RP Guild / Event Directory - Upd. 6/2015


100 Blood Elf Paladin
Any differences or changes I should add for the new XP? Or is everything the same guys?
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100 Gnome Priest
The last time I asked for an update, nothing was changed.

AAMS has different contacts now, we moved websites, and of course, the Alliance branch doesn't use /HordeOOC

Website: aams.enjin.com
Guild Leader: ((OOCly Kezrin))
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use HordeOOC.
Contact: Kezrin

The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.

<AAMS Alliance Branch>
Website: aams.enjin.com
Guild Leader: Derscha
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "AAMSOOC" channel for out of character chat. We also use AllianceOOC.
Contact: Derscha

The AAMS -- short for "Anytime & Anywhere Messaging Service" -- is a neutral organization that serves both the Horde and the Alliance, abstaining from conflict (PvP) involving either. They work as couriers, diplomats, translators, and occasionally smugglers between the factions. The <AAMS> and <AAMS Alliance Branch> function as a single guild, with a shared "office" (website), Vent server, etc.
Edited by Derscha on 5/9/2015 8:58 PM PDT
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100 Human Mage
Dysfunctional Veterans was created as a full spectrum guild with the intent of being inclusive of all types of people and characters. Particularly welcome are those who are veterans or currently serving in the Armed Forces. DV is a role play guild of true neutral alignment, while participation in RP is not a requirement for membership, respect is. We hope our members are able to immerse themselves however they see fit while able to Raid, PVP, role play or just hang around casually and make friends in game.

We are located on the Cenarion Circle / Sisters of Elune server group. It is a very small and friendly community with longstanding guilds of all types and alignments. If DV doesn't sound like your particular cup of tea, or vodka, contact us anyway and its very likely we can link you with a guild that can provide exactly what you are looking for.

Current Recruitment needs

Raid Officers
PVP Officers
Raiders - all positions available
PVPers - all positions available
Roleplayers or those interested in RP
Casual players
US veterans and service members of all branches.

We are far from the norm among guilds, not groundbreaking, but you wont find many out there who operate like we do.

Contact Disco#1645 or any member of the DV who is online or visit DV-ccsoe.org

Current Role play: The DV is a criminal style guild based off a "mob" style themed. Currently we are working on a large storyline along with a couple other Stormwind based guilds. Our goal is to give the lawful aligned guilds something of a catalyst to role play against. At this time we are running three in guild events a week and looking to expand them to a open style event where all will be welcomed to join us.

Raids: Currently we are still seeking anyone interested in join our AM or PM raid groups. Especially anyone with the knowledge and interest in assisting with or leading a raid group. We are not concerned with ilvl of the toon as we will assist with helping get the toon geared for raiding, what we do require is a drive to be part of the group and willingness to learn the fights and some add on's will be required for the raid teams.

PvP: Currently we do not have a established PvP group but are looking for more players to round out a team.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
Guilds Updated. Events need to be updated, if anyone could give me a hand of what is and isn't running now a days?
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100 Undead Priest
Please change Doomguard information:


Website: http://doomguardcc.enjin.com/home
Guild Leader: Vaqnegh
IC/OOC: Guild Chat: In-character, with an "Guardooc" channel for out of character chat. We also use HordeOOC.
Contact: Vaqnegh, Bloodgrief, Kelden, Auryla, Clottia
Vent Server: Yes
Guild Type: RP/PvP/PvE

Do You Have What It Takes?

The Warchief Commands an Army of a Thousand blades... But sometimes a situation arises where one blade will succeed where a thousand will fail. A covert mission behind enemy lines. An assassination of an important enemy leader. A hit and run strike at a vulnerable post or supply chain.

For these special assignments, that one blade CANNOT FAIL.


We are the Doomguard.

An Elite military force that reports directly to the Warchief. We seek young soldiers and veterans alike, of any race or specialty, who want more than to be one. To Qualify, you must posses Drive, Dedication, and most important, a passion for serving.
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100 Dwarf Warrior
Faction: Alliance
Guild Name: Khaz Modan Explorers
Guild Type Roleplaying
Contacts: Breetie (GM)
Recruiting: Yes
Information: The KME is a role play guild that is currently recruiting to fill it's ranks for players who are interested in roleplaying while exploring, adventuring, and completing achievements... then bragging about such things while sharing a tankard of their favorite drink with friends. This is a new guild currently made up of experienced role players, though we do not require who to be an experienced rp'er to join up, we are happy to assist you if role play is something you are new at, all we ask is that you are interested in learning.

