RP Guild / Event Directory - Upd. 6/2015


47 Worgen Warlock
So new guilds will be ignored and never advertised? How are we to attract new members? Spamming guild recruitment is obnoxious to say the least, and it is far easier to list a guild here as a potential rp guild than to spam chat.
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
04/16/2011 05:27 PMPosted by Wallen
So new guilds will be ignored and never advertised? How are we to attract new members? Spamming guild recruitment is obnoxious to say the least, and it is far easier to list a guild here as a potential rp guild than to spam chat.

Thanks for reading the entire comment.

New guilds are NOT ignored. They have a waiting time to be published. I can't even begin to count the number of guilds I've put up here, and had to take down 2 weeks after because they stopped playing, stopped recruiting, stopped whatever.

I could be a total *@%@* and require 5 levels before I put your guild on the list. But am I? No. People can still read the entire thread and see your guild. I just wait a week or so before I put it up.
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47 Worgen Warlock
Thank you, I did not mean to come across so harshly, it was 4 o clock in the morning when I read that. I am trying to get the guild going, and will continue to post in hopes I can get more interest. I totally understand your point, it is hard to get established on an rp server until you have been there a long time. I promote rp whenever I can and try to do so peaceably. Thanks for the thread to list the guilds!
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85 Goblin Shaman
Is Alterac University still around, out of curiosity?
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90 Human Priest
Website: http://www.conclaveguild.org
Guild Leader: Genevra
IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC Guild Chat
Contact: Genevra, Jacksen, Dustwing
RP: Medium-Full Time

Originally founded to harbor individual's search for answers, Conclave is a loosely affiliated order surrounded on the quest for enlightenment and answers to those grand scheme of things questions. Members are you searching for answers in these dark times, or defenders of truth (whether big big picture or self truths... either works) Med-Full time RP, PvE (Dungeons) and PvP as well. We also host: The Light and You (6p server on Wednesdays).

Weekly Events:

[A]The Light and You - A discussion focused on the Light and it's interaction and influence on the inhabitants of Azeroth. This is held on Wednesday nights at 6pm server. The location varies from week to week.
Edited by Genevra on 6/11/2011 2:14 PM PDT
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Cleoh, not really. Lariana, who was the GM last, has disappeared, and Bhayne, second in command, only logs on on occasion due to RL.

I've been trying to get a hold of Lariana, however.
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100 Orc Hunter
((Thank you so much for keeping this up and going Araceli!))


Website: http://doomguard.guildportal.com
Guild Leader: Bloodgrief
IC/OOC Guild Chat: In-character, with an "Guardooc" channel for out of character chat. We also use HordeOOC.
Contact: Bloodgrief, Bloodwine, Valmorta, Balereth

Doomguard -- Originally commissioned as a division of the Orgrimmar City guard, the Doomguard has served many functions. First and foremost has always been home defense, but often it has been called upon the division to do strike work in locations all around Azeroth and beyond. They served with distinction on several special operation assignments early in the Division's establishment.

Due to events starting with the Lich King's return from Northrend, the division was first put into a limited capacity assignment, then later made inactive reserve. Our banner was put away and we served as regular members of the City guard, reassigned as required.

After the return of Deathwing, and the horrific losses of life suffered, a new push to protect the members of the Horde, and reclaim our besieged lands has been established and we are once again allowed to recruit and search out enemies of the Horde, wherever they hide. Our specific focus will be pushing back the line near the Homelands, but the best defense is a good offense, so we will be pushing into enemy territory as soon as member strength permits.

Join us in the defense of our homes and neighbors! Join us in the pursuit of our enemies! FOR THE HORDE!
Edited by Bloodgrief on 6/6/2011 3:17 PM PDT
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100 Human Warlock
Event: Scarlet Raven Tavern Night
When: Friday evenings, usually starting around 8pm server time (pst)
Where: The Scarlet Raven Tavern in Duskwood
Hosted by: Kalleesti & Trever, proprietors of the Scarlet Raven, home to the Esoteric Darkshire Cabal.
Why: Why not? RP socializing can be fun :)

The new proprietors of the Scarlet Raven Tavern in Duskwood (Kalleesti & Trever) invite you to join them in an evening of drink, dance & camaraderie. Lets bring merriment back to Duskwood!

