Hey! My potions are waaayyyy better than anything a gnome could brew!
The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen
*pops twilight ward*
You're gonna have to do better than that lawn ornament!
You're gonna have to do better than that lawn ornament!
Meanwhile, real guilds are actually trying to recruit people.
*Affixes tie to his neck bark. A squirrel hangs out of one of his boughs, holding up a wanted sign written in crayon*
Some of us are trying to do actual work here.
Some of us are trying to do actual work here.
*moves her fingers together showing the universal sign of the desire to be paid, while looking at Rakeri*
Is the goblin being a nuisance?
Is the goblin being a nuisance?
04/01/2014 08:05 PMPosted by LioreMeanwhile, real guilds are actually trying to recruit people.
My sincerest apologies for contributing to the derailing of this very serious thread but... it was all the gnome's fault!
*glares at Rakeri*
Anyway, please accept these glowy, green donuts in reparation for my miniscule part in his actions.
04/02/2014 08:21 AMPosted by Yuuko*moves her fingers together showing the universal sign of the desire to be paid, while looking at Rakeri*
Is the goblin being a nuisance?
*rubs chin*
Hmmm... You sound and look vaguely familiar... Did we go to high school together or somethin'?
Ooooh tastes like orphan.
Elf orphans to be precise!
And why does LIO get the orphan donut? Why does he get everything while I do all the work?
*shakes his roots furiously, nearly dislodging the now three squirrels holding crayon-scratched wanted signs*
*shakes his roots furiously, nearly dislodging the now three squirrels holding crayon-scratched wanted signs*
Because Liore is a somebody! He runs his own guild, has money, is good looking and wears ravishing dresses now that he is a priest.
But you? You're just a troll that likes to eat crayons that squirrels have handled.
But you? You're just a troll that likes to eat crayons that squirrels have handled.
04/02/2014 12:55 PMPosted by MormelBut you? You're just a troll that likes to eat crayons that squirrels have handled.
Then I grossly object to the standards set for being a somebody. If crayon eating is wrong, I don't want to be right.
*furiously munches a cerulean crayon and glares at the booger warlock*
Edited by Finnaeus on 4/2/2014 3:18 PM PDT
I cramped a muscle around my gut the other day, and now it hurts again from all the laughing. Thanks. 'preciate it.
*Sneaks up behind Finn while he is distracted eating his crayon and lights his roots on fire*
-Loads revolver, bullet by bullet.-
Only one man is man enough to be allowed to manhandle my man druid.
-Snaps revolver shut. Glares up from beneath the rim of his stetson.-
And that man is not you men.
-His ravishing dress flutters so very carelessly in a warm spring breeze.-
Only one man is man enough to be allowed to manhandle my man druid.
-Snaps revolver shut. Glares up from beneath the rim of his stetson.-
And that man is not you men.
-His ravishing dress flutters so very carelessly in a warm spring breeze.-
04/02/2014 03:18 PMPosted by FinnaeusThen I grossly object to the standards set for being a somebody. If crayon eating is wrong, I don't want to be right.
*furiously munches a cerulean crayon and glares at the booger warlock*
Hey! I'm not a booger warlock! I'm a booger fire mage... with green fire... that summons demons... and conjures glowy green don-
You know what! Just eat your critter crayons!
04/02/2014 06:27 PMPosted by Liore-Loads revolver, bullet by bullet.-
Only one man is man enough to be allowed to manhandle my man druid.
-Snaps revolver shut. Glares up from beneath the rim of his stetson.-
And that man is not you men.
-His ravishing dress flutters so very carelessly in a warm spring breeze.-
You know what! Just eat your critter crayons!
I can't now! Belpha set me on fire, and while I can totally regrow after being razed, the squirrels were not so fortunate.
Let the world know that Belpha is a squirrel murderer.
04/02/2014 06:27 PMPosted by Liore-His ravishing dress flutters so very carelessly in a warm spring breeze.-
I don't want to undermine your gallantry - which was completely admirable - but your, ahem, ravishing dress is your bathrobe.
I can't now! Belpha set me on fire, and while I can totally regrow after being razed, the squirrels were not so fortunate.
Let the world know that Belpha is a squirrel murderer.
This! This is why you can't have nice things!
Regardless, I'll be sure to add Belpha's name to the Book of Grudges.
04/03/2014 11:19 AMPosted by FinnaeusI don't want to undermine your gallantry - which was completely admirable - but your, ahem, ravishing dress is your bathrobe.
You keep talkin' like that and he won't give you a bonus this year.
Anyway, don't listen to him Liore! Your smexy bathrobe themed dress is stunning!
The bathrobe dress can also be...
-Ties around face.-
...A hat!
-Ties around face.-
...A hat!
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