Also we currently have contacts with in other guilds on the server and plan on some future cross guild and even cross faction events once our ranks have enough members to do so. Anyone interested in joining the guild or have questions can leave me a mail in game and I will try to make contact asap.
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100 Blood Elf Warlock
We would like to submit FOR THE HORDE:

Faction: HORDE
Guild Name: Would Crit That
Contacts: Lovithla (GM)
Recruiting: Yes
Information:400+ MEMBERS, 1410+ Achievement Guild Points created June 2015 by Lovithla.
A long time player that enjoys all the aspects of the game - offering a taste of everything the game offers.
We get that this is just a game to have fun playing and people have actual lives. We are VERY helpful with a quirky sense of humor, laugh at inappropriate as long its not to deliberately hurt a players feelings, appreciate alt-aholics, love achievements, offer monthly events with prizes at no obligation to attend.

Most members are 18+ or can handle inappropriate adult humor and we love playing with people so if you are inactive for more than 3 months (with out asking us to hold you do to RL stuff) we will remove you from guild to open slots for active players.

Raid schedule
Leader has full control of the Raiding schedule, accommodates raiders schedule: currently we are running Tue/Thur 7pm realm time and Sats diff times to do Mythic Dungeons. NO OBLIGATIONS to attend- no you won't be penalized for no shows. We only casual raid, meaning we would rather have a low geared guild member come and gear them with out progressing for weeks as group, than play with out side guild pugg and progress but at the guilds over all expense. We do not stress it, we raid to enjoy a diff aspect of the game with our guild members and get the perks of gear and mounts.

TO JOIN: post on the Face Book page your toons name/ day/ time that toon will be on.

Server: Sisters of Elune
Faction: Horde
Website: http://emailkrishere.wix.com/wouldcritthat?fb_ref=Default
Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.../wouldcritthat
WoW Wiki: http://would-crit-th...rit_That_Wikia
Armory: http://us.battle.net...d Crit That&p=1
Gaming: PVP / RP / Battle pet / Questing / Dungeons / Instances / Mount farming / Achievement hording / old Raids and new.

NOTE: We offer Free Guild Vent - And gift 1 member a month a free BattleNet game card !


1 RESPECT-ful to all Guild members.

2 Guild members will not charge other guild members
for services / assistance / materials / anything… if you want to make cash off of people that are in a bind~ find a victim outside of your guild family.
Please help others out and they will help you out- this increases gaming ease, pleasure and comrade for all <3

3 Joking Teasing Acting stupid ...all encouraged! - BUT not when deliberately trying to hurt someones feelings or game play.

4 Be polite IN and OUT of Guild
Remember that you represent the guild- our name is under your name…
when you rage out / hold back heals / tank with no regard to your party ~ people remember that, they won't join your guild, pick you for pre-made groups, pick you for raids or co-guild with us on Raids... cuz your a tool. So represent with pride don't be a tool.

5 If the boss isn’t killed - your dps / damage / heals don’t matter.
Don’t put your recount % above your team or mechanics. Wipes cost money in repairs, learn your class or ask for help.

6 If you see a player without a guild mention us.
No sales pitch or pressure, just mention :)

7. I would like to keep it 16+ so that members can be in-appropriate with out having to worry about a young kid reading chat or listening to chat
(we likey in-appropriate lol) if you are under 21 you can IGNORE ppl in guild chat or MUTE ppl in vent that bother you <3

8. Please participate, even if its just in chat.
Active members make a Guild- build Guild Achievements and open up Guild rewards :) Guilds die a slow death when no one talks/helps.

9. Know that if the GM sees or hears you being a massive tool or causing lame drama to guild members (regardless your rank or theirs) the hammer will will drop. Kristi no likes azz hats, so don't be one please-Skip the barracks go straight to banded….along with all your Alts.

GM/GL - Lovithla
CO- GM: Grosh, Narset
PVP OFFICER: Shahravar
RAID OFFICER (s): Rhiandriael, Grosh

HOLIDAY EVENT OFFICER: *open slot - ask to apply*

MOUNT DROP RUN OFFICER: *open slot - ask to apply*
....Like I said we are VERY ACTIVE lol
Edited by Goldilockz on 12/10/2015 1:14 AM PST
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100 Night Elf Hunter
Please add to the Alliance guild roster.


Where Shadows and Light hold no sway, in the Twilight we stand guard

Faction: Alliance
Guild Type: Role Playing
Contacts: Azzuria ( GM ) or Brunhylda

Raidcall channel: 10189826 ( search Twilight League )

Website: www.Twilightleague.guildportal.com Please apply via the guild portal site, read our charter, RP guidelines and read some of our ( admittedly old ) stories.