*UPDATE for listing*

Esoteric Darkshire Cabal
Guild Leader: Kalleesti, with Freihda, Trever
IC/OOC - Guild chat is OOC, with slight IC influences

TheEsoteric Darkshire Cabal are a close-knit group of people who harbour knowledge of things unseen by most. Our guild members are helpful, social, respectful & friendly, and somewhat insane. Applicants are required to meet/speak with Kalleesti if interested in joining the guild. All levels & classes are welcome!
Edited by Kalleesti on 12/3/2011 2:36 AM PST
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85 Human Rogue
House Savelli
Website: To come
Guild Leader: Cristoforo
IC/OOC Guild Chat: OOC
IC Channel: Yes

<House Savelli> is a heavy RP guild representative of a family of human nobles and the men and women loyal to them. We are quite new and are currently seeking reliable "core" members to help the guild grow. Raid and PvP teams are likely to come in the future. All classes, levels, and races are accepted, but be aware that you may have to edit your character's backstory in order to fit in as a member of the family itself.
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Phlogiston Brotherhood

Guild Leader: Professor Galahn Tinhelm

IC/OOC Guild Chat: Both

IC Channel: Market

OOC Channel: (Given when inducted)

The Phlogiston Brotherhood was founded in Dalaran some time before the Cataclysm shook the world. A small number of heroes of the Alliance had simply seen too much to feel comfortable rallying against any cause but those of the Burning Legion and the madness of the Old Gods. So, they decided to band together as elite craftsmen to help supply those people who they deem of good cause with the finest weapons available.

The founders encompass Earthen elemental smithing, Dwarven gunsmithing and gem carving. The Brotherhood is looking to expand into other specialty crafts, and is eager to help young adventurers on their way to heroism with a solid apprenticeship.
Edited by Galahn on 6/26/2011 11:12 AM PDT
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85 Human Rogue
I will soon make a guild when I make a toon there, where I the guild master will hand out contracts thru mail and/or Gryphon Heart Items addon (You will be required to have the addon, not really when join, but sooner or later when your sent on quests.) Maybe a assassin, scout guild, or a mercenary guild. I'll think about it.
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Second request for Phlogiston Brotherhood after 3 weeks. I'm still here and plan to stay!
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
Updated and reorganized/redone. Enjoy.
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90 Blood Elf Priest
Caer Darrow Renewal Project is a regular Thursday night event:

WHAT: Cross-faction RP (translated by the AAMS). Different player-run businesses and attractions each week.

WHERE: The abandoned city at Caer Darrow, the large island in the Western Plaguelands (marked on the map as the site of the Scholomance instance).

WHEN: Every Thursday night at 7:30 PM server time.

WHO: Horde and Alliance both welcome! The AAMS translates between the two, and supervises the event.

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100 Worgen Death Knight
Hey Araceli, if you wouldn't mind, please change the Guildmaster name for The Reclamation to Ragefang.

Brynn was, errr... "recalled" to Acherus for, ahh.... "re-education". ;)

In short, I racechanged. :Þ
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90 Blood Elf Paladin
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The Gilnean Liberty Brigade is technically still around. Just been busy with other toons. Would love to find an active second in command.
Edited by Alisma on 9/7/2011 12:38 PM PDT
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31 Undead Warlock
New listing, may be holding an event or so soon.

The Shadows of Lordaeron

Guild Leader: Lady Merain Carver
IC/OOC Guild chat: IC
OOC Channel: Yes, for members
Contact: Merain, Augent, Darnathos, Eldantios.

<The Shadows of Lordaeron> is a Forsaken-centric guild focusing on securing and maintaining Lordaeron for the Forsaken. We also embrace the Forgotten Shadow. While we support our Dark Lady, we are leery of depending on the Scourge-based Val'kyr for our survival. We are always seeking scientists, spiritualists, politicos and battlemasters to join with us for a glorious future!
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Updated info for Shadows, when you get to it, please and thank you. :)

The Shadows of Lordaeron

Guild Leader: Lisabine Belrose
IC/OOC Guild chat: IC
OOC Channel: Yes, for members
Contact: Merain, Augent, Darnathos, Eldantios, Lisabine
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100 Human Warlock
A HUGE favour to ask:
Could yoiu please change the name of the Esoteric Order of Dagon to Esoteric Darkshire Cabal??

Thank you in advance!
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