...Lio. By all that's holy, put your clothes back on.
The Weathered Cot: Sway A While And Listen
04/03/2014 06:27 PMPosted by Ketiron...Lio. By all that's holy, put your clothes back on.
There are things that, once seen, cannot be unseen.
I'm glad the squirrels didn't live to see this.
*flicks the charred remains of the squirrels out of his boughs*
They're all on me about Insanity being better burst, but honestly I'm really addicted to the whack-a-mole proc style of WDCL. Hard casting once or twice every 15 seconds is always a good place for a mouth-breathing mongoloid melee addict like myself.
*sneakily replaces all of Finn's squirrel's with frogs*
The hell did these frogs come from?
Ah well - never look a gift frog in the tongue, that's what they say right?
*forces paper and crayons into their webbed hands*
Start writing. We have recruitment to do. No freeloaders on this tree!
Ah well - never look a gift frog in the tongue, that's what they say right?
*forces paper and crayons into their webbed hands*
Start writing. We have recruitment to do. No freeloaders on this tree!
FROGS! Don't worry, Finn, I'll save you! *brings out the
Goblin Dragon Gun, Mark II*

*hexes Ketiron before he can ignite all the frogs and then places Ketifrog in a terrarium*
*gasps as the hexed frog drops the Goblin Dragon Gun, Mark II*
Everyone hit the deck!
*Mormel darts behind Liore and cowers in fear*
Everyone hit the deck!
*Mormel darts behind Liore and cowers in fear*
*Ketiron being a goblin engineer, of course, the gun blows up, sending bits of shrapnel every which way*
-Clipping his toenails majestically.-
*dives behind Liore to shield himself from the shrapnel*
*pushes Belpha back out into the open*
Find your own hidey spot space goat! This one's taken!
Find your own hidey spot space goat! This one's taken!
-Almost musters some note of protest, but soon too occupied removing chunks of shrapnel from his person.-
-Deeply questions what Kordrion considers problemsolving.-
*removes another dead frog from his limbs in disgust. The corpse is littered with toe shrapnel*
It's always the innocent that suffer. Why my hired help only lives for days at a time - I can't stand this emotional rollercoaster I'm on.
*sticks another crayon-scrawled help wanted sign on his bark*
Just another sad day for the tree. Today, I am a weeping willow.
It's always the innocent that suffer. Why my hired help only lives for days at a time - I can't stand this emotional rollercoaster I'm on.
*sticks another crayon-scrawled help wanted sign on his bark*
Just another sad day for the tree. Today, I am a weeping willow.
All this time and energy spent faffing about, and we could be -writing- things.
But the troll tree did write somethin'!
*points at crayon-scrawled sign*
See! He's lookin' for more critters ta fondle!
*points at crayon-scrawled sign*
See! He's lookin' for more critters ta fondle!
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