The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen

100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/26/2014 10:30 AMPosted by Finnaeus
"Ah, now eventually you do plan to have dinosaurs on your, on your dinosaur tour, right? Hello?"

"I really hate that man..."
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97 Blood Elf Priest
I do not give them up the street
I do not give them with my feet
I do not give them in the light
I do not give them after night
Oh! what a counting life to live!
Counting all the !@#$s I do not give.
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
*backs slowly from the thread scrubbing her eyes furiously with a Moist Towelette*

I Love, LOVE Moist Towelette's
*Eye Sparkles*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/28/2014 06:34 PMPosted by Liore
I do not give them up the street
I do not give them with my feet
I do not give them in the light
I do not give them after night
Oh! what a counting life to live!
Counting all the !@#$s I do not give.

Very profound, Dr. Seuss.
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100 Goblin Warlock
Where's my copy of the goat sim?


I was told there was a goat sim in this thread and we wants it now!!!
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100 Draenei Warrior
*begins her hunt to destroy all copies of this atrocious simulation*
Edited by Noikona on 3/30/2014 6:59 AM PDT
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/30/2014 06:58 AMPosted by Noikona
*begins her hunt to destroy all copies of this atrocious simulation*

Trying to hide your starring role in it? Oop. *puts his hand over his mouth* Did I say that out loud?
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Shots fired!
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100 Draenei Shaman

*crashes The Exodar into Ketiron*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
*tries to figure out how to navigate around the crash site and find his way back to his body*

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*Finnheals Ketiron back into his body*

Finnheals are potent - but expensive. That save will cost you, at a time and price of my choosing.

*steeples his branches together, and then treecackles*
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100 Blood Elf Paladin
03/31/2014 09:05 AMPosted by Finnaeus
*Finnheals Ketiron back into his body*

Finnheals are potent - but expensive. That save will cost you, at a time and price of my choosing.

*steeples his branches together, and then treecackles*

...Dammit again.

*commits suicide using Ra'sha's Sacrificial Dagger*
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100 Draenei Warrior
03/31/2014 09:05 AMPosted by Finnaeus
*Finnheals Ketiron back into his body*

Finnheals are potent - but expensive. That save will cost you, at a time and price of my choosing.

*steeples his branches together, and then treecackles*

...Dammit again.

*commits suicide using Ra'sha's Sacrificial Dagger*

And the peasants rejoice!!!

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Why is it that every time I heal or resurrect someone, they *always* wind up dead again? It's not like I was going to demand much.

The nerve of some people. So ungrateful.

*rustles his boughs and then treewaddles back to the sauna*
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97 Blood Elf Priest
I hold your rez as a form of wipe prevent.

Unravel THAT particular metaphoric implication.
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97 Blood Elf Priest
Chakra, when the walls fell.
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That the whole changing factions from classes thing is a prank makes me a weepy weeping willow.
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100 Worgen Warlock
Gnomes working with goblins. Blasphemy!
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04/01/2014 01:01 PMPosted by Rakeri
Gnomes working with goblins. Blasphemy!

The technological advancements would either revolutionize the world to the point where there would be infinite peace, or they would destroy the world utterly.

There is no middle ground when you're less than four feet tall.
Edited by Finnaeus on 4/1/2014 1:45 PM PDT
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