC: Channel TSC

The Silvermist Cartel is always on the lookout for those that can help them achieve their financial goals. The purpose of The Cartel is to make gold. Lots of gold. In a world gone awry with wars and bloody battles, we simply wish to live our lives in all the comforts of the homes we've lost. We are in the business of business, you might say. While some of our business dealings are sometimes less than legal, we also have legit contracts for goods or services. We incorporate the skills and talents of all the members of The Cartel for various jobs, be it as Mercenaries, Spies, Tradesmen, or throwing extravagant parties. We have contacts throughout the world of Azeroth with many contracts for goods or services which help us achieve our financial and personal goals. Those seeking to make their fortunes and fame, or even infamousy are welcome within The Silvermist Cartel.
Edited by Kidaria on 1/4/2011 9:10 PM PST
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The Blastwrench Cartel
Website: ....I'll get one. Eventually.
Guild Leader: Kabs
Guild Chat: OOC
IC Channel: Our officer chat. Takes the form of a goblin radio

Can you add the Blastwrench Cartel in here please? We're a crime guild that operates out of Bilgewater Harbor. We take on assassinations, drugs, supply odd things (Like gnomes for their fat. Yes. I'm not kidding. No offense to the buyer :P) and just do about anything you can ask of us.... for a price. Modeled after the goblin cartels of course. Usual event I'm going to try pushing for is the Blastwrench Bar, held at the outdoor "restaurant" in Bilgewater Harbor weekly. If anyone wants to join, just contact me, Trade Prince Kabs Nimblefingers!
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90 Blood Elf Rogue
I've got another guild to add to your list, thanks! :)

Malevolence Incarnate

Website: None just yet.
Guild chat: IC, taking the form of a Hearthstone-based Walkie talkie system. Soon to be a location of my choosing.
OOC Channel: MIOOC

Malevolence Incarnate was formed to be a safe haven for the criminals and outlaws of the horde, or anyone looked to stay safe during the days of Hellscream's horde. We protect our own, no questions asked, and require that our members have a certain skill to add to our repetoire. A council of a certain number of people will eventually be our main source of leadership, and soon, assignments will be given out to specific members or small groups of members. We'll keep you safe and out of the eyes of the horde, in return for your loyalty. Those looking for a place to lay low, keep from starvation, or conduct their business in private, they need look no farther, than Malevolence Incarnate.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
Edited by Armaya on 1/6/2011 3:08 PM PST
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Here's a new Human/Worgen rp guild;

Sons of Lordaeron
GM: Earanduil
Site: coming soon

IC/OOC - Guild chat is OOC, though it may sometimes contain rp.
Vent for members.

We are the survivors of the Third War that have banded together to reclaim and restore Lordaeron and it's client kingdoms, including Gilneas. We are a mature group that wishes to create and sustain more good RP on this server. We are looking to bolster our ranks with human and worgen in any class save warlocks and druids. Exceptions always apply but the story must tie in well with our basic guild backstory. So come forth Sons of Lordaeron and reclaim what is yours!
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65 Goblin Mage
Horde Guild:

Payload Inc
Website: Under Construction
Head Honcho: Chachaa
Vice Honcho: Trïxïe
Officers: Möxïe (Yes Lady) & Kinkiesnax (Middleman)

IC/OOC - Guild chat is IC with minimal ooc in (()). We roleplay hard. :)
Step right up, fine citizens of Azeroth! And welcome, to Payload! The finest collection of minds the Goblin race could muster, all together in one super-power of a group! Some of the most magnificent pieces of goblin technology will be born from the brilliant minds of our members, and deals of titanic magnitudes will be handled by our business men. We're bringing one hell of a bang to the Horde, so I hope you're ready!

All goblins are welcome. From any profession, any line of work, any corner of Azeroth! And for all of you envious non-goblins, don't worry! Job opportunities just might become available. After all, we'll always need volunteers to test our products!

You wants an interview??

Send a message to any of the fine gobos listed above and prepare for a panel interview. You read correctly! PANEL INTERVIEW = PROFITS!
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89 Human Paladin
Here's another for ya...

Alliance Guild:

Pia Presidium
Website: piapresidium.guildportal.com
Guild Leader: Gentyl
Guild Chat: IC (though we're not super-strict about it)
OOC Channel: piaooc

We are a militaristic holy order sworn to protect the Cathedral, Stormwind, and the people of Azeroth from internal and external threats. We are known for our honor and fairness.

OOC: We accept all classes except Warlocks (even the occasional Death Knight, though we are very selective here in regards to the backstory and character's personality) and all races. Please see our web site above for more information on applying.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Guilds have been updated, a lot of guilds have been removed due to inactivity.

I am adding a new rule here because it's becoming extremely annoying to see someone request a week old guild to the list and then those people all but disappear off the server.

Your guild must be active for 14 days for me to place it upon the list.

If you have any issues with this, you can find me in HordeOOC.
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90 Human Death Knight
An update for AAMS:AB, if you would be so kind.

AAMS: Alliance Branch

Guild Leader: Aeldgyth
Guild Chat: IC
OOC Channel: yes, please ask a Boardmember, Executive, or Branch Manager

Thanks much!
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88 Gnome Death Knight
Actually, both AAMS versions could use an upgrade, next time you do a round:


Website: aams.guildportal.com
Guild Leader: Sulfon
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use HordeOOC.
Contact: Sulfon, Andelia, Yotingo, Nyzil

The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.


<AAMS Alliance Branch>

Website: aams.guildportal.com
Guild Leader: Aeldgyth
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use HordeOOC.
Contact: Aeldgyth, Vasilia, Verogoth, Jolcasta

The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated. :-)
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<Gilnean Liberty Brigade>

Website: http://forums.gilneanlibertybrigade.org/
Guild Leader: Alisma
Guild Chat: So far OOC, this could change though.
Contact: Alisma, Evrithiki (or as these are both alts, drop a letter or find Cleoh and Poni hordeside).

Gilnean Liberty Brigade - fighting for the freedom of our land and defending the liberty of our people. We support the Gilnean Liberation Front and other Gilnean freedom efforts with political speech, rallying, and awareness-raising.

All those who sympathize with our cause are welcome. Top hats highly recommended.
Edited by Alisma on 4/15/2011 8:42 AM PDT
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100 Night Elf Warrior
Because a certain guild leader hasn't done this yet ;D

Stormwind City Watch

Website: http://www.scw-cc.guildportal.com
Guild Leader: Orwyn
Guild Chat: IC ((OOC channel for members))
Contact ingame: Orwyn or Masser

The Stormwind City Watch is the group of people that uphold the laws not only in the city alone, but the Crown held lands around it, in the name of the King.
Expect to be busy! Daily business ranges from quiet patrols, minor crimes and sometimes even some murder.
((Only polite, respectful and lawfully aligned characters need apply.))
((PS- addiction to shows like CSI a bonus. ;D))
Edited by Masser on 10/6/2011 10:41 PM PDT
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47 Worgen Warlock
Stormwind Jockey Club is dead
Edited by Wallen on 8/6/2012 2:37 PM PDT
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