05/01/2014 08:06 PMPosted by
Genevra That and we love the gnomes.
Aww. *gnome giggle*
A biased opinion, but I would recommend Conclave, especially if you're new to RP. We are very new-guy friendly and can help out with your RP as you're getting your feet wet. :)
As a matter of fact this community if filled with great knowledgeable friendly people. All you need to do is ask!
Join our Alliance OOC Channel (OOC = Out Of Character) or our Horde OOC Channel and say hi once you decide on a faction, or roll one of each side and go from there. Chat with us, get to know the community and decide as you go. Chances are that you'll hop from one guild to another as you figure out your character and which fits best, and that's ok. Those two channels are below:
/join allianceooc
/join hordeooc
But as I was saying about Conclave, whisper Genevra or I anytime in-game or shoot us a mail. We'll get ya in and get ya started, or help point you in the right direction.
That thread that was mention above, the one listing all the RP guilds on this realm. Here is the link.
We lovingly call it the MACRO OF DOOOOOOOOOOM!