Guild Chat is IC / twilightooc is OOC ( obviously )

Twilight League, founded by a Paladin and at least one members of every Alliance race, all of questionable character but unswerving loyalty, we safeguard an ancient relic of dubious origin and unknown power. Hidden from the Powers That Be, we use means frowned up to do that which those who rule would have done but cannot do themselves.

Our Charter
*Keep secret the inner mysteries of the League, and the secrets of your fellow agents

*Help further the health and abilities of the League by answering the call to action and sharing your services and goods. Treat each member of the League as you wish to be treated.

*Make time in your duties to socialize and celebrate with drink and storytelling.

*Aid others in the realm as best you can, and help make the realm a richer place with your words and deeds. Party with others as you would with your guildmates. Respect the Horde, but watch them closely and be ready to defend the realm against any danger.

*Balance strength of character with experience and wealth. Each member is their own person, but always act with honor, even in your most mischievous deeds. Mind the law of the land, and break it where you have to, but remember the higher authorities in this world.

*Learn all you can about the world, adventurers, and guilds of Azeroth. Keep your eyes open and share your knowledge with the League -- we need to know who and what is out there and who we can trust in times of crisis.

*Balance your devotion to the guild and your adventures with your daily commitments. We all have our own secrets and priorities, and the League is a richer place because of it..

If this appeals to you, we are currently seeking new, interested members to flesh out our ranks and rebuild this once great den of honorable, noble outlaws and defenders.
Edited by Azzuria on 9/15/2015 1:22 PM PDT
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55 Draenei Death Knight
Looks like WoD hit this community hard. i was saddened when i checked out Dysfunctional Veterans hoping to join and only seeing one toon holding the guild. I hope there will be another RP workshop / get together so i can attend. I am anxious to see the state of thing s here and to try and fit in.
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100 Blood Elf Mage
I would like to submit my Horde Guild for inclusion, as well as the open weekly Storytelling event described as a regular guild activity below:

<The Broken House>

Overview: The Broken House is one of the oldest guilds on Sisters of Elune, established in 2007. Please check us out at brokenhouse.enjin.com!

The House is intended IC and OOC as a refuge within the world of Azeroth. The RP setting of the guild’s location is a manor in Eversong Woods and its grounds, which once belonged to the family of a powerful magister. Now in the hands of his former apprentice and her legal guardian, the House serves as a home to many individuals of the Horde who need a place of peace and community. All races, classes, and levels are welcome.

Guild Co-Leaders: Eleya and Kathas

Guild Chat is IC.
Officer Chat (open to all members) is OOC.

We use Horde OOC as well.

Weekly Events:

• IC Storytelling (Sundays at 5 pm server): <The Broken House> and Co-Guild Leader Eleya Stargazer have hosted Weekly Storytellings every Sunday since 2008. Held in Thunder Bluff since 2010, these are Cross Realm events open to all RPers. A continuous 8-year tradition, the Storytellings carry on the event as started by the disbanded Crimson Phalanx in the first year of the server’s operation (2007).

• Fun Nights (Fridays at 5 pm server): Led by Co-Guild Leader Kathas Sunrift, Fun Nights allow RPers and casual players within the Broken House to see content, old and new, do weekly events together, as well as spend time relaxing OOC with guildies in our vent. Non-House mains/alts of members of the House are welcome to participate in Fun Nights. Guests of members are also welcome, space permitting.

Guild Philosophy:

Unlike many RP guilds, the leadership of the Broken House does not usually drive a particular story arc for its members. Rather, the House serves as a framework in which individual and small group driven stories can thrive.

We of the Broken House are creative writers, friendly and supportive players, and most importantly, friends. Our OOC motto is “Real Life Always Comes First.” We have a policy of not kicking for in-activity, and welcome back returning members whom Real Life, other games, or subscription costs have kept away. Busy professionals, college students, members of the military, parents, and all others struggling with work-life-game balance are welcome.

Joining the Broken House:

Please apply at brokenhouse.enjin.com. An IC interview is also required. Applicants are encouraged to attend Storytelling, if personal schedules allow, and are welcome to come to Fun Night and vent to meet their potential guildies OOC.

At this time we do not accept members under the age of 18. Mature, responsible, friendly players 18 or over who are skilled at RP or interested in learning how to RP are welcome.

Alts with mains in other guilds (including guild leaders of other guilds) are also welcome!


Weekends and evenings are the most active time for members of the House due largely to the makeup of its membership. Most, but not all, players are in the Eastern or Central Time Zones.
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